"Rides Again" (Rock)

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Bob Oister
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Re:"Rides Again" (Rock) September 03, 11 3:08 AM (permalink)

Hi, Charlie,

Thank you very much for giving this a listen and also for your kind words!  Much appreciated, sir, I'm always happy for your input and observations!

Have a great holiday weekend!


Hey, Mark,

How are you buddy?  Having a great start to your weekend, I hope!

Thanks for checking this out and for your encouraging comments!  I'm always happy to hear a Judas Priest reference because I've always been a big fan and I've also done a ton of their stuff in my cover bands over the years.

As I mentioned to Rik up above, I think what you were hearing was just some sloppy vibrato on my part, on the BGVs because I was totally wiped out when I recorded them.  I tried a little creative splitting and slip-editing, and I think I was able to make it much less noticeable.

Thanks again for your input and comments, have a great weekend!
Bob Oister
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Re:"Rides Again" (Rock) September 03, 11 3:12 AM (permalink)

Hi, Gary,

Thanks for checking out this formerly "un-named, forgotten guitar sound check" , and for your very kind words!  I'm truly happy that you enjoyed it and thankful for your input and support.

Your latest song post "I Still Remember You", is absolutely fantastic and pro quality all the way.  Great stuff, Gary!

Thanks again and have a great Labor Day weekend!


Hi, Julien,

Thank you very much for giving this a listen and for your encouraging comments!

As I mentioned to Rik and Mark above, on this touched up mix, I think I was able to diminish the severity of my unwanted BGV vibrato with some slip editing.  LOL, I was so tired that I was practically in a coma when I added the harmony parts but was determined to give it a shot before getting some sleep.

Thanks again, Julien, I truly appreciate you taking time to listen and let me know what you think.  Have a great weekend, buddy!
Bob Oister
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Re:"Rides Again" (Rock) September 03, 11 5:21 PM (permalink)

Hey, Ed,

Thanks for giving this a listen and for your input and good observations!

I was trying to sort of portray a sense of isolation or solitude on this one, so I purposely tried to keep the drums very basic, leaving just the kick and snare alone for the beginning of the verses and building from there.  This song was a little different process for me because the foundation tracks were really never meant to be anything other than a guitar sound test.  I just decided to try to work something into the rigid structure of the rhythm tracks to see what turned out.

Thanks again, Ed, I'm always thankful for your thoughts and ideas, and truly appreciate your input.  Have a great holiday weekend!


Hi, Tim,

Thank you for checking this one out for me and for your observations and kind words!

Yep, because this started out from just a sound test, it is much "stiffer" than when I usually begin an actual song from scratch, so I had to approach things differently.  I usually do pan my deeper sounding rhythm guitars pretty wide to keep from them interfering with the bass and kick, so I think the main difference is the isolated feel of the song itself, with no bass and very sparse drums in the beginnings of the verses.  Overall, I think it represents what I ended up going for on just a whim.

Thanks again, Tim, I appreciate your input, have a great Labor Day weekend!


Hi, Mark,

How are things, my friend?  Having a great weekend, I hope!

Thank you so much for giving this a listen, and for your very kind words of encouragement!

I always look forward to and greatly appreciate your input and ideas, and I'm truly grateful for your comments and support.

Best wishes!

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Re:"Rides Again" (Rock) September 03, 11 5:38 PM (permalink)
This is just great, Bob.  But all of yours are.  Nice!  :)
Freddy J
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Re:"Rides Again" (Rock) September 04, 11 8:50 PM (permalink)
Excellent.  One of your best Bob.  You forgot about this number?????   It's all good -- the song, arrangement, production performance, and wonderful vocals.
The leads are really grabbers!
Keep on Rockin' on.
Freddy J
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Re:"Rides Again" (Rock) September 06, 11 3:33 PM (permalink)
Hey Bob- Hoping all is well with my favorite power rocker.

Man, your harmonies are SO tight it is scary.  I had to grin when I saw Tim's comment, because I still recall sending you a PM when I first joined the forum and heard you sing asking which plugin you used for the harmonies.  I happen to be really bad at harmonizing, and I just marvel at your ability to hit the perfect note right on time every time. 

Oh, before I forget... the song was great as was the performance. 
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Re:"Rides Again" (Rock) September 06, 11 4:07 PM (permalink)
Your vocals have their own space so well, Bob. Catchy tune for a quickie!

I will say this again: I wish you would let me do a drum track for you.
Bob Oister
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Re:"Rides Again" (Rock) September 07, 11 5:28 AM (permalink)

Hi, James,

Thank you, kind sir, for the listen and your inspiring comments!

I was trying to think of some way to gussy up the basic tracks, and for some reason unknown, the old "Riders on the Storm" vocal trick felt right for this one.  I'm kind of glad that you noticed, because I've used it on a few posts here but nobody ever mentioned it.  I know it's supposed to be very subtle to be "correct", but I thought it added some spice to the low register vocals.

Thanks again, James, I appreciate your friendship and support!


Hey, Matt,

Thanks for dropping by on this one and also for your very kind words!

I really appreciate the DLR comment, because I've always been a fan of and done a ton of VH in my cover bands.  We even did some DLR solo stuff, "Yankee Rose" and his versions of "Tobacco Road" and "California Girls".  That stuff was a ton of fun to play live back in those days!

I also wanted to mention that your song post from the NASA contest was absolutely awesome, really good stuff!

Thanks again, I really appreciate your input, Matt!


Hi, John,

Thank you very much, kind sir, you're a gentleman and a scholar!

I greatly appreciate the fact that I got TWO smileys!  Seriously though, I truly appreciate you taking time to give my songs a listen, and value your input, those smiley mean a lot to me.

Thanks again, John, have a great week, my friend!


Hey, Ed,

Thank you for checking in on this one for me, and also for the encouraging words!

I really appreciate the bass comment, especially coming from a dynamite lifelong bass player and producer like yourself.  I think some of the forum input from my last couple of posts helped my re-shape the eq on the bass tracks on this one, and hopefully the bass volume level is okay for a change.

Thanks again for your input and comments, I always look forward to your input and value it highly. Have a great week, buddy!


Hey, Tony,

How are you, bro?  Had a good holiday weekend, I hope!

Thanks so much for giving this one a listen and for your kind words!  Yeah, LOL, this was a little challenge to myself to see if a mediocre cook like myself could actually spice up a boring meatloaf with "a little dash of this" and "just a pinch of that", and it actually turned out somewhat edible!    Being meant as just a test, the base tracks were pretty bland, but I thought there was enough there to be worth trying to save.

Thanks again for your input and comments.  I always appreciate you and Tom lending your good ears to my stuff because of the killer pro quality of your Distant Towers work.  The advice from you guys is always spot on.

Thanks again, Tony, have a great week!
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Re:"Rides Again" (Rock) September 07, 11 7:22 AM (permalink)
Love it Bob. Great tones ans vocals.

Bob Oister
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Re:"Rides Again" (Rock) September 07, 11 6:04 PM (permalink)

Hi, Philip,

Thank you kindly for checking in on this one for me, and for your wonderful words of encouragement!

Wow, I'm really happy to receive a 10/10 evaluation on this touch-up of a forgotten guitar sound check, that makes me very happy!

By the way, your recently posted collab, "Army of the Lord", was a true modern sounding "tour de force", and a pro quality production all the way around, amazing job by all who took part in it!

Thanks again, Philip, have a great evening, my friend!


Hey, Herb,

How are you buddy? Hope your Labor Day weekend was great!

Thanks for checking in on this one for me, and for your very kind words of encouragement!

You know your comment was eerily right on the money and brought back some good childhood memories.  My first electric guitar when I was 13 years old, was a Kay with a strat style body, and it came with a 15 watt Kay amplifier with an 8 inch speaker, 50% off on sale for Christmas for.... ready for it.... $49.95!   It was literally the Christmas present that really changed my life, and I still have the amp in a closet, and use it occasionally.  Other than changing the electrical cord, it works perfectly and actually sounds great for plinking around on both guitar and bass.  To this day, I still remember the exciting 15 mile ride with my parents to the department store and testing it out, and how I still had to wait a week until Christmas to be able to see it again and use it.

Thanks again, Herb, I really appreciate your input, especially because I consider you one of the best songwriters and producers on the forum, and also thanks for triggering the good memories!


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Re:"Rides Again" (Rock) September 07, 11 7:49 PM (permalink)

Very cool song Bob , nice groove and the vocals and mix sounds great !
As always your guitar playing rocks this song out , nice playing .


Bob Oister
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Re:"Rides Again" (Rock) September 09, 11 4:44 AM (permalink)

Hi, Janet,

Thank you, kindly for giving it a listen and for your very nice comments!  I really appreciate your input and support, and I'm happy that you enjoyed it.

Have a great weekend!

Freddy J:

Hey, Freddy,

How are you, buddy?  Doing great, I hope!

Thanks so much for checking this one out for me, and for your very kind words!

Yep, I was cleaning up the hard drive for backup purposes, and there was a folder "PRS Test 1", and when I opened the project, I was surprised to see that I had recorded all the base tracks back in March to see what the new guitar would sound like in the context of a mix.  So, I figured I'd fill in the blanks and see what turned up.  The end result was "Rides Again".  Just making a little something out of nothing!

Thanks again, Freddy, I appreciate your input and observations, have a great weekend!


Hey, Phil,

It's really great to see you back in action on the forum!  I'm glad that you made it through the hurricane okay out on the island.

Thanks for giving this a listen, and for your very encouraging words, I really appreciate your input and ideas!

Yes, I consider myself very fortunate to have played in and been a lead vocalist with so many different constantly working cover bands over the years.  I was always the guy that figured out and assigned the harmony parts when we were learning songs and rehearsing.  Many of my bands also had female lead singers, so I always ended up doing the higher harmonies, above the lead on stuff like Heart, Pat Benatar, No Doubt and Evanescence, and then I'd be doing a wide range of lead vocals in all different ranges, from Zeppelin and Judas Priest, to lower stuff like Billy Idol and The Doors, to Van Halen, Rush and Poison, and then "scratchier" stuff like Aerosmith and Nickelback.  I had nodules twice, and just barely escaped throat surgery for polyps on my vocal cords, but for me, all those years really paid off, learning wise.

Thanks again, Phil, I always look forward to and value your opinion highly.  Have a good one, buddy!
Bob Oister
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Re:"Rides Again" (Rock) September 13, 11 4:12 AM (permalink)

Hey, James, how are you, buddy?  Hopefully, you're doing well after the hurricane hit the island!

Thanks for checking this one out for me and for your kind words!  I always look forward to and am extremely thankful for your good ears and words of wisdom.

Yeah, sometime in the future, I'd love for you to do a drum track for me.  It's just that I'm determined to finish up this CD by the end of November and I promised myself I'd do the entire thing on my own.  I feel that the only way I'm going to really learn this drum stuff, is by doing it myself and then getting some good, helpful advice/input here, and then applying that to the song.  Then I can hopefully apply what I've learned in the process to the next song that I come up with.

Believe me, I've picked up a ton of great knowledge from your straight to the point, informative advice and replies to my song posts, and also your comments on many other people's stuff.  You're definitely one of the most professional sounding producers on the forum, and I find both your input and friendship invaluable.

Thanks for all your help over the past couple of years, James. Have a good one, buddy!


Hey, Grant,

Thank you, sir, for giving this a listen for me, and for your very kind words!  I really appreciate your input and observations, and value your opinion highly.

Have a great week, Grant!


Hi, James,

Thanks, buddy, I'm very happy that you liked it, and really appreciate you checking it out and commenting!

By the way, great job on the cool helicopter flight sim video that you posted, the soundtrack was really great and fit the video nicely.  Good stuff!

Thanks again and have a great night James!

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