Terry this is great!!! This is another one of your tunes that I feel I can add guitar to it.
I think we both share a similar vision where the musical style goes.
This is another great Hit IMO! It just needs a little bit more.
This bothers me because I have been on here for the last 3 years or around that amount of time, and you've posted tune after tune and they've all sounded great and you've given your input on others songs but yet most every time you post a song nobody replies.
That's just plain wrong man.
This is cool, I can add something to this or anything you might like me to try to do so. This is cool!!!!
LOL, I guess you got it right Terry so there's nothing nobody can say to critic your tunes.
That would be the only other reason I can figure why nobody replies to your music.
Send me an email man, I've got some serious tunes we could give a try, I've tried working with others but they seem more about sending garbage internet glunk to others and trying to make me look bad instead of actually talking to me internet face to face about music which is why I am here.
Think about it, I sent you and email with my email address any problems and I will check back.
AWESOME WORK TERRY!!! Heck everything you do is, I just wanna play my guitar alongside it because I think I can attribute to the sound.