new song, "Time to Fly" from Distant Towers

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October 24, 11 7:55 PM (permalink)

new song, "Time to Fly" from Distant Towers

Hey there Cakies!!  I hope you are all doing well.
Distant Towers has just finished a final mix of our latest tune called "Time to Fly".  Tom reached out to some folks to help us out on this tune.   We'd be appreciative if you could spare a minute and an ear to let us know what ya think of it.
You can find it on our website at this link...
Or at our Soundclick site....
The crew....
Tom McCaffrey:  Lyrics, vocals, bass, mixing.
Preston Richardson:  Drums, lots of em and cowbell too!
David theharmonicaguy Cox:  Harmonica (starting at 3:12). 
Paul Lloyd (you may know him here as PaulO):  Orchestral instrumentation (starting at 4:00 ish).
Tony Wood:  Guitars
Distant Towers gives a big thanks to David and Paul for their talent, patience and willingness to participate.  We really dig the new sounds they brought to this DT tune.  THANKS guys!!!!!
So that is it.  Thanks in advance for any feedback....we accept it all.....good, bad and ugly.

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    Re:new song, "Time to Fly" from Distant Towers October 24, 11 8:11 PM (permalink)
    Really cool sounding track. Everything sounds good.

    I don't  like the guitars hard panned left or right though. The vocals are hard to understand.

    Other than that, Very well done!

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    Re:new song, "Time to Fly" from Distant Towers October 24, 11 9:15 PM (permalink)
    Tony, you guys always come up with great stuff - this is another one - very nice.

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    Re:new song, "Time to Fly" from Distant Towers October 25, 11 1:08 PM (permalink)
    Hi Tony, nice one, quite a surprise to hear that harmonica come in, nice . Listening to this on headphones I find those hard panned guitars a bit distracting, playing is very nice though ! Kudos to all involved, good job.

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    Re:new song, "Time to Fly" from Distant Towers October 25, 11 1:57 PM (permalink)
    I like those panned guitars.. Fantastic track guys, it just jumped into my top 3 DT tunes. Wonderful stuff, great riffs, solo's, vocals, mix; harmonica and strings are a treat, and that Yes-ish outro is sublime.


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    Re:new song, "Time to Fly" from Distant Towers October 25, 11 2:47 PM (permalink)
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again... You guys knock me out...
    This is my new favorite DT tune... Tops...
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    Re:new song, "Time to Fly" from Distant Towers October 28, 11 3:06 PM (permalink)
    I'd like to tip the ole hat to PaulO and Dave "the harmonica Player" for adding some magic to this tune...was a great ride and Wallas enjoy beating things up with other forum members!! Great work guys....
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    Re:new song, "Time to Fly" from Distant Towers October 28, 11 4:11 PM (permalink)
    GREAT sounding guitars! awesome drumming as is the norm now with DT, though the kick is a little too modern sounding for this genre. the vocals are a little indistinct, but then the 'tude makes up for it. beautiful harmonica solo. another winner, my friends!

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    Re:new song, "Time to Fly" from Distant Towers October 29, 11 4:37 AM (permalink)
    Hey, Tony and Tom,

    Oh, yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about!  Finally getting my my Distant Towers groove back on with this cool kicker.

    I knew I was gonna love this one right from the start with the meaty, thick guitar and synth intro.  The guitar vibe during the verses is smooth and classy, the drums sound phenomenal, the bass and vox are perfect, and I absolutely love the soaring guitar solo.  And, put me down along with my buddy, James, as a fan of the hard panned guitars.

    Paulo's orchestration, the clean changeup around 4:00, and the killer harmonica solo and fills really put the icing on this tasty cake!

    Dynamite job, boys, this is spectacular!  Have a good one, guys!

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    Re:new song, "Time to Fly" from Distant Towers November 01, 11 2:49 PM (permalink)
    Thanks all!....hope things are well in your end of the world!
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    Re:new song, "Time to Fly" from Distant Towers November 01, 11 10:00 PM (permalink)
    Boffo.  Very catchy and well mixed.  I thought the lead guitar break had a tad to much verb which pushed it back in the mix, but that's my only observation.  Same for the harmonica solo.

    But other than that small crit, this is pretty good stuff.


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