Is there a tempo offset?

Max Output Level: -78 dBFS
October 28, 07 3:26 PM
Is there a way to globally adjust the tempo with an offset? Like "Offset mode", but with tempo and not volume. If not, maybe it's possible with a CAL script? :)

I have a track with a lot of tempo changes and would like to globally try a, say +10 BPM increase...

Jimbo 88
Max Output Level: -57 dBFS
RE: Is there a tempo offset? October 29, 07 0:18 PM
In earlier versions of Sonar I accidentally accomplished what you are trying. I really don't remember for sure, but I think I positioned the "Now" marker after the last tempo change and double-clicked on the tempo shown in a toolbar and all the tempi went up or down depending on how many bpm that changed.

Note: I just tried this in Sonar 7 and it did not work...I might be going back to pre Sonar days.
Max Output Level: -17 dBFS
RE: Is there a tempo offset? October 29, 07 0:32 PM
If you use the tempo toolbar, you can Shift+double click on one of the tempo ratio buttons (1, 2, or 3) and set the ratio (.5 would halve it, etc.). So you can set three ratios and just click on the 3 buttons to change between them. Of course, this only works on MIDI and groove-clip-enabled audio.
Max Output Level: 0 dBFS
RE: Is there a tempo offset? October 29, 07 0:43 PM
I have a track with a lot of tempo changes and would like to globally try a, say +10 BPM increase...

Try Process/Fit-to-Time, selecting "Modify by Changing: Tempo Map", and enable Audio stretching if you have any audio in the project. then all you have to do is calculate what percentage the 10BPM change represents as a function of the whole project's average tempo, and calculate the new end time to give you that.

I tried it quickly with a track containing tmepo changes every measure, and set it to cut the time in half, which doubled all the tempos as expected, and compressed to audio to match. And it's easily undone.

Max Output Level: -74 dBFS
Max Output Level: -78 dBFS
RE: Is there a tempo offset? October 29, 07 12:14 AM
Wow, thanks for the replies everyone! I'm going to try that...
Max Output Level: -74 dBFS
RE: Is there a tempo offset? October 29, 07 12:37 AM
You're welcome. Tempo scale/offset is the feature I've been waiting and begging for all this year. Now I see nothing changed since S6. I did not updrade to S7 yet because some importants features still missing in 7.
Max Output Level: 0 dBFS
RE: Is there a tempo offset? October 29, 07 1:52 PM
Tempo scale/offset is the feature I've been waiting and begging for all this year.

Plug this into a calculator:

New End Time = Old End Time x Old Tempo / New Tempo

I'll give you that having to work in SMPTE or MBT formats makes it a little more difficult, but not much. I'd start by converting the SMPTE to a total number of frames, do the scaling, and then convert back.

Edit: After posting this, I noticed there was more to the old thread you referenced, and that blindeddie had posted an offline javascript calculator that does the trick. I didn't check it out, but was this not a satisfactory solution somehow?
post edited by brundlefly - October 29, 07 2:11 PM
Max Output Level: -74 dBFS
RE: Is there a tempo offset? October 29, 07 2:24 PM
That definitely was a solution, but not quite satisfactory. The final tempo never ended up at exact PBM; lets say if I want change tempo from 110 to 120, it's always around 120, like 119.88 or 120.55 - something like this. And second, you can offset tempo of the whole song only, not a part of it.
Max Output Level: -78 dBFS
RE: Is there a tempo offset? October 29, 07 5:13 PM


That definitely was a solution, but not quite satisfactory. The final tempo never ended up at exact PBM; lets say if I want change tempo from 110 to 120, it's always around 120, like 119.88 or 120.55 - something like this. And second, you can offset tempo of the whole song only, not a part of it.

It would be cool to be able to highlight a selection on the timeline and select "Scale tempo" with absolute + and - options, as well as "By %". :)
Max Output Level: 0 dBFS
RE: Is there a tempo offset? October 29, 07 6:16 PM
That definitely was a solution, but not quite satisfactory. The final tempo never ended up at exact PBM; lets say if I want change tempo from 110 to 120, it's always around 120, like 119.88 or 120.55 - something like this. And second, you can offset tempo of the whole song only, not a part of it.

I played around with this a little, and found that if you use SMPTE times, the "quantization" effect of the low frame rate can cause tempo rounding errors of up to about .03BPM for typical tempos around 100BPM, and short song lengths of a minute or so. If his calculator produces errors greater than that, he's got a problem with his code.

In any case, I did a quick spreadsheet calculator that uses M:B:T values, and produces no errors within the two digit resolution of Sonar's tempo settings, even if you run at only 48PPQ.

Also I tried it on a middle section of a project, and it worked fine. I don't really want to take the time to convert this to an applet, but I'd be glad to share the Excel file. I'm not sure where is the best place to do that. Let me know if you're interested, and we'll figure it out. Or I can just email it.

If you want to try a test case, give me your clock rate (PPQ), meter, the existing tempo, the target tempo, starting M:B:T, and ending M:B:T, and I'll give you the new ending M:B:T.
Max Output Level: -74 dBFS
RE: Is there a tempo offset? October 30, 07 0:56 PM
Yes I'm interested. Please email me:

I'm not good at programming and calculations so forgive me if you receive some stupid questions from me.
Max Output Level: -74 dBFS
RE: Is there a tempo offset? October 30, 07 0:59 PM

ORIGINAL: cyberzip
It would be cool to be able to highlight a selection on the timeline and select "Scale tempo" with absolute + and - options, as well as "By %". :)

Right on! That's what I'm asking for, but in vain...
Max Output Level: -63 dBFS
RE: Is there a tempo offset? October 30, 07 4:36 AM
Yes, a "scale tempo" feature is sorely needed in Sonar. Fit to time will do something similar, but to me, that's a workaround.

And while we're at it, how about a "Bypass Tempo Map" button?