2018/11/16 09:43:01
Hi Guys, i've been a long time vs700 user and fan and after all these years i ran into a new problem.
After the change to Win10 i had to change the device class to MME instead of asio in order to get my VS700 rack and console to work with win10 AND adobe audition, if i choose asio, i got no sound, with MME everything sounds great.
As i am a voiceover i only used to need 1 input and 1 output, however, i would now like to use more of the routing capabilitys of my vs700. 
Problem is, in MME i can only assign 1 input and 1 output, in asio, no sound, so i tried WASAPI, hooray, i can now choose all the in and outputs of my VS700R !! and it sounds great to, but now... i can't record anymore.
It sounds like the bitrate is off or something, when i record it sounds digital distorted as if the clock is not correct.  Can anyone point me in a direction where to look to solve this ?
2018/11/16 10:44:26
Thanks to someone on this forum i've found the solution to my problem, Under preferences/audio hardware i had to tick the 'take exclusive control of devices' box and play a little with the latency to get it right.
2018/11/21 01:44:52
Glad you got that sorted out!  Enjoy!
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