Re:need to upgrade from MC3
2011/03/31 10:53:23
FWIW, crashes typically come from audio card drivers or 3rd party softsynths or plugins instead of from MC itself. what soundcard are you using and what plugins/softsynths are you using during these crashes?
on the other hand, MC5 is actually very good program. I don't know of anyone who has used it that didn't like it except maybe herb who uses the plugins and softsyntsh from MC5 but mixes in MC4. but that's because he likes the GUI of MC4 better because MC5 was "dumbed down" from the "intermediate level" user interface and functions to the very "beginner" type interface and fucntions of MC5.
plus, MC5 has a very upgraded step sequencer compared to MC3. MC3's step sequencer compared to MC5 was like comparing DOS to windows.