Both of these are great units, you just need to consider what is most important to you.
VS-100 (I am most familiar with this, owning one for more than a year)
1: Control Surface (for one channel at a time).
2: Transport control over Sonar or any other DAW
3: 6 Analog Ins/Outs
4: 2 Digital Ins
5: A mini ACT controller (just a few buttons)
6: 2 Microphone Pre-Amps. (These are NOT the same quality as the VS-700 or Octa Capture, but they are still very good)
7: Limited Wave Recorder (Stereo Recorder with Sound on Sound, it is not a Multitrack recorder)
OCTA CAPTURE (what little I do know about it. I do not own one, yet)
1: 8 analog ins / outs
2: 2 Digital ins / outs
3: 8 High Quality Microphone Pre-Amps (These are the higher quality VS-700 pre's)
4: From what I can see, really decent internal routing capabilities for monitoring.
In short, if you want the highest quality and a greater number of Pre Amps / Converters I would recommend the Octa Capture.
If you want a control surface, transport and can live with just 2 microphone pre amps, go for the VS-100.
The nicest part is - these units play nice together and share the ASIO driver. You can get one now, and the other one later if you want.
post edited by codamedia - September 12, 11 6:18 PM