• Songs
  • My Song - "One Fine Day." Forums are history, Wish you all the best!
2019/01/17 02:32:23
Since this is the songs forums last day, and the end of posting here, I guess I thought I would add a song rather than just ranting about my thoughts about the end of posting here. So this song is for all of you friends I have made here on the forums. It's called 'One Fine Day', my friend Daryl as you know as daryl1968 from here on the forums added vocals to it, I wrote and recorded everything else. It's not the perfect mix, but considering the forums are going belly up I thought that perhaps it's best when thinking of the past that it's always good to remember One Fine Day. 
Or that is, if your having a bad day, think of the good times to get you by rather than focusing on the bad times. 
Have a great day everyone! Goodbye Cake forums! Wish you all the best always!
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