2018/12/07 16:02:50
What channel is the midi info on? Is it the same as what Modo bass is set to receive?
2018/12/09 19:33:25
What channel is the midi info on? Is it the same as what Modo bass is set to receive?

I believe so.
2018/12/15 01:04:50
Did you ever get this working?
2018/12/16 05:36:15
Did you ever get this working?

No, but still works flawlessly with Reaper. Very strange. I can open a new project, load MODO and hit notes on the virtual fretboard and it works fine. As soon as I import ANY midi into CbB it quits working. However, when playing the track I can see the meters jumping..zero sound.
Latest version installed. Also, I have the latest version installed on my studio machine with no issues at all.
A massive HELL YEAH to the person that figures this one out. \m/
2018/12/16 08:40:52
Let me ask this, when you start a new project, do you have any other midi trks that are not assigned to anything?
Are the output of Modo bass still the same after you import the midi?
Do a test: Record some midi with MODO. Export that midi, then import it back in and see if it works.
Also how are you importing the midi? With the Import command in the menu or just dragging it in?
2018/12/16 20:32:26
When I start a new project I open an empty project. Insert the synths I want to use then import the midi with the import command. For bass I always transpose it up a whole octave.
I don't think there's any changes in the output. I've messed with that and nothing works. I will try the test you suggested when I can get back that machine.
I'm curious if anyone else is having midi/synth issues?
2018/12/16 22:14:14
So are you saying that after you import the MIDI, you can not get any sound out of the bass instrument, even if you click on the fretboard?
If you are using a simple instrument track, try the "Split instrument track" to get the separate MIDI and audio tracks, then investigate the output routing of the tracks.
2018/12/17 10:42:33
Never thought to ask about a SIT! (Simple Instrument Track) I always use split trks and assumed (I know) he was using split trks too!! Good question abacab!
2018/12/17 10:42:33
2018/12/17 14:58:09
Put the MIDI file you are importing somewhere we can download it and take a look.  Or create a brand new blank Cakewalk project, add MODO and import the MIDI and save the project and put that somewhere we can download it (Dropbox/Google Drive/One Drive/etc).  Perhaps the problem is something in the MIDI file itself.
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