sonar prototype

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2018/07/11 03:40:04 (permalink)

sonar prototype

In the new sonar prototype by MAC, I can't see the tools "event list".
help me

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    Re: sonar prototype 2018/07/11 03:54:33 (permalink)
    I have not seen the product but given it was based on SONAR Home Studio chances are there is no Event List View.
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    Re: sonar prototype 2018/07/11 09:48:45 (permalink)
    I installed the prototype last year but I had problems with it and when the project was killed off I uninstalled S/Mac with nary a backward glance.  Even if it's still available to download I wouldn't recommend it - it was nowhere near as good as CbB, and if you either want to be on the Mac or be cross-platform there are better alternatives at all price points.
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    Re: sonar prototype 2018/07/11 13:18:36 (permalink)
    There is no "new sonar prototype by MAC."
    SONAR is a discontinued product.
    There was once a project to get SONAR to run on Macintosh computers, but this project was discontinued many months before SONAR itself was discontinued.
    Early results of this project were released to the public as a free download as the SONAR Mac Prototype. It is doubtful that you will find much help in getting it to work. Even its developers couldn't get it to work.
    It is unknown whether anyone known as "Mac" ever worked on SONAR or created a prototype for it.
    The code for SONAR and other software developed the Cakewalk company are now owned by a company called BandLab and they market a freeware successor to SONAR that functions exactly similarly but with more features and greater reliability called Cakewalk by BandLab, but it only runs on Windows 7 and up.
    I hope this at least helps clear things up.

    3.4 GHz i7-3770, 8G RAM, Win 7 64-bit
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    Warning: if you tell me my issue can be remedied by buying more RAM, an SSD, or a Waves plug-in, I will troll you pitiilessly
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    Re: sonar prototype 2018/07/11 16:25:26 (permalink)
    Even its developers couldn't get it to work.

    OUCH!! That has to hurt. 
    Let me know if you need some emotional support.

    Checkout my new song: Playing on YouTube: EUPHORIA.
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    Re: sonar prototype 2018/07/11 17:23:41 (permalink)
    I have it working here, but i never used it. I'm not really comfortable with osx and prefer windows.
    Using Bootcamp, i run win8.1 (long story) and currently using the latest version of CbB with excellent performance....

    Yes, you would need to buy/install windows to do this, but....

    Keni Fink
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