Every day you use Rapture Pro you get a new log file, and every time you load an instrument, you get a log of the sfz file loads.It would be nice if we could disable this log and just turn it on when we want to find a sample error or such thing...
2015/06/08 12:07:48
RapturePro - (likely would have occurred on prior release(?)) Tested at random and got this ... Preset: Electric Guitar - AcousticImpressions Element 1 (E1) - Gold Top Expansion Pack/gtn_neck - default 99% gain Element 2 (E2) - Guitars/martin nylon - default 21% gain Master O..
2015/06/08 08:12:05
Rapture Pro loads PNG image files for the various packs to display in the browser.These are 193x87 PNG files.You can make your own and put it in your User folder in the program data path.For example, I made this one: it loads like this:http://w..
2015/06/08 04:34:11
Hi, Not a real beginner but neither an expert, I bought Rapture Pro because I don't think and also because I'm quite confident with Cakewalk's products and I'm on search for the magical synth which will offer me for 79 euros or so what I could get with Omnisphere and Kontakt ,so .... Miracles do n..
2015/06/07 17:42:27
So these designations that appear on some Rapture Pro programs. Is there a chart somewhere that explains their meaning?Like FS, JAL, JJ, BD, SEQ, etc. Thanks!..
2015/06/07 17:04:05
Is there any way to enlarge the GUI of soft-synths like Rapture and Dimension Pro? They only fill a quarter of my screen and are difficult read. Would like to be able to have them at full screen. Could not find any info on this in helps documentation. Thanks..
2015/06/07 12:23:26
Hi all. I'm a wind controller player and am looking for a new synth with great leads and pads that will still good when played monophonically (because wind controllers are monophonic). I've heard some great things about both Rapture Pro and Omnisphere 2 but have also that O2 is incredibly taxing on ..
2015/06/07 07:51:07
But it is showing :update 1 ( and the little "light" is it's not installed. Is this needing to be "re-installed" because of the update? Kinda unclear what's needed..
2015/06/07 00:18:37
Doktor Avalanche
Well congrats cakewalk you have stabilised the product. Now we need some essential enhancements (they aren't just nice to have, they are essential). Chaps you know what they are, so I won't bother reiterating, look forward to the next service pack. Well done it was a good step forward not..
2015/06/06 23:11:46
Karplangor for Rapture Pro This is a basic template, an unfinished instrument, for Rapture Pro. I intended this to be a type of 'heavy metal harpsichord' instrument. It has an intense pluck, which you may want to soften with a suitable ampl..
2015/06/06 09:49:40