V2 General Tip Jar

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b rock
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2005/04/30 18:06:40 (permalink)

V2 General Tip Jar

Same rules as the other thread: short & sweet, and on-topic. The exception is that this time we're looking to compile all of those little tips & tricks that have been flying through here since the V2 release. The Groove Matrix may in fact require its own Tip Jar, but drop them here and we'll redirect, if necessary.

Please feel free to grab the ones already posted and drop them in the jar, but give the original poster any due credit. Rene jumped into the 3-Dimensional Tip Jar head first, and I'd encourage all of the Bakers to add their valuable one-shots here, even at the risk of the repetition elsewhere. I'll start off with a few:

The Undo history has 64 levels of undo enabled by default. This aligns with the .pdf maual, by diverts from the 16 level default explanation in the Help file. Each additional level uses some memory to store your Undos, so you might want to lower this setting for some headroom, or clear the contents in a final saved project archive. Also, delete your unused patterns in the Editor (before saving) to save some disk space. [Maximum is 128 levels of Undo.]

The maximum range limits of Tempo in P5 have quietly been expanded from 8 to 1000 BPM. Use this with the new standalone Tempo track for some great tempo-based changes or special effects. Set the range from 8-200 BPM to 8-1000 BPM for ease of drawing. [Shift still rubber-bands straight lines.] The Tap tempo button on the interface can be bound to a MIDI message like your Sustain pedal or a note value via remote control. Double-click on the numerical readout to enter a number manually with hundredths-of-a-Beat per Minute accuracy.

The new Process menu is a great addition. Use the Process/Length command to extend or reduce your selected MIDI notes in a pattern by as high as 5000%, or as low as 1%. You can move just the Start times, the Durations, or both. Remember that you can select non-contiguous notes with Ctrl+click, so that you can extend just the notes that you want, for sustained, overlapping acoustic guitar picking, for example.

Keep in mind that most of the radio dials in Project5 [including the Process and MIDI FX, and the main GUI 'header'] allow you to sweep values with the mouse, click in increments of one with a left-click, and jump in increments of 10 with a right-click.

The Pan and Width track controls are now combined in V2. Pan as usual. but Ctrl+click to access the Width controls.

No sense in hunting around for your meticulously saved Track Patches from the 1.5 version. Go to Windows Explorer, and copy all of your track patches and custom sub-folder in the Cakewalk\Project5\Patches folder. Create a New Folder in the Cakewalk\Project5 Version 2\Device Chains folder, next to the other sub-folders there. Drop a copy of that data into that New Folder, and rename it something like Track Patches 1.5. The next time that you launch, your older saved files with be available alongside of the new offerings.

There are some new shortcut keys to learn, and some of the functions have multiple access via shortcuts. You can now toggle through the Tools in the Editor with the old "T" command, or zero in on a specific tool with Ctrl+Shift+N (for note), or +S (for Select), or +A (for automation). Ctrl+F is a handy new one for Freeze, and the Step sizes have been expanded with Ctrl+Shift+T for a triplet. Fortunately, you can still "jam" with the arrow keys. Select some notes, loop a pattern, and go wild with the arrow keys (both vertically & horizontally). Record the results in Sound Forge (or similar), and import the resulting .wav back into P5 for further manipulation.

Customize your workspace with the Save as Template command. Open up a New file, and carefully re-arrange all of the layout to reflect your personal preferences. You might want to load a specific synth as a starting point, or float the Editor, or have the Groove matix in place. Check for silly mistakes (like the default tempo, or the Now Time out of place), then go ahead and overwrite your template. Hey, if you screw up, an automatic replacement will be generated upon manual deletion [verified in 1.5 only, so far], so what do you have to lose? [Hey, the old Layouts are gone, unless ...]

Next ....?
post edited by b rock - 2005/04/30 18:12:33

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    jardim do mar
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/04/30 18:29:39 (permalink)
    Next ....?

    ahahaha,, humana,,hummana,,hummmmmmmananan,,humana,,
    to quote the ,,,famous,,and one of ,,my favorite ,,americans,,, jackie gleason

    would sharing ,,of of my comma's ,,,suffice,,,,,,

    post edited by jardim do mar - 2005/04/30 18:30:29

    And Remember,,,,One thing at a Time.....
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/04/30 18:58:53 (permalink)
    I'm not sure if the comma key is used for any keyboard shortcuts yet, but I can only guess that Cakewalk is saving it for something really special in Version 3!

    Okay, my lack of humor aside, here is an easy tip related to precisely patching in effects in the Track Inspector. As we all know, patching effects in v1 was a little unpredictable at times, but now it is really easy to do in v2.

    The first time that you add in an effect using the Add FX button, the effect will be patched in to the Device Chain flow as diagrammed in the Track Inspector. You can continue adding effects in this manner, then click and drag their names to re-order them if desired.

    Or, if you position your mouse exactly where you want to patch in an effect (e.g. between two previously-added effects), you will see an Insert | Audio Effect context menu that lets you place the new effect precisely where you want it to go without you having to reorder the effects afterwards.

    Both approaches are big improvements over the old way of accomplishing this, from my point of view.
    post edited by PaintedBlue - 2005/04/30 19:00:01
    b rock
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/04/30 21:39:07 (permalink)
    To the moon, jardim! To the moon ...
    the comma key is used for any keyboard shortcuts yet
    Thanks, Blue! It used to be a shortcut for Jog Backward in 1.5, but now both Jog directions have been changed to the two-stroke Ctrl+Page Up/Down. No wonder it wasn't working for me; I thought that I had lost my "focus".

    Huh? Why go to the two-bie when the original shortcuts were so intuitive? < and > for Jog Backward/Forward. The period and the comma; B Rock/Jardim's signature abused puncuation marks; Yin/Yang ... Well, I guess that this loosely qualifies as a tip.

    Don't get caught by that old Justify gag; it's gets us all here every time. If you have no sound, or very low-level output, check the Options/Audio/Playback Bit Depth/Justify setting. It doesn't matter what it's set up currently as: Try as you may; a new installation always seems to set this value to the opposite of what your soundcard needs. This one even got me once again with the demo.

    Multiple monitor users: You've got some options to utilize your screen real-estate nicely, but don't expect all of the tear-away toolbars found in Sonar. Dependant on your video drivers; you can stretch the app across both screens, expose the Groove Matrix, drag it to the 'screen split', and adjust your Track pane/track Inspector width. But you can float the Editor, and all of the synth GUIs float by design here, for some nice arrangement options. Dimension adds a floating MIDI matrix, Program Browser, and Vector Mixer window as well.

    Use the Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab to navigate back and forth among the open 'windows'. You're looking for a Terminator-like targeting highlight now, rather than the Thin Green Line in 1.5. Cycling order and the number of steps until repeating the sequence will depend on the number of synth/FX GUIs open. Double-click on any unused portion of a Track will open it's resident synth GUI. Check the Options/Show Transport at Left toggle for a more logical transport location.

    The new editing funtions are really something. You can now Transpose your keyboard controller input along with the patterns by virtue of it residing in the Track Inspector. And you can split, combine and unlink any selected clips [except for multiple instances of the same pattern] using the right-click menu over one of the patterns or the simple shortcut commands: S, M (no more Mains), and U; respectively.
    post edited by b rock - 2005/04/30 21:46:34
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/01 11:56:30 (permalink)

    since we've learned that audio recording against a track loop will auto-generate new audio clips, it's very useful method for audio

    but what about us midi workers
    left in the dust???

    not quite
    midi recording against that same delimited track loop will overwrite on the same midi pattern -- it even makes an effort to display that that's what it's doing
    but that can also be very useful
    ex. A drum lines
    -- go through on each pass and add kick, snare, hats, etc -- since they're on different note values they don't overwrite each other -- you get to audition what's already there as you layer (and clean up parts between)

    ex. synth lines and drums lines
    just make a new track layer and arm that layer for recording
    makes it very easy to play out a comp or countermelody using the same synth -- then move it to a more approriate track synth as thing sprogress
    it's not as auto generating a new track as audio, but midi means manual

    ok enough tips
    we don't need everyone to know how cool this v2 is the 1st week


    b rock
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/01 11:58:12 (permalink)
    When you load in a Device Chain (or track patch), then later decide to replace the type of synth in the setup, the original Device Chain name persists through the replacement. A quick fix is to double-click on the track name, then hit Backspace and Enter. The name of the replacement synth will pop up.

    Use the Qwerty arrow keys to quickly navigate between tracks and track functions with the 'focus' on the Tracks Pane. Up & Down highlights the different tracks; Left and Right scans among the available controls. The news here is that this implementation has now been extended to include the Track Layers. Rearrange your Layers by click-dragging and dropping. A directional cursor will appear either inside, or to the left of the Layers.

    Cyclone is back. It wasn't mentioned much [at all] in the V2 promo documents, fueling speculation that it had been "absorbed" by the new Loop Construction features. I can see a useful scenario of finding the 'frozen' tracks, importing those to a Cyclone pad, and slicing the results, among many other uses. The news here is that Cyclone has gained another output. The 1.0/1.5 version had 16 outputs; now the 2.0 version adds a 17th for the Mix Only output. Double-clicking on the track number itself will also bring up the GUI.

    Bypass All Outputs and Enable All Outputs has saved me a ton of work in using track patches [Device Chains] to set up initial states for multiple-output synths. A real time-saver; these are located under Bypass in the track's right-click menu.
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/01 13:10:18 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: b rock

    When you load in a Device Chain (or track patch), then later decide to replace the type of synth in the setup, the original Device Chain name persists through the replacement. A quick fix is to double-click on the track name, then hit Backspace and Enter. The name of the replacement synth will pop up.......

    cool i have been typing them in thanks for the tip.
    Billy Buck
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/01 15:52:36 (permalink)
    Here's my contribution to the ol' P5 2.0 tip jar

    Although audio recording is new to P5 2.0 and the audio editing is not as comprehensive as compared to SONAR 4, there are still some "basic" audio edits and some nifty audio related features you can do, many without the need, of first, committing the audio to a Groove clip:

    Basic Audio Editing:

    Once you record an audio track, you can copy, move, delete, slip edit, and split without committing to a groove clip. Either by right mouse clicking on the hightlighted audio clip and selecting from the drop down context menu or left mouse clicking and using normal SONAR 4 type move, copy and slip editing techniques.

    Comp Audio Recording:

    Another nice unexpected feature is the ability to "comp" tracks. First create an Audio track, set the input channel, arm the track, set the volume level and then set a portion of your project, in loop mode, say the first 8 bars. Now when you record your audio track, while in loop mode, and you reach the end loop point, it will continue to record another audio track by automatically creating a new "Track Layer" beneath the original audio track and "muting" the first audio track. It will keep creating additional "Track Layers" and "muting" the previous tracks, until you stop playback. Very similar to what happens in SONAR 4. You can then slip edit your tracks to create the best composite. Not as robust as in SONAR 4, but still quite usable.

    Hot Keys for Audio Recording without stopping Playback:

    Among the many shortcuts, is the ability to insert a new audio track ("Insert" key), set the new track for record (use the "left/right arrow" keys to select the record arm button), and start recording ( "R" key), without ever stopping playback, simply by using several hot keys. You will see the new audio recording being drawn on the Arrange page, as you record.

    Hot Keys for Moving a Clip or Multiple Audio Clips:

    Another nice editing feature is the ability to select clips or even groups of clips (by Ctrl / Left clicking to select) and move them up/down, left/right by using the coresponding arrow keys. The up/down arrow keys move the clip/clips vertically to adjacent tracks while the left/right arrow keys "nudge" them horizontally, by the Snap to Grid note value. Or you can press "N" to toggle "Snap to Grid" on & off and and freely move the clip or group of clips, in any direction. Of course, it is gapless during playback, even when project looping and using delay compensated plugins, like those from the UAD-1.

    Live Input Monitoring:

    P5 2.0 has a Live Input Monitoring button, above the Record button, which allows you to use guitar amp sim plugins like the UAD-1's Nigel, IK's Amplitude, NI's Guitar Rig, etc..... and cut your audio tracks with realtime effects. You will need good stable low latency audio drivers capable of 256 sample buffers or less (5.8msec) for realtime response, similar to what you would find using an external FX box like Line 6's POD.

    Creating Groove Clips from Recorded Audio:

    If you select a recorded audio clip and press Ctrl/L you will automatically create a Groove clip. As a Groove clip, in the audio editor you can then do sliced-based automation of Gain, Pan & Pitch. You can tweak the groove marker settings and drag and drop the new edited Groove clip back into the Arrange view, onto a new track as a new Groove Clip. Press Ctrl/L again, on the orignal Groove clip and it reverts back to it's orignal audio wave form.
    post edited by Billy Buck - 2005/05/01 17:32:46

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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/01 16:49:46 (permalink)
    Nice one, Billy. Now that's what I'm talking about. Say, does anyone know who wrote the V2 Theme Song? Not the one from the trailer; the long-ish intro song on the installation disk. Let me guess: no one let it play long enough before they clicked Install Program [that is, if you could hit that moving Flash target]. Beautiful song, as it turns out. Sounds like Tomita doing a new Lord of the Rings episode. [Rene?]

    The Sonar Plugin Manager has finally come to the P5 masses. It's on the installation DVD, but it's still Version 1.0. I already had it, so I can't tell if it was automatically installed with the upgrade or not [probably not]. Keep this in mind for later, whenever you have some stubborn plugin entries that won't go away.

    The DS864's Banks have gotten re-organized. The Dream Experience offering have been redistributed among the other sub-folders, like AMB, SYN, and KBD. There's a BASS folder now, and I see some new drums and the Orchestral stuff (that was once default) seemed to have remained on the DVD. You may have to do a manual install again. I can't be too sure of this, because all of the Banks get installed to the Shared DXi/DS864 folder that both 1.5 and 2.0 use. There are some redundant entries in my setup, partially because I re-organized the programs myself, and they weren't overwritten. [I wonder if they fixed the dead notes in the Flute.dp8? <g>]

    The package didn't include the Keybord Shortcuts hard-copy like 1.0/1.5 did. If you didn't throw it away after unpacking, that was a great resource at your fingertips. Shortcut use is invaluable; once your hands leave one KB or the other, you're interrupting your workflow. It might be useful to print out the shortcuts [there are many changes and new additions] from the Help/Keyboard Shortcuts menu for desktop reference, until you get rolling.
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/01 16:51:10 (permalink)
    Quick tip:

    Learn to use and love the new GROOVE MATRIX.

    That feature is a monster!

    And, you can create the grooves in the matrix, then record them in the arrange pane so easily - and thereby creating quick arrangements on the fly.

    This is one feature that I absolutely love.

    Billy Arnell (ba-midi)

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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/01 16:57:17 (permalink)
    In project5.ini, you can change the MIDI override behavior by changing
    to = 1

    Then P5 will auto-echo that track.

    Billy Arnell (ba-midi)

    Music gives me life, so I give life Music.
    Thanks for listening - Let's Dance to the rhythm of life! :)
    Billy Buck
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/01 17:27:11 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: ba_midi
    In project5.ini, you can change the MIDI override behavior by changing
    to = 1

    Then P5 will auto-echo that track.

    Nice one ba_midi, we have not even starting to scratch the surface of the .ini file. If it's anything like SONAR 4, you can do a lot of customizing, of P5, from the .ini

    Win 10 Pro x64 | i7 4770k | ASUS Z87 Deluxe/Quad w/ TB 2.0 | 16GB Corsair RAM | Apollo Twin Duo USB | UAD Satellite Octo USB | UAD-2 Quad + UAD-2 Solo PCIe | SONAR Platinum x64 | REAPER 5 x64| TranzPort

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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/01 17:52:27 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Billy Buck

    ORIGINAL: ba_midi
    In project5.ini, you can change the MIDI override behavior by changing
    to = 1

    Then P5 will auto-echo that track.

    Nice one ba_midi, we have not even starting to scratch the surface of the .ini file. If it's anything like SONAR 4, you can do a lot of customizing, of P5, from the .ini

    This is a setting I use all the time.

    Billy Arnell (ba-midi)

    Music gives me life, so I give life Music.
    Thanks for listening - Let's Dance to the rhythm of life! :)
    b rock
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/01 18:03:26 (permalink)
    Agreed. The fact that we even have an .ini file now in Project5 signals another round of experimentation and tutorials. Nice tip, Billy (Arnell). Where ya' been? Don't be a stranger ...

    The Project5.ini file stores many of the options that you can easily set from withing the program itself, so those really don't need to be customized within this file. There are a lot of carry-overs from Sonar, which makes sense considering the new audio features. Some of those might need to be tweaked; we'll see how that plays out. The limitations set for the audio picture cache were increased to great effect in Sonar, and we may have to flush out those waveform drawings manually after a while.

    There's some strange ones in there that are specific to Project5, and those are what piques my interest. And it's nice to know that some of the 'slimming' that's been going on in 'hidden' places has popped up here, where we can detail some less-risky procedures. I'm going to save a complete explanation for later, after the dust settles, but I'll leave you with a single mystery tip with an obvious solution:
    The first two lines of the Project5.ini file are as follows:

    How many do you want? <g>
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/01 18:25:07 (permalink)
    Hello Tom :) I'm always around, not always posting though ;)

    Actually there are options that can only be set in the INI files as well. That XOmni setting is an example. That can't be set from within the program (yet).

    Having looked through the ini file, I already stumbled on the one you posted below. And have used it already :)

    And, as others have said - you're amazing with the amount of knowledge sharing you do, Tom. I have the utmost respect for you because of your generosity in that way!

    ORIGINAL: b rock

    Agreed. The fact that we even have an .ini file now in Project5 signals another round of experimentation and tutorials. Nice tip, Billy (Arnell). Where ya' been? Don't be a stranger ...

    The Project5.ini file stores many of the options that you can easily set from withing the program itself, so those really don't need to be customized within this file. There are a lot of carry-overs from Sonar, which makes sense considering the new audio features. Some of those might need to be tweaked; we'll see how that plays out. The limitations set for the audio picture cache were increased to great effect in Sonar, and we may have to flush out those waveform drawings manually after a while.

    There's some strange ones in there that are specific to Project5, and those are what piques my interest. And it's nice to know that some of the 'slimming' that's been going on in 'hidden' places has popped up here, where we can detail some less-risky procedures. I'm going to save a complete explanation for later, after the dust settles, but I'll leave you with a single mystery tip with an obvious solution:
    The first two lines of the Project5.ini file are as follows:

    How many do you want? <g>

    Billy Arnell (ba-midi)

    Music gives me life, so I give life Music.
    Thanks for listening - Let's Dance to the rhythm of life! :)
    b rock
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/01 21:48:05 (permalink)
    Screw it; I can't go to sleep. Now I'm too tired to drop off, so here's another one-shot that might not be so obvious:

    When you're working with just a few tracks, the Track Pane remains uneffected by this procedure. But once you overrun the Track Pane vertically, either by togging in the Automation Lanes [Ctrl+T], or loading it up with some tracks, the scroll wheel [middle mouse] will now shift all of your tracks upward and downward, for easy selection & visibility.

    The same goes for the Four Aux busses, the Master and the new dedicated Tempo track. It won't collapse them in the irritating way that Sonar did; the action just scrolls through the selections at their current size. Ctrl+T also acts as a 'track targeter'; opening up some white space temporarily in a crowded mix, and allowing you to focus on the details.
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/01 22:42:38 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: b rock

    Screw it; I can't go to sleep. Now I'm too tired to drop off, so here's another one-shot that might not be so obvious:

    When you're working with just a few tracks, the Track Pane remains uneffected by this procedure. But once you overrun the Track Pane vertically, either by togging in the Automation Lanes [Ctrl+T], or loading it up with some tracks, the scroll wheel [middle mouse] will now shift all of your tracks upward and downward, for easy selection & visibility.

    The same goes for the Four Aux busses, the Master and the new dedicated Tempo track. It won't collapse them in the irritating way that Sonar did; the action just scrolls through the selections at their current size. Ctrl+T also acts as a 'track targeter'; opening up some white space temporarily in a crowded mix, and allowing you to focus on the details.

    ANother ini variable we could use:

    Sleep=Tylenol PM

    Billy Arnell (ba-midi)

    Music gives me life, so I give life Music.
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/02 16:51:37 (permalink)
    Processing multiple outputs independantly:

    When you add a virtual instrument, there's the window that opens up on the left side of the screen with the MFX effects, virtual instrument, aux sends etc. One of the parameters on the virtual instrument is "active output". When you select a different "active output" all the settings below it change too, reflecting how that output is processed. It's not immediately obvious because the default settings are the same, but lets say you select active output 2, add an EQ and change an aux send level, then go back to active output 1, you can see that you indeed have separate processing options on each of the available active outputs.

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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/02 18:55:48 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: lkingston

    Processing multiple outputs independantly:

    When you add a virtual instrument, there's the window that opens up on the left side of the screen with the MFX effects, virtual instrument, aux sends etc. One of the parameters on the virtual instrument is "active output". When you select a different "active output" all the settings below it change too, reflecting how that output is processed. It's not immediately obvious because the default settings are the same, but lets say you select active output 2, add an EQ and change an aux send level, then go back to active output 1, you can see that you indeed have separate processing options on each of the available active outputs.

    THere is also a "spinner" on the track header as well, for a multi-out plugin. And, that area on the left is called the Track Inspector, btw.
    You can also right click on the spinner to bring up options.

    Billy Arnell (ba-midi)

    Music gives me life, so I give life Music.
    Thanks for listening - Let's Dance to the rhythm of life! :)
    Billy Buck
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/02 19:48:55 (permalink)
    Instant Project Looping during Playback:

    If you select (highlight) a clip/pattern, in the Arrange View, during playback and then press Ctrl + P, P5 will automatically set the begin and end loop points to the selected length of the clip/pattern. You can even Ctrl + Left Click multiple clips/patterns, on different tracks, in different locations and when you press Ctrl + P , P5 will set the loop points, where the first loop/pattern begins and last one ends, on the timeline. Press L to toggle project looping on/off. Best of all, this can all be done during playback, with no disruption, to the audio engine. If the Now Time is not already, in the selected project looping area, it will seamlessly move to the beginning of the new loop region, once you press Ctrl + P. Another example of P5 2.0's gapless audio engine.

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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/02 20:19:52 (permalink)
    In project5.ini, you can change the MIDI override behavior by changing XOmniFollowsActiveTrack=0 to = 1 Then P5 will auto-echo that track.
    I'd like to expand on Billy's tip here, and give a practical application of its usage. I used to do this with a Registry hack, and this one was even published by Jesse Jost at Project5.com. But now, it's even easier (and safer) to toggle this setting in the project5.ini file.

    If the MIDI Override follows your active track, like it does with this .ini hack, then you can use the Qwerty arrow keys [Up & Down] to send all of the incoming MIDI data through the Override, and channel the data to different tracks on-the-fly.

    If you arm several tracks for recording, each with a different synth, you can record several different patterns at once; each in it's own track or lane. A new unique pattern will pop up in each track/lane navigated to with the arrow keys, and even the Track numbers/layer numbers will "flash' to indicate the switch. This allows you to record several different synthesizer types on their own track and in their own pattern; all in one pass. Multi-tasking at its finest.
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/03 21:25:32 (permalink)
    I wrote a tutorial once on using the extreme range of the Pattern Transpose feature in 1.5 to really freak out any soft-synth or preset. Nearly all of that information still applies in V2, except that you can now transpose your 'live' KB controller input along with it in the Track Inspector. Unfortunately, you can't automate or record that function in motion. It's locked in at the start of Record, inactivating the changes. But you can now select multiple patterns, and transpose them all in one shot.

    Here's a related one involving the Arpeggiator. Want to push your synth's oscillators to the breaking point? You can select just about any Note Value [try 16ths], but make sure that the Octave Range is maxed at 8, and the algorithm used is Random [playback order of fingered notes; not random pitch values].

    Right-click on the Latch button, and assign control over to your Sustain pedal [other messages will also do nicely]. Play fairly low on your controller, and the Arp will take over, stretching the limits of your soft-synths until they 'crack' under the applied pressure. Lay in some very active licks, and bring the Latch in & out with your Sustain pedal. Freak out in a moonage daydream; oh boy ...
    Nick Haddad [Cakewalk]
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/05 12:28:55 (permalink)
    General tip #4058:

    Device Chains not only hold a specific synth, mfx chain and fx chain, but they also include remote control assignments.

    You can open up your favorite synth and effects (Dimension, MicroTonic, and AliasFactor are mine these days), remote control your favorite parameters for those synths (like AliasFactor's bit decimation parameter!) and then save it as a device chain. Then every time you insert that device chain into your project you automagically get remote control assignements set up for you. Quite fun.

    Nick Haddad
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/05 12:51:06 (permalink)
    edit ....yep OT too i started a new thread
    post edited by rabeach - 2005/05/05 13:14:14
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/05 12:59:52 (permalink)
    [edit - this was way OT, so I started a new thread instead]
    post edited by ucacjbs - 2005/05/05 13:00:52
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/05 19:02:25 (permalink)
    Here's another good tip regarding Rewire; thanks to "Groovy" Nick Haddad, and excerpted from another thread:

    ReWire is a technology that the fine folks at Propellerheads came up with that allows audio applications to communicate.

    You can basically add Kinetic as an instrument in Project5 and use it as if it were a synth. Project5 will send midi to Kinetic, and Kinetic sends audio back to Project5. Also, the transports of both applications are synced up when you ReWire applications together, so hitting play in Project5 starts up Kinetic and vice-versa.

    To "ReWire" Kinetic into Project5 you can do the following:

    1) Open Project5
    2) Click on the "Add New Instrument Track" button (looks like a little keyboard with a down arrow next to it) to bring up the instrument browser
    3) Click on DXi & VST Instruments tab in the instrument browser
    4) In the left column, at the bottom, there is a category called "ReWire Devices". Click on it.
    5) Now in the right hand column click on "Kinetic"
    6) Notice that you've now inserted a new track named Kinetic. Click on the "Show Instrument" button for that track to open up Kinetic.

    Now both applications are synced together and you can open up a Kinetic project and Project5 project and play them together.

    [Read on if you want extra information about ReWire, otherwise just enjoy using Project5 and Kinetic together]

    In this situation Project5 is acting as the "ReWire Host" or "ReWire Mixer" meaning that it is the only application that talks directly to the sound card and it controls things like transport and tempo. Kinetic is the "ReWire slave" or "ReWire Synth". As the slave, Kinetic gets midi data from the host, and sends audio back to the host, but does not talk to your sound card at all.

    The best thing about ReWire is that a ton of audio applications support it.

    Here is a list of some ReWire Hosts:
    Project5 Version 2, SONAR, Ableton Live, Cubase, Pro Tools, Adobe Audition, Sony ACID, etc.

    And some ReWire Slaves:
    Project5 Version 2, Reason, ReBirth, Ableton Live, FruityLoops.

    Notice that some Applications are ReWire hosts and ReWire slaves. This gives the user of said applications (like Project5 Version 2) a lot of flexibility. If you want you can Use Project5 inside your existing SONAR, Cubase, or ProTools setup. If you really like Reason 3 but want to add some audio tracks (or prefer Project5's midi editing), you can use Reason inside of Project5. It's nice to have the extra options.
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/06 21:55:03 (permalink)
    You can use the Arpeggiator to frequency-modulate any patch in any synth, and open up a new palette of sound colors by changing that patch's timbre. The Arp provides so many new exploration paths that I'm going to write up a complete tutoriial on just the less-obvious ones, but I couldn't resist putting out this teaser:
    Open up any synth and patch, but you can start with something simple like the default Rhodes.dp8 patch in the DS864. Enable the Arp, set the Range to 1 octave, and hit the Latch for continuous preview purposes. You can select any algorithm, but note that the Rhythms Only one is a bit 'brighter' than the others for this situation.

    Now hit a note, and gradually dial in increased Rate settings. At lower settings, you'll get a repeated 'tremolo'-like single note, but as you pass the 32T setting, the timbre begins to change. At it's most extreme, the 128T setting really mangles the original sound, resembling ring-modulation. This is wild enough alone, but there's more.

    Since the Rate control is tied to tempo, you can modulate the 'distortion' by using a Tempo Track curve. Leave the setting at 128T, create a one bar loop in the Arrangement Pane, and set the Snap to Grid at a 16th Note. Draw in some 'quantized' tempo curves, taking care to not go too slow [<50 BPM; +/-], and take advantage of the upper 1000 BPM limit. Now playback the one-bar loop, and hit one note [still Latched in the Arp]. Wild sequencer-like pitch and timbre changes that are anything but ordinary, and an infinite amount of sounds, depending on the synth and patch that's input. And you did it with just an arpeggiator and a tempo change.
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/10 20:57:04 (permalink)
    Here's a few oddball discoveries that I've found in PSYN II:
    Press the Control key while right-clicking on a bank, as you would to select a patch from that bank's alternate menu. The Bank will reset back to the A Bank, yet remain on the number of current patch. For example, if you have Mojo's Orch Strings [F072] selected, Ctrl+R-click brings you back to [A072] Techno Bonk. Useful? Probably not, but it's there ...

    Now one for you trippy trance-types: Right-click and hold on a bank with the Alt button pressed, and you'll be treated to a flickering scanline of PSYN II's GUI scrolling rapidly in the background of the patch selection list. If this doesn't induce a trance, nothing will.

    OK, enough fluff. Here's the real deal: Select any patch in PSYN II. Go to the Track Inspector, and re-assign one of the eight 'widgets' to ModFX Delay. Go to MIDI Remote Control, and select Velocity as the source for that Delay destination. Then go to the new ModFX "built-in", and max out the Depth, Feedb(ack), and Level controls. Leave the Freq at 0.0 Hz. [LFO Off].

    These aren't subtle settings; they're overblown in order to demonstrate the effects. Feel free to tone them all down later. Now select the Chor(us) type, and be treated to an eerily sinister comb-filter effect. The apparent pitch center varys with your playing style on a per-note basis.

    Equally interesting results can be found with the Symp(honic) selection. With 6 chorus effects, you'd expect a sound that's harsher still, but this one is actually milder and more controllable with many patch choices. But the real gem here is the 8-stage phaser!

    I don't know if this reminds me more of a Mutron Bi-Phase, an Electric Mistress (flanger!), or the first time that I heard an Eventide, but what a luscious sound! You might want to back the Depth off to 20% for this one, and introduce some very slow sweeps with a Freq knob bump. Make sure that Phas(er) is selected, and listen to the vocal-like 'format' sounds that undulate with every successive key-press.
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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/11 17:31:37 (permalink)
    OK ok I'm not new but this tip I just found out, please dont tell me it was in 1.5 all along!!!....:-

    Duplicate Patterns in tracker

    Everyone knows f you hold down the Ctrl key while you drag the center of a pattern, Project5 pastes a separate copy of the pattern at
    the location where you release the mouse but...

    To make truly independent copies, hold both the Ctrl and
    keys down while you drag-copy the pattern

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    RE: V2 General Tip Jar 2005/05/11 17:36:48 (permalink)
    Dammit, now I've got my hand stuck in the tip jar trying to grab all this stuff at once

    (Got my copy of V2 today - my wife called me at work "are you expecting anything by FedEx?". Oh yeah, I forgot to mention....)

    "When the going gets weird, the weird turn Pro" - Hunter S Thompson
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