midi ports showing but not working

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2015/07/23 15:50:01 (permalink)

midi ports showing but not working

OK Hi, I am completely new here sorry for just barging in when I got a problem, but I am hoping someone here can help me or point me in a direction where I could get an answer.
Now don't laugh, ok you can laugh, I am using Cakewalk Guitar Studio 2 from about 1999 (I am not exagerating) and I run it on my HP Pavillion laptop (midi only no audio) which is running Windows 7 -- don't ask me how I got that to work on a 64 bit computer it was quite a wrassling match and I don't remember the details.
Anyhow, a few weeks ago I unistalled a bunch of junk programs off of my laptop because it just wasn't performing too well.  Ever since then I can't get Cakewalk to successfully use my input/output device which is an M-Audio midisport uno 1X1
coinsidentally microsoft midi mapper crapped out at the same time -- so the only thing I have is GS Wavetable Synth for output and no input -- tried all kinds of things to get it to work again
Finally started up a copy of that free synth "Anvil Studio" and ran a test in there and it came back with "unable to start midiport: Midisport Uno, Microsoft Midimapper.
Anybody got an idea of what could be wrong?  Thanks! 

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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/23 15:55:02 (permalink)
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/23 17:50:58 (permalink)
    well thanks a lot Scook -- that seems like that is probably barking up the right tree but unfortunately it doesn't have me back up and running yet.

    I did what Mr Anderton suggested in the article but it didn't reveal any "hidden drivers" -- I uninstalled the driver and reinstalled but still get the same ol' set of messages.  Seems to me it should have shown multiple instances of my M-Audio driver though because I know that it did its little installation dance every time I plugged it into a new USB port.
    So if anybody else has any ideas, please keep them coming.  When I start cakewalk it tells me I don't have any midi devices chosen for input/output -- so I go to the dialog box and the midisport uno is there but when I choose it and click ok it comes back with the same message about how I haven't chosen a midi device.  I have uninstalled and reinstalled the driver for the M-Audio several times and that hasn't helped  : (
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/24 09:24:11 (permalink)
    now I have more evidence that it is probably the midi port problem referenced in the article.  I had forgotten that I had an alesis i02 express usb interface for audio and midi sitting around (I bought it a while back for audio and it crapped out for that within the 1st week of having it)  but the midi should still work 
    it is plug and play -- so I plugged it in and ran the bat file suggested by Mr Anderton and sure enough the IO2 now shows in my device manager -- fired up cakewalk and it is there as a choice but when I choose it cakewalk still gives me the same old message that I haven't chosen a midi device.
    For some reason though I am not able to see the hidden instances to delete them if that is indeed what is going on.
    Thanks for any help anyone can give!
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/24 09:34:54 (permalink)
    I guess I can try reformatting my laptop and starting over but I hate to do that because it is running smooth now that I have gotten rid of those programs.  Also I am not so sure that I will be able to get my archaic cakewalk to run on this pc again if I start over -- I think I was more than a little lucky to get it installed the first time.
    I am seriously thinking about updating pretty soon.  There are a few probably obscure functions in my version of cakewalk that are important to me though.  One is a CAL file that splits midi notes (on the same channell) to separate tracks -- I use this on drums to mix or delete various percussion that is going on on different notes
    also the stuff where you can reduce or increase velocity or other parameters like duration over a certain selection -- I use that kind of stuff -- I am guessing a shiny new Sonar would have all that right?
    I am interested in having audio and cakewalk is the sequencer that I already know how to use so it seems Sonar would make sense -- I get the feeling that there are a lot of good products out there, probably for me the one with the most forgiving learning curve would make the most sense. 
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/24 21:10:38 (permalink)
    It does seem odd that no hidden devices were discovered. What version of Windows are you using? Have you tried right clicking the bat file and selecting run as administrator? Or have you tried opening a command prompt as administrator and then typing in the commands that make up the bat file as one command followed by a return, then the second? Actually the first command will show hidden devices until you close your Windows session, so you can just open device manager by the regular method after that.
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/24 23:35:12 (permalink)
    Hi slartabartfast -- I still haven't got it working -- but I did find another slightly altered version of that bat file, its the same but without the slashes -- so 
    set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1
    start Devmgmt.msc
    and when I ran that one it again launched the device manager and this time there were some hidden devices to see and I uninstalled them but it is still not working -- I can't imagine why there would be a difference in the batfiles if they both launch the device manager they should both have the same ability to show hidden drivers I would think but I guess that just shows what I know or rather what I don't know
    I also found some more stuff on the web about setting the default midi device in windows 7 by manipulating the registry -- I went through that and made the changes and still no success

    Also found something called the dosbox that lets you have a dos box running in windows and I used it to list midi devices and it only listed
    0 wavetable synth
    1 uno 1x1 (or whateer the name of my little usb device is)
    so judging by that it doesn't seem that there are hidden devices cluttering up my ports, unfortunately I didn't run that query until after I had deleted the hidden devices via the bat file -- I would certainly like to have seen if they were listed there before I uninstalled them.
    I am getting pretty frustrated, I don't guess I will go too much farther before I decide to just reformat my pc and take my chances at getting Cakewalk Guitar Studio 2 installed again on windows 7
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/25 11:49:17 (permalink)
    Slashes??? Yikes!!!
    I should have checked your link out, as I assumed it was the common bat file that is out there. The slashes in the version you linked must be a typo if it ever worked for whoever typed it in to the article. The command line will interpret those slashes as part of a UNC name (each slash indicates that the next word names a new directory in the tree) directing it to nowhere. The second line just launches device manager, and it would do so even if it was the only line entered. So line one does nothing and line two opens device manager in the state it was in before you did nothing.
    Now I have a question. How did you have Microsoft Midi Mapper running under Windows 7? It is not accessible in that version, although there are some utility programs that will give you that functionality. If you were using a third party MIDI mapping utility and its function was damaged or removed when you uninstalled the programs, that might explain your problem.
    post edited by slartabartfast - 2015/07/25 14:20:13
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/25 17:13:44 (permalink)
    OK thanks for the info on the slashes -- and as far as midi mapper -- actually I don't know that it ever worked on this computer it is just one of the options that comes up in cakewalk guitar studio 2 when I try to select an output device -- nowadays it won't let me select it -- it just goes back to the "you don't have an output device selected" when I try to select it
    I don't know if thats what it would do before I started having trouble with the M-audio UNO, I just remember that it was among the options but I would never choose it -- actually I don't know what midi note mapper does
    Now one of the junk files that I uninstalled at the time when the problem ensued was an auto accompaniment program called improvisor -- some freeware version of band in a box -- I never could get it to work at all, so it is possible I guess that it had some version of midi note mapper as you are saying
    I don't remember if midi note mapper was in my options prior to my downloading the improvisor software -- I was thinking that my old version of cakewalk just threw that up there because it was prominent when the code was written but now that I am thinking about it that doesn't quite make sense.
    I do know that when I run the dos box thing and give the command to list midi it only returns the wavetable synth and the m-audio uno -- so I don't know if that confirms that my trouble is not hidden devices or not 
    thanks for the help -- if the problem were a garbled midi note mapper, do you have any idea how I could try to fix it?
    post edited by pedro803 - 2015/07/25 20:22:59
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/25 18:23:23 (permalink)
    just looked at it again, it actually presents it as "microsoft midi mapper" in cakewalk
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/25 18:47:19 (permalink)
    I installed impro-visor and that did not magically fix the problem -- but it does have a midi preferences tab and I went on there and the M-Audio shows "undefined external error" and all the others show ready to use -- maybe my M-audio usb to midi adapter has crapped out?
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/25 19:06:23 (permalink)
    I again plugged the alesis IO2 plug and play interface -- and it also gives the "undefined external error" message in impro - visor.  Now as I said, the audio side of the of the IO2 is not working so it might not be safe to assume that the midi side works.
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/25 20:19:19 (permalink)
    Alright, I installed improvisor on another machine we have here and plugged in the plug and play alesis IO2 and it shows up as "ready to use" on that PC so I am pretty sure that interface works -- so it still appears that i have a windows/PC problem -- I sure hate to go through a reformat -- gonna put that off a while longer I think
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/26 15:36:20 (permalink)
    A complete Windows re-install may solve the problem, but if it does, the problem probably could be much more easily solved. Before messing with Windows, it would be a good idea to isolate the problem. As you note the MIDI interface is not malfunctioning if it works on another computer, so it must be a driver, application, or setting issue. If anything (thumb drive, mouse etc.) will work on your troublesome computer in the same USB sockets then you can be pretty sure that Windows is recognizing USB there. The easiest thing to try is to delete the Uno driver on the computer where the interface is not working, and then re-install the driver there. Check to make sure you use the latest driver available for your version of Windows when you reinstall it. http://www.m-audio.com/support/download/drivers/midisport-windows-driver-v6.1.2 If you are stil not getting it to work, the next test is to bypass the guitar studio application to be sure that the Midisport works under Windows. Download MidiOx http://www.midiox.com/  and install it. MidiOx will give you the option to use your MidiSport as a MIDI input. You can then check any output from your MIDI controller to the Uno to be sure it is transmitting correctly. If the interface works with MidiOx  then there may be a problem with the application or application settings. A simple thing to try is just uninstall and re-install the application.
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/26 17:54:56 (permalink)
    thanks so much Slartabartfast -- a lot of that I have tried -- I have uninstalled and reinstalled the UNO driver several times but I have used 6.1.3 am I missing something?  Is that one not right for me?
    The other problem I have is I cant uninstall cakewalk -- when I try it says such and such of file cant be found by the unistaller  -- I'm not gonna do a reformat any time soon, when I can I will try midiox -- a rollerskating mishap landed me in the emergency room last night with a dislocated elbow along with other torn up stuff in there -- so for the moment I am kind of dead in the water and typing one handed  - thanks abunch for the help
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/26 18:19:29 (permalink)
    As a general rule when an uninstall fails, the best thing to try is to install the program over again, that will generally restore the missing files needed to uninstall the original version. You may get a message that the application is already installed, but if you have an option to override it do so. Another option is to try Revo Uninstaller free.
    If you do get it removed, and try to install it again do the installation as a "run as administrator." http://www.7tutorials.com/how-run-programs-administrator-windows-7
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/26 19:07:51 (permalink)
    I forgot to say that yes my usb mouse works in all 3 usb inputs
    This is a really archaic version of cakewalk from circa 1999, I have tried reinstalling it on top of the old installation but it comes to the point where it says installshield is trying to do something and then it disappears a couple minutes later.
    I left a slip of paper with notes in the jewel case telling how I finally got it installed the first time -- gotta run as administrator in compatibility mode for windows 98 -- then when it says its gonna reboot to complete the installation you choose no and it goes to the cd key registry stuff then you reboot it later  -- if you let it reboot when it wants to it just comes back up smiling with nothing ging on as if the reboot was not part of any installation.
    I realize this is ridiculously old and I will have to update, but I get the feeling that no midi is going to work via usb right now which seems to point back to the original suggestion that hidden devices have crowded out the midi ports  - maybe I uninstalled them wrong  -- and what about this default midi device stuff?  Could that possibly help me if I could get the midi uno designated as the default device?
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/26 19:08:40 (permalink)
    I may try the revo but not just yet
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/27 02:40:35 (permalink)
    It seems more likely that your old software is not able to connect to a contemporary MIDI device in a new OS than that the MIDI device is not working in Windows 7. That is the point of trying to use another application to test it. If MidiOx can interact with it, you can stop worrying about a problem with Windows and MIDI or your MIDI interface. The only way that hidden MIDI devices would have become a problem is if you had installed a lot of MIDI devices on that same Windows installation in the past, and never deleted any of them.
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/27 14:55:27 (permalink)
    well it worked for a long time until I did a manual PC cleanup about a month ago, and if its plugged in it still shows up in midi devices in the old cakewalk but if you try to choose it then it balks, and when I try to run that app "Impro-Visor"  the m-audio uno shows up but has a status of "undefined external error" as does my other usb midi interface
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/27 14:57:27 (permalink)
    so hence I think both will work but with the PC cleanup I managed to get something in Windows 7 fouled up
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/27 14:58:55 (permalink)
    or I damaged my install of the old cakewalk but the devices don't work in the other midi app that I have tried either
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/27 18:08:27 (permalink)
    If the devices are not working, the first thing to try is to uninstall the device driver and install it again, or install a more recent version. There is very little risk in doing so except that you may end up with a device that does not work, which you already have. Just make sure you know where to find a driver to install after removing the old one.
    Have you tried MidiOx?
    If reinstalling the Uno driver does not work, and if you are courageous or have nothing to lose, you can explore this option:
    The registry on my Windows 7 machine already has the UpperFilters value ksthunk, if yours does not that may be the problem.
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/27 21:41:19 (permalink)
    Thanks a lot Slartabartfast for sticking with me through this convoluted thread, once I recover from my injuries I will try those things!
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/27 22:04:11 (permalink)
    Hi Pedro. Sorry for all your troubles. When you get the MIDI error have you tried going to the Windows Event Viewer and looking under Applications and see if you can get anymore info on what's going on? There might be nothing more, but there could be some more info on what's going on.

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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/27 22:19:45 (permalink)
    windows event viewer is a new one on me, how do you get to that?  Also, so far I haven't gotten an error message it just plays the "non-success" sound and tells me again that I need to choose a device, but I would be happy to look at it to see if there is anything else there -- I'll search for how to use it online -- moving kinda slow though I only have one paw working
    also realized today that I have an old midiman oxygen 8 which includes usb midi I may try hooking that up too
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/27 22:40:15 (permalink)

    AMD FX-8370, Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3,  Win7x64 SP1, 16Gb CorsairDDR3-1600, GeForce GTX 950 (390.65), SSD 525Gb (OS), SATA 3 & 1.5Tb, MOTU microlite, RME FireFace 800 (D 3.124, fw 2.77), UAD-2Q, Adam A7X, A-800 PRO, CC121
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/27 22:41:58 (permalink)
    You can also enable Administrative Tools in the Start Menu to get to it.
    Right click the Start button > Properties > Customize > System Administrative Tools > Display on All Programs Menu (and Start Menu)
    post edited by SF_Green - 2015/07/28 01:01:26

    AMD FX-8370, Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3,  Win7x64 SP1, 16Gb CorsairDDR3-1600, GeForce GTX 950 (390.65), SSD 525Gb (OS), SATA 3 & 1.5Tb, MOTU microlite, RME FireFace 800 (D 3.124, fw 2.77), UAD-2Q, Adam A7X, A-800 PRO, CC121
    Cubase Pro 10.0.5, SonarPt-2017.10 (x64), Reason10.2, Live 10.0.5 Suite, Wavelab Elements 9.5.40, Komplete10Ult, POD Farm2.5, Omnisphere2.5, BFD3, Alesis QS7.1, Arturia BeatStep Pro, POD HD500, Alesis ControlPad, ARP Omni, many things with strings. GrSltz My Studio
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/07/28 01:11:49 (permalink)
    Here's the skinny version:
    1. Open the Start Menu, type eventvwr.msc, and press Enter.

    2. If you are logged in as an administrator and prompted by UAC, then click on Yes.

    3. In the left pane, click on an event log to see it's events listed at the top of the middle pane.  Pick Windows Logs >   Applications

    4. If you like, you could also right click on an event log in the left pane for more options to use. For example, to Filter Current Log or Find a specific event ID number listed in the middle pane.  Filtering is very useful.  Open that and select everything EXCEPT Information.  There are tons of information entries and most are just normal system events.  You want Errors, Warnings, Critical and Verbose.  
    5. Identify the errors and warnings at the time-stamp for when your error occurred and double-click the event.  It will open in a pop-up window, which will have more detail.  There are Up and Down arrows that will let you scroll through the next or previous events without leaving the detail window.  There is also a Copy button so you can copy the message easily to paste into an e-mail for tech support or to post on your favorite forum!
    Still check the sevenforums page - it has a lot more info and some screen caps to show you what you want to do.

    AMD FX-8370, Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3,  Win7x64 SP1, 16Gb CorsairDDR3-1600, GeForce GTX 950 (390.65), SSD 525Gb (OS), SATA 3 & 1.5Tb, MOTU microlite, RME FireFace 800 (D 3.124, fw 2.77), UAD-2Q, Adam A7X, A-800 PRO, CC121
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    Re: midi ports showing but not working 2015/08/14 11:02:34 (permalink)
    I tried the windows event viewer and so far haven't gotten a lot of extra info from it -- I may go back to it when it is a little easier to stay on the PC -- as I said above I am healing from an elbow injury now.
    In the meantime I have found another USB device that quit working for me probably at the same time and it is my little Tascam handheld recorder D-5 or something like that -- it doubles as a storage device via usb and all of a sudden it is not being recognized by USB probably happened at the same time that my midi adapters lost contact with USB -- so maybe I will go to their user groups too and see if anybody has an idea there -- in the meantime taking a slow down on it as I decide what to do -- basically just putting a reformat off for now
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