2017/12/15 21:01:21
Hello All, 
I would like to ask you all if you have found an alternative DAW that supports the VS-700 better that the others.  I am not looking to buy new hardware now or any time soon.   I have the VS-700 set, Platinum lifetime and lots of other Cakewalk software.  I am planning on staying with Sonar as long as I can but want to have a backup plan. 
Also know support won’t be the same for this hardware as it is in Sonar currently.  For the 700C it looks like other software will have to use Mackie Control or HUI control surfaces setups if available, as far as I know.  Think the 700R will work with most of the software these days.  I have no idea about how the Fantom VS hardware synthesizer will work outside of Sonar.  Please shed some light on this if I am miss informed. 
Functionality, reliability, stability, features compared to Sonar, sound quality, FX and editing tools are good way to measure the other DAWs.  Price could also be a factor, there are some limited time crossgrade or competitive upgrade deals I have found thru reading this forum.  I want to test some of the trial versions but can’t do them all.  Hoping by asking here, I can focus on testing the front runners first.   
Thanks for your input and help. 
2017/12/15 21:22:57
Great questions, I am waiting to hear.
2017/12/16 15:49:09
Also know support won’t be the same for this hardware as it is in Sonar currently.  For the 700C it looks like other software will have to use Mackie Control or HUI control surfaces setups if available, as far as I know.

So, for control surface part (only).
Any DAW will work with it as with Mackie Control or HUI. But anything above that level, so at the level of Sonar, is THEORETICALLY possible with the following 3 DAW:
Reaper, Bitwig and Ableton
All three support extended scripting for control surfaces. All other big players do not support that and since VS700 is long time obsolete, there is no change that will be done on "corporate" level.
Theoretical possibility does not mean practical result. Someone with the device, the DAW in question and sufficient skills will have to spend significant amount of time. That combination is rare.
F.e. my next DAW is Reaper and I have sufficient skills, but I do not have VS700.
2017/12/16 20:32:50
After 20 years working with Sonar, I have started to learn Logic Pro 10 since I heard the news. v-studio 700c is working on logic when I load Mackie controller as a control surface. But some of the knobs and pots won't send the right command. for example, when I press Undo, it will act as the save button. I am working on remapping some of them to work with logic properly.
2017/12/17 07:32:25
I'm currently trying Studio One but haven't spent much time with it yet as I still use Sonar as primary DAW software.
Studio One supports Mackie ctrl surfaces but using the VS700 only properly supports faders and mute & solo buttons. To get the rest properly working will have to do a MIDI intercept+remapping exercise for which I use BOME MIDI translator. This worked fine for extending VS700 options in Sonar and I assume it will also work with Studio One but I don't know when I get around to set it up properly ...
2018/01/01 14:43:30
I found this thread after starting my own thread on the same topic - however, a bit specific to Logic Pro. I am about to embark on setting up my VS700 for use with Logic Pro 9. Any hints or caveats would be fantastic to hear. Thank you!

2018/01/02 18:41:21
As long as the VS-700 hardware set works, you never need to upgrade to another DAW.  All you have to do is dedicate a computer to the VS-700 DAW set and you're set for life. Or until the hardware fails.
I don't know why people think they need a new DAW someday, if the hardware still works. As long as the hardware works, the software can work too with a dedicated Win 7 computer.
2018/01/03 13:02:19
Jean-Philippe ROGER
As long as the VS-700 hardware set works, you never need to upgrade to another DAW.  All you have to do is dedicate a computer to the VS-700 DAW set and you're set for life. Or until the hardware fails.
I don't know why people think they need a new DAW someday, if the hardware still works. As long as the hardware works, the software can work too with a dedicated Win 7 computer.

Totally agree with you !
2018/01/03 13:26:14
While the above is true, it doesn't address my question.  I have made the decision to switch to a "living" product and am looking for information on Logic and the VS-700.  Sonar was the only reason I was staying on Windows and have now made the move to migrate away.  I'd love information on that.  Thanks again!
2018/01/04 13:39:35
Studio One supports Mackie ctrl surfaces but using the VS700 only properly supports faders and mute & solo buttons. To get the rest properly working will have to do a MIDI intercept+remapping exercise for which I use BOME MIDI translator.

Do you use the Bome MIDI Translator Classic 1.6.1 for Windows or the Pro 1.8 version? 
Also, out of the box you said Studio Ones supports faders and mute and solo.  Do you recall if any of the transport is functional? 
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