screencast recording

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2011/02/08 05:42:27 (permalink)

screencast recording

Hi folks,

have the following problem. Would like Camtasia 7, record videos in Sonar. Now I will be there but no audio recorded. Why is that? I can do with Camtasia audio system in Windows Easy-recordings not only in Sonar. Use the UA-4FX Audio Interface. Do I set something in sonar to realsies to the recording?

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    Re:screencast recording 2011/02/08 07:05:24 (permalink)
    Well, it's like a chain. If any of the links are broken... it isn't very effective. Sonar will detect all audio devices connected to the system, including any internal audio devices. You have to check in the Sonar Audio Options and make sure that your UA-4X is enabled for both recording and playback. You will have multiple Input/Outputs you can use so you have to make sure that the audio track you are recording on has the right Input for recording. You have to make sure it has the right Output for recording.

    This is an extremely simplified explanation. Have you read your manual? Have you checked your help files? Everything you need to know is in those. I know it seems the easy explanation but you have offered no details about your system, no details about other audio devices that Sonar is seeing, no details about what driver mode you are using (MME, WDM/KS, ASIO?). So without knowing these specifics it is very hard to guide you through the process.

    If you do check your manual and help files regarding your problem it would be a lot easier for everyone because you would have a better understanding of how Sonar records and plays back audio. This would allow you to ask more pertinent questions and better able to answer our questions. because without knowing the specifics we can only make educated guesses as to what your problem is... which is a very time consuming and aggravating experience for everyone.
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    Re:screencast recording 2011/02/08 08:04:52 (permalink)
    Hi i can Record with Camtasia 7  in Sonar over the mme Driver.
    When Sonar is in Asio Mode can i not record with Camtasia.

    Where is the Problem?
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