Need to replace a bunch of mic pre's

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2009/01/02 15:28:30 (permalink)

Need to replace a bunch of mic pre's

I have been using to good sucess an old Mackie CR 1604 (pre VLZ model). It is a rather neat little board, as you can actually get 16 discreet ouputs from it using channel inserts and various sends, and with the XLR expander every channel is XLR. I plug a Tascam MX-2424 into it and get 16 simultaneous recording channels, then dump the projects to Sonar for mixing.

I would like to replace the Mackie (which I am using just for the mic pre's) with something that would sound better, but not break the bank. Does anyone have a suggestion? I would still like to end up with 16 available inputs.



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    RE: Need to replace a bunch of mic pre's 2009/01/02 16:15:31 (permalink)
    Yamaha makes an 8 in preamp in a rack and is well regarded (they are the same as in the i88x, or close enough). Reasonable, too, at around $700. If you are more into high-end mic preamps, there are plenty of 500 series or up to the Shadow Hills 8 inputs for about $5000. That covers the spectrum of better than the Mackie.  
    there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.
    24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.
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    RE: Need to replace a bunch of mic pre's 2009/01/02 16:40:06 (permalink)
    I asked a similar question on the cakewalk GEAR forum. one of the answers I got was an OCTOPRE by focusrite. 2 of those would give you what you want, I believe.
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    RE: Need to replace a bunch of mic pre's 2009/01/03 13:07:04 (permalink)
    I would like to replace the Mackie (which I am using just for the mic pre's) with something that would sound better, but not break the bank. Does anyone have a suggestion? I would still like to end up with 16 available inputs.

    I just bought 4 of the m-Audio Octane units light-pipe units to connect to my existing Frontier Design Dakota/Montana cards. Sonically they are very transparent; I like them! However, they seem to have a design flaw in them as they take about 15 minutes to warm up before their phantom power supplies stop making a terrible buzzing sound. If I only had one unit I'd think it was defective, but multiple units behave the same when connected to low impedence mics. Arggh!
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    RE: Need to replace a bunch of mic pre's 2009/01/04 16:15:05 (permalink)
    Mike preamps and converters (and room treatment and good mikes) make up most of what is the foundation for great sound recordings. The mackie pre's only sound good until you compare them to great pres. I have a 1604, and I have several high end preamps (Langevin, Quad Eight, Electrodyne, Trident). The trick IMHO, is to find the balance between price and purpose. You may want tp pick up a pair of high grade preamps such as Great River (prox $2,ooo)as your "go to" pres for vocals acoustic guitars piano, etc., and get several ok but not as good pres like the 300.00 DBX tube preamp, or better yet grace101's at about 400 a pop.(excellent transparent choice). All is academic if you are using low end converters which do not give you a solid present rich sound. When I sold my delta 1010 and went to Lynx I was floored at the difference. I had been trying all these great mikes and pres and just couldn't hear too much difference until I upgraded the converters. Just don't forget the song is what will make you succed, not the gear. Another bang for the buck pre is supposed to be the Presonus Eureka at about 300 used, but I havn't heard those.

    There are three kinds of people in the world, those who are good at math, and those who are not.

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    Chris Hawkins
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    RE: Need to replace a bunch of mic pre's 2009/01/04 16:41:57 (permalink)
    If I had the cash I would be going for some Focusrite pres for sure! Or even Solid State. What I do use a lot of is a Joe Meek SixQ which is fairly decent. Great options, the sound is warm - it also has a compressor and EQ - the compressor is a tad weak and tends to pump easy, but good for slight dynamic control on things like voice overs.

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    RE: Need to replace a bunch of mic pre's 2009/01/04 17:21:06 (permalink)
    Depends what you want to spend. I've heard great things about the Great River, etc. but they all seem a bit out of my price range. Agreed on the converter comments, but you have to start your signal path upgrade somewhere. Good mic's will get you a fair amount of bang for your buck in a hurry, but again the really good ones are worth one term's college tuition it seems (paying for daughter through college at this point). Pres and A/Ds (as well as good clocking) are the rest of the equation. Really good pres and mic's are probably pretty good investments (if well cared for), as the classics seem to hold their value pretty well. I'm not so sure about A/Ds as an investment, as they are constantly being upgraded by more advanced electronics.

    I have the FMR RNP which is a good mid-range pre, and combined with their RNC (compressor) is a good basic setup, much better than most low end mixers (I have a VLZ Mackie mixer and a Yammy board as well and still go with the FMR most often). FMR incidentally is coming out with a third compressor which is similar to a Distressor type unit (lots of character). Mercenary Audio has demo files on line if you're intersted.

    Another way to go (if you're a pro with a soldering iron, and can identify components accurately) is kit built. The pres at Seventh Circle Audio look pretty nice and have been well reviewed. They are clones of classic Pre circuits. The catch is that they only work in their own rack and power supply which drives the entry level price of your first pre from them up considerably. Once you've made that investment, you can add more pres (some of which require purchasing seperate amplifier modules) in kit built or finished form at more reasonable prices. The modules look similar to API 500 series rack modules but they are not compatible with 500 type racks. Of course the resale value of kit built pres is not going to do nearly as well as classic high end gear. Going this way, for around $3k+ you could have a set of 8 pres, a pair each of four classic preamp styles at your disposal.

    The Maillard Reaction
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    RE: Need to replace a bunch of mic pre's 2009/01/04 23:48:13 (permalink)
    "They are clones of classic Pre circuits."

    With respect... they are not clones. They very nice unique designs using their own choice of transformers and op amps. They are labeled to appear related to circuits that have famous reputations, but it's a stretch to think they are similar.

    best regards,

    Nick P
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    RE: Need to replace a bunch of mic pre's 2009/01/05 10:02:55 (permalink)
    And there you have it. When it comes to anything and everything music, Sonar, or electronics-related, just think of him as "mikepedia". i.e. don't mess with the Zohan.

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    The Maillard Reaction
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    RE: Need to replace a bunch of mic pre's 2009/01/05 10:08:57 (permalink)
    Nick P,

    Is this a personal attack?

    Should I take offense to the term Zohan?

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    RE: Need to replace a bunch of mic pre's 2009/01/05 10:27:05 (permalink)
    I know this will soon be moved to the Gear section - (You know the section nobody reads?) But If I were to get started in higher end pres, I would look no further than the 4 channel Sebatron VMP 4000e. I picked mine up for $1725. It's a fairly transparent to dirty tube pre, with a multitute of eq options. It has character but you can really dial that down if you want a cleaner track. It's pretty amazing for the money. Your situation may differ, but I've really enjoyed mine.


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    RE: Need to replace a bunch of mic pre's 2009/01/05 10:31:34 (permalink)
    I stand corrected and certainly defer to Mike as more informed than I. 'Clone' is perhaps too strong a word, I suppose. I guess what would be more accurate is that several of the pres from SCA are compared to a Neve '72, API, etc on their web site and in various reviews. I assume that was the intent of each design and not a coincidence. Here is one web review that led me to believe this....

    From 3d audio web board:
    The N72 is based on the Neve 1272. Geoff Tanner, former Neve employee and current head of Aurora Audio had this to say about the SCA version in particular as well as commenting on the other various 1272 clones out there.

    From: Geoff Tanner (
    Subject: Re: Seventh Circle Audio's N72 mic preamp
    Date: 2002-07-21 17:01:48 PST

    I had a quick peek at the circuits and it would seem that they have taken note of the numerous posts I've put up about the wiring of 1272's.

    This is the first circuit I've seen that even approaches the correct way of wiring the module.

    The circuit that most folk use, I can't remember the link, is BS but that doesn't stop folk using it and thinking that what they have sounds like Neve intended it to!

    Sad really...


    At any rate, it seems that with some effort, a DVM and perhaps a scope, SCA might be one way to get a reasonable set of pres for an affordable price.

    The Maillard Reaction
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    RE: Need to replace a bunch of mic pre's 2009/01/05 10:35:20 (permalink)
    Hi feedback,
    FWIW I think the Seventh Circle stuff is cool, well priced, and a very good recommendation.

    I'm just a bit picky about the descriptions. :-)

    best regards,

    Nick P
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    RE: Need to replace a bunch of mic pre's 2009/01/05 17:47:46 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: mike_mccue

    Nick P,

    Is this a personal attack?

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    Please tell me you don't have a pony tail.

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