Re:shelf life - lick me if you can
2013/02/25 13:54:51
You guys have certainly demonstrated your tracking skills very well. Every element in the mix can be heard at a fairly high volume. However, there's a difference in tracking skills and mixing skills. Each element is basically about the same volume level, which takes away any nuance in the mix. You have a good balance from left to right, but none from front to rear, thereby eliminating any depth in your mix. Songs that have front to rear depth sound more three dimensional, while your mix sounds two dimensional, to me. I've noticed this in other mixes from you, as well. IOW, not everything in a mix has to be the same volume level. If you bring some things forward and push other things back throughout the song, it will breathe and draw the listeners in.
You have a good ear for pop music, and I can hear your influences clearly. Your songs could be gold with a bit more attention to the dynamics, and they are good enough to make the effort. Also, if you take the time to listen to others on this forum and respond, I think you'll be better for it and learn rapidly. Best of luck to you, you have talent and much potential.