sequencing classic rock drums?

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Re:sequencing classic rock drums? 2011/02/08 14:58:55 (permalink)

I think you're making this more complicated than need be.
Have you watched and listened to these demos from Toontracks EZDrummer?
Excuse me if this is not what you are looking for.

finding and linking drum loops will just produce a "ball park" drum track, but when reproducing the drums to well known songs, i think the drums should be as close to accurate as is within reason. the bass part calls for that (as do the rest of the tracks if you want the song to sound like the song).

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Re:sequencing classic rock drums? 2011/02/08 16:37:25 (permalink)

i only wish the sequencer had a real time function,where you could add notes to a would be sooo much faster,am i missing something? doesnt right?

Just click the play button in the step sequencer and then start clicking. That's the main point of the step sequencer, left click adds a note/hit - right click deletes
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Re:sequencing classic rock drums? 2011/02/09 01:10:54 (permalink)
What about just playing along with the song and recording MIDI using a controller/keyboard?  Fixing up the odd mistake in the PRV, then mixing it all as outputs from the soft synth of choice.  I find that is a really good way of helping it sound 'real' (as there will be subtle differences that won't be repeated over and over in a loop).  

Someone has already said 'thinking like a drummer' helps.  Only two hands and two feet!  THis is really good advice during the PRV editing stage.

Just my 2 bob's worth.

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Re:sequencing classic rock drums? 2011/02/09 02:31:10 (permalink)
for simple beats, that's a great approach. i'll give that a go, but for the keith moon/bonham etc grooves and fills, i got a feeling i'd be spending a lot of time fixing in the prv.

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Re:sequencing classic rock drums? 2011/02/09 17:04:57 (permalink)
There is another tack here, but it would mean purchasing Jamstix.

I have never used this feature of Jamstix 3, but it is capable of taking any midi groove and then replaying it with a Bonham or Moon style player.

Unless you have played with it, it is hard to describe.  It has a free demo that you can play with and there is a video tutorial on the site on how you can import a midi groove and "bonhamize" it "Moonificate" it.

Note - the drummer styles do not use the real artists names, but it is not hard to figure out.

Once you figure it out it is very easy to use.  Check the videos out at the link below.


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Re:sequencing classic rock drums? 2011/02/09 19:37:52 (permalink)
cool... keith bonham.

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