results of an upgrade

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2011/08/21 21:06:26 (permalink)

results of an upgrade

OK most of the regulars here know i've been a die hard fan of MC4 and 5 to some degree (especially the sound center) for the better part of almost 4 years now.

A recent cross grade offer from Cake enticed me to part with my money in exchange for X1e.

I had started a project in MC4, and dispite the learning curve, I persevered and even read the freaking manual a few times to find out how to do something simple......

Well.... I just posted the first song off X1 in the songs forum..... please post comments over there.... thanks. Thought you might like to know.....and of course hear this project.

Quite a few new firsts in it....

My website & music:

MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW   
Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface


"Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer 

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    Re:results of an upgrade 2011/08/22 15:20:57 (permalink)
    I downloaded the upgrade last night Herb, and all i have had the time to do is to move the audio tracks over from my last project (evening Star) and am remixing it.

    Actually i have three version going right now. I have the original tracks in RB, a mix going in X1e, and a mix going in Reaper 4.02.

    I want to shake down the three DAWs, and see which gives me the most stable environment, the most features i need, and offers the best work flow for my projects.

    I'd Seize the day but i can't quite reach it!
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    Re:results of an upgrade 2011/08/22 20:52:29 (permalink)
    I'm liking the new X1e upgrade. I'm having to learn how to do things that are instinctive in MC. Stuff like envelopes and other common things I do, required a whole new series of things to remember.

    I have double clicked on some things and the screen view changes... and I'm wondering WTH have I done now? And more importantly, how to undo and get back to where I was without loosing things.

    So many little windows to learn.... I need to learn how to pin things to the desktop so they don't go away.

    My website & music:

    MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW   
    Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface


    "Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer 
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    Re:results of an upgrade 2011/08/22 21:31:36 (permalink)
    I found so far i like it a lot. I also have difficulty finding a lot of stuff, and that is the reason i am not 100% sold yet. I miss the simplicity of my old MTS. Which does pretty much everything in one screen. Still i have always had a soft spot for cake, and i want to learn it again.

    One thing i can not figure out, how to make a song stop at the end. It just keeps playing. I have a volume automation on one track, and the line goes no for ever, is that the problem? hhmmm

    I love the plug ins here, even though these are simple compared to producer.

    I'd Seize the day but i can't quite reach it!
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    Re:results of an upgrade 2011/08/22 22:43:09 (permalink)

    I found so far i like it a lot. I also have difficulty finding a lot of stuff, and that is the reason i am not 100% sold yet. I miss the simplicity of my old MTS. Which does pretty much everything in one screen. Still i have always had a soft spot for cake, and i want to learn it again.

    One thing i can not figure out, how to make a song stop at the end. It just keeps playing. I have a volume automation on one track, and the line goes no for ever, is that the problem? hhmmm

    I love the plug ins here, even though these are simple compared to producer.

    It is a global setting. Put a check mark next to the stop at project end. That should do it.
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    Re:results of an upgrade 2011/08/23 08:23:20 (permalink)
    Yep... I had that issue too.... check the box and the problem is solved. 

    I have referred to the manual several times to find things.... one of the confusing things was the menu bar at the top is not the only menu bar..... there is a menu bar right above the tracks and the inspector..... that's where a number of the old functions are hiding....

    It took me a long time to figure out the envelopes and nodes.... and how to have the playback time marker on the screen keep moving after an edit during playback.... 

    Bit by bit.... I'm climbing the learning curve again. I'm at the point where I can work with relative ease on the basic stuff. There is a whole new world of views and sends and stuff in this.... that is a project for a rainy day. 

    My website & music:

    MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW   
    Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface


    "Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer 
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