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new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
Season's greeting fellow Cakewalkers, hope this post finds you in good spirits. DT has harvested the last tune of the 2015 crop, you can find it at the link below. It is a little piece of stocking coal (cuz DT is never on Santa's nice list) we call Gettin' Used to Losin. As usual, we welcome any feedback, good, bad, indifferent, ugly, whatever....all appreciated. DT's elf crew.... Tom "me brudda" McCaffrey: Vocals, lyrics, bass and mixing Preston "needs more ride" Richardson: Drums, drum engineering, clavinet and synth Tony "tell me where to put me fangers" Wood: Guitars Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, insert your own holiday here to everyone!
Jesse Screed
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 24, 15 10:11 AM
Has anyone ever told you this sounds like Bryan Ferry? It is a good song with great players. Really like it at 1:38. Nice vibe. I need to check out more of your music so that I can learn more about your style. The guitar at 3:49 has a nice tone to it. I like the way you left the ending with the sound of a guitar cord being unplugged. The only thing I would like to hear is a little less verb on the vocals, and turn them up a bit. But, that's my personal taste. Merry Christmas to you too. Jesse Q. Screed
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 24, 15 1:00 PM
Nice to hear from the Towers any-time of the year another welcome song, enjoy whatever you celebrate too.
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 24, 15 1:59 PM
Like the sultry nature of this. Like the vocals the best. Here's some crits (please ignore if you don't agree): I think the bass could have a bit of some 400Hz or so removed. Did you sidechain with the kick to help clear up the low end? Maybe need to address that more. I also think the lead vocal (sung really well) has a ringing harmonic around 1khz to 1.5khz (a bit of a nasal ring) that if notched down a touch would warm it up. I might have the frequency wrong. Most people may not hear this at all. Please take these comments with a grain of salt. It's just what I heard and might be helpful (or not). I don't want to hold back when I hear something but also don't want you think your production is any less that it already is. Good playing all around!
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 24, 15 2:20 PM
Hey Tony! always a fan of DT! lovin this!
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 24, 15 6:06 PM
Hey all....Merry Christmas! Hope you all enjoy the season and in some places the crazy weather.... Jess - Thanks for the listen and input. I fear that if you dial back and listen to some of our past it's convoluted at But it'll be an interesting ride to be sure. I take the Bryan Ferry comment as an extremely positive one as I've always seen him as somewhat of an unsung (no pun) hero but interestingly enough I didnt at all get that vibe as we were recording. In the past we've heard so my "sound-like" references (Zappa, O Positive, Crash Test Dummies) and they have really been all over the map. I will say that personally I do really like 99% of the bands referenced so my guess is that my influences sneak in. Tony (guitars) has quite a bit of different tastes musically as well as Preston. When we write we never choose a particular road but more or less let the tune write itself. Ironically enough when we attempt to choose a musical path, more times than not it never fully develops. For us just letting the tune kinda "flop out" works much better then mapping things out. Thanks for the good listen and hope you enjoy some DT ghosts from the past!
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 24, 15 6:49 PM
Always a pleasure guys. Big fan of DT, your CDs get regular trips in my van. This is a worthy addition to the catalogue, grand stuff.
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 25, 15 1:07 AM
wookie!...hey mate....hope you're well! Thanks for the listen and again Hope you have an awesome holiday! Rimshot - Long time no see laddy....alls well here. Really appreciate the feedback so never hold back! I'm sure everyone who posts here has some specific reasons to do so beyond getting a song out of the studio but for me I'd say I appreciate the technical ears more than any other aspect. I spend many many hours working the mix and need those fresh ears. Sometimes in the end I dont agree w/the evaluations but I do always go back and do some remixing to see if in the end I do hear an improvement. I think the vox advice will be something I'll run with as Preston (kit) stated as much a few weeks ago..I addressed at that time but Ill go back and see it a further tweak isn't in order. Great feedback and its nice seeing you around again. Peace!
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 25, 15 5:22 PM
+1 for the skanky groove! Lead vocal is awash in reverb, which is ok if that was the choice, which it obviously was! But bring it up in the mix please! You might drop the cymbals downs a bit to compensate. the bass has a lot of upper register to it, and I'd dig some more down low. A song like this has to have good timing, and your really does - good groove! I want to hear the vocal more loudly, so I can understand the words. getting my tin horn ear out, -Tom
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 25, 15 6:18 PM
Beagle & James - Nice to see you both and I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas!! Thanks for the listen and glad you both found something of interest in there! Tom, Thanks for the good ears and please see below!! Merry Christmas All, Went in and reworked based on the above (pulled some of the mids out of the bass, less verb on vox, vox up in the mix as well as tweaking the EQ as Rimshot outlined above). tweaks are slight at best but I think it nudges the tune closer to where it should be. Thanks again for all the input!!!
String Jammer
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 25, 15 8:02 PM
You had me at the first few notes! The mix is awesome! Nice and clean sounding. I especially love he tones of the guitars and the kick drum! The vox reminds me of Molly Hatchet.
post edited by String Jammer - December 25, 15 8:14 PM
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 25, 15 10:20 PM
Man, I love everything you guys do!! Great song, great playing, great production. Wow!! A+ as always The very best to you guys.
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 27, 15 9:09 AM
Nice one Tony! I don't know why, but I kept thinking of The Heavy (Strike Back theme) while I was listening to this. Very slinky feel, and the groove is right in the pocket. I like the BGV placement, and everything else sounds great. I'd like to hear the lead vocal a little more up front, but that's just me. Regards, Dan
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 27, 15 9:48 AM
Jesse: Thanks for the feedback and the listen. That was Tom's idea about using the cord unplug at the end. Haven't heard the Bryan Ferry reference before but Tom is very chameleon like with his vox so I hear different influences over different songs. Wookiee: Thanks for listening and the kind words, happy holidays to you as well! Rim: Thanks for taking the time to listen and for the great, specific feedback. Tom apparently took this to heart as he posted a new version. I still have to check that one out. Thanks for lending us your great ears! Reece: Thanks for the kind comments and for listening. Hope things are well with you. James: Thanks for giving this one a spin and for all your support past and present. We'll soon have enough tunes for a new CD so you can be assured that you'll have this one to check out whenever the mood strikes. Tom: Thanks for listening and for your good crit and comments. Yep, definitely was going for the vox with heavy reverb although that can be tricky and not to everyone's taste. In the past we have gotten comments about the vox being to dry. Tom used a little heavier reverb on our tune, Back in your Cage and I loved it so I encouraged him to use more reverb on his vox. Love the comment on the skanky groove. I couldn't quite put my finger on a good descriptive word for it but skanky does seem to fit the bill, LOL!! Stringjammer: Thanks for the kind comments and for listening. Danny Joe Brown, RIP, great vocalist. I love hearing what other people hear in Tom's vocals. Now if I could channel up some swampy guitar licks, maybe we could give that Hatchet vibe a whirl, LOL!! Jude77: Thanks man, very kind words and we appreciate the listen. Hope all is well in your world. Dan: Thanks for checking us out and for the great comments. Vox and bass are often times hard to hear. I think that has something to do with the fact that Tom does both of those and the mixing too. Preston usually asks for the bass to be more prominent and I like the vox up some. Always a work in progress.
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 27, 15 11:39 AM
Brilliant stuff. Great job all the way. Everything was just great. Mix too imo. Sorry for not critiques but did not find any fault.
post edited by kakku - December 27, 15 2:48 PM
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 28, 15 6:26 PM
Liked that groove and the mix is very good -- can everything really well and it jells. I didn't like the guitar lead -- the tone was good but it sounded like the guitarist was fumbling about a bit. Not too focused. Also, it didn't stand out in the mix in the beginning of the solo. Other than that minor thing, it was good stuff :) Allan
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 28, 15 6:43 PM
Yeah, I hear a bit of Brian ferry in this. You seem to be a natural at writing cool vibe tracks. No crits, sounds great.
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 29, 15 4:55 PM
Yeah, that was very cool, and the groove was very bad (in a good way of course). Loved the vibrato on the lead vocals, and I think the reverb suits it well in context.
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 29, 15 8:21 PM
Very, Very nice.... great performance and production. no crits here the piece flows very nicely !!!!
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
December 30, 15 1:17 PM
kakku: Thanks for giving the new tune a listen and for your nice comments. Allan: Thanks for giving our new song a listen. We appreciate your kind comments and honest review of the lead guitar. Always helpful to know what others are hearing. Gus: Thanks for your time and listen. We appreciate your kind comments/review. Steve: Thanks for taking a listen to the new tune and for the feedback on the vox, much appreciated! James: Thanks for stopping by and listening to our new song. Thank you for your kind comments.
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
January 01, 16 2:00 PM
Tony, this is my favorite song of the day. As always, top notch writing and performing by DT. I listen to you songs when I'm looking for inspiration for my own sometimes. I, too, would like to hear more lead vocal, but this can stand on its own. Well done!
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
January 03, 16 5:49 PM
It`s DTlicious as always !!!!!!!
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
January 04, 16 10:53 PM
Excellent --- that's sum's it up pretty well. Great writing and performance. Great separation on the mix, great vocals, and performance. I too got a kick out of the ending. Absoflippinlutely terrific stuff!!!
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
January 05, 16 7:13 PM
Lynn: Thanks for giving this tune a whirl and for your kind comments and the insight on the lead vocal. Alan: Thanks for taking a listen to the new tune and for your kind comment. Fred: Thanks for listening to this new one and thanks for the critique and kind comments, always appreciated.
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Re: new Distant Towers tune, Gettin' used to Losin
January 05, 16 10:10 PM
I like the ethereal nature. I think the drums need to be in room though. (more verb but not too much) Just a touch of delay on the vocals. This is nice! Thanks for sharing.
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