2018/11/05 10:51:51
Has anyone heard about these?
Dexibell=New company operating out of old Roland plant in Italy. Watch

2018/11/12 08:35:30
No one??!?!
2018/11/12 09:23:56
It wouldn't surprise me if they get their keyboards from Fatar seeing they're also based in Italy (and a lot of other manufacturers use Fatar keyboards too).
If they do, that's probably a good thing. I've never had issues with Fatar keyboards.
2018/11/13 01:46:06
I have heard of them, but have no idea if they are a good product. But they are interesting and well worth investing some time to explore it, I would say. And if you do find out more, can you post your findings here? Thanks.
2018/11/13 12:59:42
Having watched this demo, I'd say it's a pretty good product. I wish it wasn't as heavy as it is (the flagship S9 is over 44 lbs, which for little ol' me is way too heavy for the amount of gigging I do--with no roadies). 
Check it out--very impressive all-music demo video. Also, very $$$ about 4k, equivalent to the Nord pianos...
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