• ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [Updated: Dec 11, 2018] (p.84)
2018/10/02 05:34:55
Is there a way to provide some focus to this thread?  
2018/10/02 08:09:30
This thread is pinned. What focus do you need?
2018/10/02 11:59:39
Please then tell me what the focus of the thread is.  There are many threads on this site.  This one seems to be just about the new product and how to get it up and running?  Or is it more?  Or is it just everything?
2018/10/02 15:44:31
Please then tell me what the focus of the thread is.  There are many threads on this site.  This one seems to be just about the new product and how to get it up and running?  Or is it more?  Or is it just everything?

When I ask for those synths and plug-ins, is because they were once part of the product, and I am waiting them to be back again as part of the new product bundle. You have the right to be not interested in them, but it doesn't mean my question is "out of focus" at all.
2018/10/02 16:26:51
michael diemer
I think it's a good idea to have a thread or two on any forum that is kind of wide open, kind of a clearing house for assorted odds and ends. I see no problem with the focus with this thread.
2018/10/02 16:40:17
i suspect posters think bandlab are reading these requests
2018/10/02 17:17:06
i suspect posters think bandlab are reading these requests

Of course not.  This isn't the Features & Improvements thread.

2018/10/02 17:44:08
i suspect posters think bandlab are reading these requests

Probably you are right, but this thread was created by Meng, so...
2018/10/03 03:21:52
Probably you are right, but this thread was created by Meng, so...

At this point, I think it BandLab likely only skims this thread (it is 28 pages and counting). Any new fixes and updates by BandLab are added to the first post of this thread, and new reports of issues are probably looked at during the first few days.

The official Features Request thread (it was started by Meng, so I assume it is official), which is also pinned, probably gets a little more attention, though I suspect that the BandLab folks have plenty of new ideas collected from it already. It would take years to work through them all. You should use that thread to put features requests, even ones asking that "previous" standard plugins be added back into the product.
2018/10/03 16:45:13
You should use that thread to put features requests, even ones asking that "previous" standard plugins be added back into the product.

I don't think so. In fact, I've used the official Features Request thread to suggest new features, but this is not an idea nor a novelty, is just asking if there are plans for some former tools to come back.
Imagine the new CbB doesn't include your most beloved SONAR feature. Where would you ask about it?
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