thanks Mike... as usual a simple solution. i've been using cakewalk for about 20 years, when it was strictly midi. i don't upgrade that often and this time it took me from Sonar v3 to X2, so i have some catching up to do.
Welcome! The X2 must be a new world to you! We will do our best to help you and guide you!
All this might sound more complicated than actually is.
Make two folders or check if you have two folders already that have all your VST32bit version in one mapp and other mapp that has all VST64 version of your plugins.
Now organize so you only scan and use only the VST 64 bit with SONAR X2 x64.
(SONAR X2 x64bit , the only version that you need to use. Forget or uninstall SONAR x32 version) 99% of all your plugins comes with x 64bit so need of bitbridge 32bit VST plugins bridge ----> to 64x is obsolete these days. Still if you have any x32bit VST's, bitbridge them to x64 are all taken care of SONAR X2 automatic.
Reason is in full VST x64bit and so is REWIRE too. All WAVES, NI, Spectrasonic, EASTWEST, VIENNNA, IK, Steinberg, Wave ART, VOXENGO, iZotope, Melodyne, SPL, Brainworx, UAD2, BBE, Nomad Factory you namne it are in FULL NATIVE x64 today.
VST configuration -Check under
Software instruments http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation/default.aspx?Doc=SONAR X2&Lang=EN&Req=Mixing.38.html#1097518