beat matching in P5 v2 .... Yes or No ?

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2005/03/18 07:03:58 (permalink)

beat matching in P5 v2 .... Yes or No ?

I spoke to someone from Edirol UK who has recently seen a Project 5 v2 demo. He implied that that audio clips added to the mix in real time beat match or sync in an Ableton Live way.

To anyone who knows, is this actually correct ?

He also said that he was very impressed with the demo and that the upgrade price will be announced very soon.

The Popstar

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    RE: beat matching in P5 v2 .... Yes or No ? 2005/03/18 08:02:41 (permalink)

    P5 v2 will have Kinetic-inspired Groove Player thingie that is Ableton Live like and will play back an 'acidized' audio clip in time to the project's tempo/bpm
    Kinetic supports quite a few Ableton Live like features including adding or switching clips or clip sets in real time so I expect P5 v2 will follow.

    And if he's impressed then I'm impressed.
    Anticipation toward the April release is definitely building -- then we'll know with greater certainty what and how these one line feature descriptions actually work.


    Nick Haddad [Cakewalk]
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    RE: beat matching in P5 v2 .... Yes or No ? 2005/03/18 09:34:35 (permalink)
    P5v2 will support syncing (acidizing) audio to the current project tempo. It will work much like SONAR's "groove clip looping" feature.

    Nick Haddad
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    RE: beat matching in P5 v2 .... Yes or No ? 2005/03/18 09:49:50 (permalink)
    P5v2 will support syncing (acidizing) audio to the current project tempo. It will work much like SONAR's "groove clip looping" feature.

    what if i dont want the audio to sync with the tempo? can i turn it off?

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    RE: beat matching in P5 v2 .... Yes or No ? 2005/03/18 09:58:15 (permalink)

    if you don't want an audio clip to sync with the project's tempo, then you shouldn't put it through the acidize rinse cycle
    and it will be 'stuck' at the tempo your recorded it at

    if this is can be considered a feature, it's avaialble now in P5 v1.5

    i think once you acidize an aduio clip, it's compelled to sync with the project AKAIK

    edit[ and doesn't that Nick grow more handsome with every post?]
    post edited by wrench45us - 2005/03/18 09:59:22


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    RE: beat matching in P5 v2 .... Yes or No ? 2005/03/18 11:06:48 (permalink)
    Thank you for the responses.

    Please excuse my lack of clarity about this and consider a further question:

    In Ableton Live, when you add a clip (audio or midi) it will NOT start playing immediately but rather, start on the beat ie beat synced.

    If this was done with drum beats, you would switch OFF the pitch shifting and just let it sync to time. The added drum beats would stretch or shrink AND be beat aligned.

    When I played with Acid some years ago, I remember having to move the drum clips to visually align them.

    Will P5 v2 beat match in this way ?

    Thanks again

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    RE: beat matching in P5 v2 .... Yes or No ? 2005/03/18 13:30:24 (permalink)

    since Nick indicated it would work much like Sonar's Groove Clip Looping feature you may want to post on the Sonar forum to get an answer to your specific questions re: how Sonar currently does it

    for one thing I think a distintiion must be made between adding a clip to a track in real time and adding a clip to a Kinetic like Groove Player
    The Groove Player is more likely to sync on a given beat or bar boundary -- where adding a clip to a track is more likely going to play where you place it

    so both models Ableton and Acid impl;ementations would likely be supported depending on where you place the clip

    are you currently using either of these apps or something else in a live situation?


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    RE: beat matching in P5 v2 .... Yes or No ? 2005/03/18 14:15:45 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: wrench45us

    edit[ and doesn't that Nick grow more handsome with every post?]

    I was thinking the same thing, but was afraid to say it

    Beer is the cause and solution to all of life's problem's

    b rock
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    RE: beat matching in P5 v2 .... Yes or No ? 2005/03/18 16:53:29 (permalink)
    doesn't that Nick grow more handsome with every post?
    Yes he does. And he doesn't look a day older than when his TV series was #1. How does he do it? Nick, what's your secret?

    [Listen, guys, we can suck up all we want, but we're still not getting any t-shirts.]
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    RE: beat matching in P5 v2 .... Yes or No ? 2005/03/18 20:24:59 (permalink)

    still no T-shirt, eh.

    ok what about that terrific plaid shirt Nick's wearing?
    is that flannel?


    b rock
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    RE: beat matching in P5 v2 .... Yes or No ? 2005/03/18 20:44:17 (permalink)
    that terrific plaid shirt Nick's wearing? is that flannel?
    Nah, I'm sure that photo pre-dates the Grunge era. He's looking very dapper; I'll bet that he brought Marsha in for a landing with that outfit. Polyester is my guess. There's an outside chance that it's made of 50% Dacron[tm]. As opposed to the Project5 t-shirt, which is evidently made of 100% dark matter[tm] .
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