Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X

Max Output Level: -90 dBFS
2010/04/23 21:53:24
Hi and HELP!

Recording and playing audio I get a sizzling sound. WDM or ASIO makes no difference. I don't get it in Sound Forge.

Windows 7 32 bit
latest M-Audio Driver (
P5 750
Intel DH55HCMB
Sonar 8.5.3
ATI RADEON 24HD Video Card

No IRQ conflicts
Tried all 3 PCI slots
disabled all other devices except video and SATA (obviously)
tried asio4all
changed buffer settings to ridiculous proportions
disabled the D66 devices in the Windows Control Panel

If I don't get the sizzle recording, it will show up in playback/mix down. Audio exports with it as well.

I'm at my wit's end - open to all suggestions including recommendations for a decent replacement, I really don't need all the power of the Delta 66, and definitely not all this frustration.



Max Output Level: -88 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/24 05:54:27
i had this when i recorded multiple takes and was using the audio metronome.
It seemed to appear where i'd recorded multiple takes on the same track and muted-out the "older" ones for comping later. If i record on a bit of track that has no previous takes it seems ok. (BTW i have a very similar set up delta66 and SPE8.5.3)

the only way i found to cure this was:
-up the latency (to the next highest setting)
-turn off the metronome (though this is no use if you need it for timing)
-close and restart sonar (not sure why but it was a temporary fix)

It still happens now and then but as i know how to deal with it i just get on with it.
Worse bit is you dont know you recorded a sizzly-distorted bit till you playback.
usually this happens when ive just done what i think is a great take. bummer!
Perhaps start by upping the latency??
Max Output Level: -88 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/24 10:05:18
Are you using an M-Audio interface? I read on here that the drivers don't work well with Sonar. Not saying it's true but I just read it in another post.
Max Output Level: -88 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/24 10:46:34
i'm using an M-audio delta 66 with latest drivers (windows 7 32bit) in ASIO mode.
I'm unable to comment on the driver issue as i've nothing to compare them with.
Ive heard people slag them off but i guess we all speak from experience.
I've had my ups and downs with my setup, as probably most people have, but it serves me ok. I cant say whether there is any better device for my application though there are plenty of alternatives.
Whether the crackling issue is related to the soundcard/driver or software i dont know.
For the cost of trying a new soundcard and being unsure if that will solve all my problems i will stick with the devil i know rather than one i dont.
Apologies if this is a bit vague an not much help
Max Output Level: 0 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/24 11:14:26
The latest Delta 66 driver for Windows 7 is Delta_6.0.2_5.10.0.5074.exe. I assume that's what you meant. The M-Audio Delta drivers work fine under Windows 7 so that is not the problem.

Don't use the ASIO4ALL driver. I prefer to use WDM mode with my Delta44.

What are you recording from? A microphone, guitar, etc. ?
How much memory on that computer? You should have at least 2GB or more to run Windows 7.

Need more info and possibly a sample of the sizzling sound.
Max Output Level: -45 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/24 11:20:21

Are you using an M-Audio interface? I read on here that the drivers don't work well with Sonar. Not saying it's true but I just read it in another post.

M Audio is fine w/Sonar Prod - every version from 1-853-I have them all. Now on 853 W7 x64 Sonar853 x64
I don't know where you heard that but it's not even close to true!
Max Output Level: -56.5 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/24 11:51:22
If it was the drivers I would think the problem would present in Soundforge as well...try changing the metronome settings, or making a click track and have it trigger, say, TTS-1, on different in/outs than your recorded audio.
Max Output Level: -88 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/24 12:08:45
Like I said, I just read it and I do not presonally have any experience with M-Audio.
Max Output Level: 0 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/24 12:49:09
changed buffer settings to ridiculous proportions

Can you expand on this. what exactly did you change and what did you try? allot of users get the ASIO buffer and the Recoding & playback I/O timing buffers confused.
It helps if you fill in the blanks as to what settings you tried. And make sure you have the latest win 7 drivers. There were recently just updated.
Also, list your Peak dB levels on your tracks, master bus and main outs.
If your getting artifacts upon play back and bot recording, it can be 3 things:
IRQ conflict - You already ruled that out
Driver config/not having up to date drivers - This can cause what your experiencing
Clipping/Signals too Hot - This will also cause artifacts upon exporting
Max Output Level: -90 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/24 21:23:51
Thanks for all the feedback.
Turned off metronome, same problem.
It's a guitar, straight in, through a J-station, vocals through an sm58, a condensor mic, spdif, analogs 1-4, all the same effect.
Input turned down so it never even goes yellow, let alone red. It's not clipping.
I pasted the driver version straight from the M-audio control panel (, I downloaded it yesterday with show older versions unchecked, so I assume it's the latest :)

CJaysMusic, I tried every buffer one at a time, up and down. Playback, record, mixing latency, ASIO / wdm Buffer in the M-Audio control panel. I took a whole day off work to try to work this out. I guess I was hoping there were some known issues with my hardware software combination.

Another clue, it seems to be fine the first 15 seconds or so, then appears randomly but frequently from there out.

The most frustrating part is it's only happening in Sonar, 'cuz I love Sonar. I have a copy of Cubase LE I'm going to install, Ill post an update after I try that.

Max Output Level: -90 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/25 15:41:03
Cubase did the same thing.  I did also forget to mention I had this card in an XP box prior to this and it took major tweaking but worked OK.

So I went out and bought a Tascam US-122 MKII for $99. and it worked perfectly straight out of the box. I re-enabled all he stuff I disabled and lowered all my buffers and latencies back to optimal and it still works fine. It consumes half the processor power I was consuming with the Delta 66, there's actually less latency and obviously, no noise.

When I went into the local music store, one of the good stores that has recording studios attached and what not, I told the guy- who really knows his stuff- I had an M-audio card and he said immediately, "that's a shame, they aren't keeping up with their drivers for the newer operating systems. I hear your story all the time. Try this one, it does a decent job for the price and it will work fine for you." Given all the other message threads I've found on this board, M-audio's and others about nightmares with this card, I tend to believe him. Shame.

I'll hang onto the card, it looks like M-audio is still selling the Delta 66, maybe someday they'll get it right and I'll have a really nice setup!
Max Output Level: -86 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/25 16:18:27
Hi twessel

Welcome to the Sonar forum, good to have you here.

I also have had the Delta66 for quite some time, and it has served me well, however, it does take some tweaking every time I change my setup. I recently had to reinstall my OS, plus upgrade from Sonar PE 8.3.1 to 8.5.3, so I just went through it all again.  What seems to work for me is what Cjay mentioned about the buffers, increased mine to 512 and it usually works fine at that setting, depends on your setup though.

One thing I find very helpful to save a lot of headaches and time..... Once you finally get all your Sonar and sound card settings to where they work correctly with no conflicts, take screenshots of all the important settings dialog boxes in Sonar, and all the sound card's control center settings,  and save all the jpegs somewhere safe. After reinstalling my OS and upgrading to 8.5.3 PE, I was able to call up the pic files of the settings with sonar open at the same time and just tick away. Except for a few minor tweaks it worked out pretty well.

Best regards,

Max Output Level: -71 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/26 10:11:12
Midiman seems to be having some problems lately with certain products and drivers. I suspect it's the Avid takeover that is throwing some sand in the gears, but I don't know for sure.

That being said, the Delta 66 has been one of the exceptions to the rule although some people still seem to have troubles. The drivers for Windows 7 x64 have worked perfectly for me and I can get 64 msec latency with no pops our clicks when playing Ivory or any of my other VSTi.

In the future though when I buy a new card it will NOT be a Midiman unless they get their act together.

Max Output Level: -90 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/27 21:31:54
Bingo! Disabling EIST (Enhanced Intel Speedstep Technology) and CPU C state in the power section of the BIOS made all the crackle sizzle go away!

I'm pasting my MB model and Delta 66 here for the search engines...

Intel DH55HCMB
Delta 66
pop click crackle sizzle

Thanks again for all the feedback!
Max Output Level: 0 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/27 22:14:39

Midiman seems to be having some problems lately with certain products and drivers. I suspect it's the Avid takeover that is throwing some sand in the gears, but I don't know for sure.

That being said, the Delta 66 has been one of the exceptions to the rule although some people still seem to have troubles. The drivers for Windows 7 x64 have worked perfectly for me and I can get 64 msec latency with no pops our clicks when playing Ivory or any of my other VSTi.

In the future though when I buy a new card it will NOT be a Midiman unless they get their act together.

They've finally released an updated driver for the MIDIMan series of interfaces. I got tired of waiting and bought a Cakewalk UM-3G interface back in December. It works fine, but it was $60 I wouldn't have had to spend had M-Audio had their act together. I'll remember that next time I buy a product.

Max Output Level: -84 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/27 22:34:20
Was going to suggest running DPC Latency Checker...seems OP's got it already figured out, disabling the culprit HW.
Max Output Level: -71 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/28 09:31:19


Midiman seems to be having some problems lately with certain products and drivers. I suspect it's the Avid takeover that is throwing some sand in the gears, but I don't know for sure.

That being said, the Delta 66 has been one of the exceptions to the rule although some people still seem to have troubles. The drivers for Windows 7 x64 have worked perfectly for me and I can get 64 msec latency with no pops our clicks when playing Ivory or any of my other VSTi.

In the future though when I buy a new card it will NOT be a Midiman unless they get their act together.

They've finally released an updated driver for the MIDIMan series of interfaces. I got tired of waiting and bought a Cakewalk UM-3G interface back in December. It works fine, but it was $60 I wouldn't have had to spend had M-Audio had their act together. I'll remember that next time I buy a product.

I did exactly the same thing!
I bought the UM-2G though because I got tired of waiting as well.

I'll remember it as well next time I buy a product and I suspect quite a few others will as well.

Max Output Level: -71 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/28 09:32:40

Bingo! Disabling EIST (Enhanced Intel Speedstep Technology) and CPU C state in the power section of the BIOS made all the crackle sizzle go away!

I'm pasting my MB model and Delta 66 here for the search engines...

Intel DH55HCMB
Delta 66
pop click crackle sizzle

Thanks again for all the feedback!

Thanks for posting the fix and seeding the search engine with good information for the next poor soul looking for help!!
Glad you got it fixed!

Now go have fun and make some music!!!!

Max Output Level: -75 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/04/28 15:04:44
I also have a Delta 66 with the same issue. Right now I have Vista but will be upgrading to a Windows 7 cpu. It drives me nuts because I have to record a few seconds of a take to make sure that there's no sizzle on the track. It has nothing to do with recording too hot, etc.
Could be a driver issue with Sonar, don't really know. It happens with ASIO and only recourse has been to restart Sonar. I never had this issue with XP....anyone have a fix that still has Vista?
Max Output Level: -75 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/05/02 14:45:16
I worked on a new tune last night. I did multiple vocal takes on separate tracks...after about the 8th one, I had the sizzling sound on the track again. It's not my hardware or cables. Cakewalk states that it could be an issue with the Delta 66 I'm using. Help!
Max Output Level: -84 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/05/02 21:30:04

I worked on a new tune last night. I did multiple vocal takes on separate tracks...after about the 8th one, I had the sizzling sound on the track again. It's not my hardware or cables. Cakewalk states that it could be an issue with the Delta 66 I'm using. Help!

What latency setting are you using? Have you tried possibly freezing some tracks, just to go over the process of elimination for troubleshooting?
Max Output Level: -75 dBFS
Re:Delta 66 and crackle/sizzle Producer 8.5.X 2010/05/03 13:38:56
Latency is at 512 for recording and playback. I'm monitoring through a hardware mixer.
Again this is not the crackling and popping you normally get with a latency issue, it almost sounds like I'm singing through a distortion box.