[track] idm suite from wasabi

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2005/12/03 12:47:27 (permalink)

[track] idm suite from wasabi

here's the latest track from my wasabi project. it's sorta "idm" i guess, but as we all know, it's a strange genre, and i doubt anyone would ever want to dance to this series of rhythmic soundscapes.

suite idiomatique

as you can see, it's also available as a download from the jopy website.

since process has come up recently, here's the deal--the drums and some of the effects were reaktor synths sequenced in p5, samples exported and mastered with good old sonar along with some moving pads i generated in absynth and reaktor once again.

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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/03 13:12:17 (permalink)

    i'm dancing
    dancing, i tell you

    wait the drums cut out and i'm left drifting through an asteroid belt on the solar wind

    ok, drums are back and the warp drive's been repaired and humming

    and my gosh, a French ambulance
    where'd that come from?

    definitely a world unto itself
    always a pleasure to visit


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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/03 13:21:45 (permalink)
    Totally EXCELLENT jopy. This is the sort of track Autechre should be making instead of getting away with murder and dissapearing up their own backsides after their forth album. Wonderfull development here and gorgeous textural soundscape. Can't really ask for any more. Top track. wasabi rules.
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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/03 13:28:57 (permalink)
    Hello Gourdo,

    Liked it very much. The textures were reminiscent of the Polygon Window album (one of Richard James' alter egos from the early 90s), a personal favourite of mine. Great stuff, with and without the drums. That's a fearsome bass rumble around the 5:10 mark. What was responsible for that, if you don't mind my asking?

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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/03 13:32:27 (permalink)
    hey all, thanks a lot. always appreciated.

    the bass rumble at the end is actually the reaktor ensemble skrewell, which is nearly impossible to control, so you just hit randomize over and over again until it makes a noise you like. i had the track nearly finished and then i spent about an hour auditioning different random skrewell patches until i got something i liked.
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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/03 14:31:25 (permalink)
    Aha - skrewell - unpredictable indeed.
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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/03 14:49:49 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: gourdjopy
    here's the latest track from my wasabi project...


    I've made no secret about being new to electronic music, both the process of making it and its various "genres".
    So, if you don't mind, let me write for a second.

    I am having a great time learning, from all of you. Slowly I am working my way through most of the forum regulars compositions,
    either by downloading everything they have on Soundclick or downloading from their various sites etc. So it's really not a stretch
    to say that two weeks ago Wednesday I had a <somebody> day, two days after that I had a <somebody else> day. I honestly
    do take a day and in-between rehearsals, concerts, practicing or whatever else is going on, by the end of that day I have done my
    very best to go through everything I can find by that particular person.

    Anyway, I listen to each of these individuals' compositions chronologically and sequentially and once I'm done I feel as though
    I have gained some modicum of insight into their compositional techniques. This is not to say that I know what these
    individuals are thinking or what they're goal is with their art, it's just I am able to somehow "categorize" their stuff into
    some sort of logical order in my brain that makes sense to me.

    I must say that I have had several "Gourd" days and I have yet to come to grips with any sort of logical "categorization" that
    makes sense in MY head as to where to put it. I thinks that's a great thing, because to me my inability to put my finger on
    a particular focus or common thread that comes out of your art speaks volumes about the various levels that your art can be
    analyzed upon. Sort of like what Wrench said above, it's "a world unto itself". I can't begin to tell you how much I enjoy it,
    but I also have trouble saying anything intelligent about it. I feel..."unqualified" to do so.

    This is much harder to explain on paper than I thought it might be. I hope you are following me here.

    At any rate, this is yet another such composition. It's incredible. I don't even feel that it can be discussed on one level, it
    really needs to be taken apart layer by layer and analyzed not so differently from Schoenberg or Schopenhauer. So, once again,
    I feel very much unqualified to say much about it without writing an entire volume dealing with this one particular element, or
    that particular element.

    It is, at the very least, without question, amazing, meticulous work that speaks on so many emotional levels.

    I hope my babbling made some sense to you, it's the best I could do. Thanks.

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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/03 18:28:57 (permalink)
    pretty wicked sounding stuff. very evolving. I think I like this side project better than ekajati..eaiser on the ears....
    great stuff.

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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/03 21:56:57 (permalink)
    Hey Jopy,
    drt again. Left a message over on SC but popped over here to ask you how you made this track, what software, synths etc, and you answered in the first post so no need!!
    Listening again, and yes , its a grower.
    Still undecided on the software and still looking...!
    All the best,
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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/04 11:22:45 (permalink)
    This track makes me feel like I'm among some real talent here - and not just because of sound selection and sequencing (and some Reaktor instruments even have that going on already) - but rather for the assembly of component pieces into an artifact that doesn't resemble any component piece, individually. This soundscape moves through very obvious sections, some of which recur, to meet a very (tragic?) end. Well, there is that ambulance sound - so what was the precursor? That's the beauty of sound - ultimately the movie is in each listener's head. It would be interesting to cull these "daydreams" for comparitive sake.

    Very well done!



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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/04 15:07:22 (permalink)
    Hey gourd:

    Very dark and brooding. The tone is unmistakable. Excellent job in communicating there mate. Like others have said I appreciate the complex phases that this song moves through. Sounds like a lot of work went into this.

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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/04 17:09:06 (permalink)
    thanks for the feedback kev and eric. nice to hear these things; i'm learn a lot about my approach from these comments, if that makes any sense.

    ORIGINAL: elektroniqa

    ...not just because of sound selection and sequencing (and some Reaktor instruments even have that going on already) - but rather for the assembly of component pieces into an artifact that doesn't resemble any component piece, individually.

    isn't that the devil with reaktor? it does so much, i feel like i must assmble things carefully because otherwise i'm just a puppet of the instrument designers. i've started doing my own synths because then i can call that slab of sound that eminates from pushing a single key my own.
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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/04 18:23:10 (permalink)
    Very moving track, gourd

    Like Will, I must say I am learning so much hanging out here. I am used to think of music in terms of notes, chords, rythm, mathematical development of thematic material...

    This is taking me in such a different place, yet I feel a sense of structure and thought throughout.


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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/05 09:41:23 (permalink)
    howdy hypo,

    i get a lot of my structural ideas from keith jarrett's 1970's quartets, bill frisell, paul bley, and electric miles davis, so it shouldn't be too surprising that you're hearing some familiar themes. all of my pieces really do have submerged harmonic material and are in a key (i think this is mostly in f dorian, but don't hold me to that, because i'm away from my computer and don't have perfect pitch to check for certain). i don't really do atonal very often (i like atonal music, but i almost never do it). there's even a pretty clear time signature to this one; it's 100bpm, and goes from 12/8 to 4/4 (i'm sure you can tell). so, it's not really that weird. at least, it isn't to my ears.
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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/05 10:06:45 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: gourdjopy
    all of my pieces really do have submerged harmonic material and are in a key.....there's even a pretty clear time signature to this one; it's 100bpm, and goes from 12/8 to 4/4 (i'm sure you can tell). so, it's not really that weird. at least, it isn't to my ears.


    Don't mean to hijack what you said to Jean, but I wanted to offer a small explanation for my ridiculously long post above. All I was trying to say was your level of complexity demands some "real" analyzation, and coming from the background that I (and Jean) come from, it's a completely new world for us. I would love to have the time one of these days to sit down and tear one of your pieces apart, I think it would be a real learning experience from many musical and technical standpoints. Once again, the fact that I feel I would need so much time to do so is a supreme compliment to your art.

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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/05 10:15:55 (permalink)
    i really appreciate that will. the odd thing is, i am sort of an aborted product of that same world. i played jazz for a few years in college and took classical piano for about 8 years in total, and never really got that good at either one. i do think that background helps me a lot, because i use a lot of techniques that i picked up in that training.

    odd, off topic thought--i'm taking guitar lessons. recently i sat down and figured out voicings for all the major, minor and dominant chords around the circle of 5ths; i know this stuff on the piano fairly well and thought i'd impress my teacher by showing that i could do all that figuring after just a couple weeks of lessons. when i brought it in he (very politely) said that the important thing for me was to just improvise on major scales for at least a year, and not use complex theory until i mastered the fundamentals to a point that they were instinctive. that really startled me at first, because i thought, "wait, i'm a jazz guy, i do weird chords and funky dissonance, that's my thing," but the more i thought about it, the more i realize it's much better to get down those core things in my writing first. this piece is really just a few very simple ideas (fairly simple moving pads in absynth, a few basic drum grooves, and some sequenced noise) chained together. i'm putting myself on a "no new synths" rule until i really get good at the ones i'm using already.
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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/05 11:16:40 (permalink)
    when i brought it in he (very politely) said that the important thing for me was to just improvise on major scales for at least a year, and not use complex theory until i mastered the fundamentals to a point that they were instinctive.

    i respectfully disagree
    when i originally tried to learn guitar (this may be hard to believe) I refused to learn chords and my friend was nonplussed and tried to explain how much guitar work gets played 'out of chords'. so he taught me what some useful modal patterns looked like on a guitar and hoped my ear would be able to figure out where to place those on the fretboard.
    well that never really worked out all that well
    and i've turned around 180 degrees to all chords all the time

    can't really play either way -- if that's your goal, ignore my rant

    maybe don't use complex theory, just the simple theory


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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/05 11:34:20 (permalink)
    i should have mentioned, he did give me a really good system for drop two voicings and told me i should stick with slowly going through all the maj7, dom7, and min7 voicings around the circle of fifths in all four inversions, one chord at a time. so it's not like he wasn't saying i shouldn't learn these things, but he said i should work on one thing at a time and get good at that before jumping around to whatever new theory challenge arises. did i mention that i also had figured out block chords in fourths, diminished scales, and whole tone scales? it will be useful at some point, but if i can't improvise a good simple melody, then i'm not going to have much use for these weird-ass scales. i wonder sometimes if theory is a bit of a crutch for me. hmmm...
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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/05 11:48:35 (permalink)
    should have mentioned, he did give me a really good system for drop two voicings and told me i should stick with slowly going through all the maj7, dom7, and min7 voicings around the circle of fifths in all four inversions,

    yes, well that makes more sense
    and I'm still on the major 7th (chapter one, p. 9) of my newest theory book doing just that
    playing against a metronome even at very slow speeds is some sort of devious mental training -- sort of like Navy SEALs expected to be able to do the math for position triangulation when exhausted and hypothermic -- no wonder those trained musicians are such a strange lot.

    speaking of strange, I have some sort of mental block and get very lost when i get about 2/3 through the cycle and chords repeat -- ex. D# whoa looks a lot like E flat, but no it's with sharps
    and this working with minor modes is also a bit akimbo VI becomes I, so what was I is now III -- how's that work in your Nashville notation?


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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/05 11:56:23 (permalink)
    nashville notation? i'm not familiar with that term. what does it mean?

    i've played minor and major modes so much on the piano i don't even think of them in those terms anymore. if you say, give me the basic ii(m7)-V(alt)7 turnaround in G minor it's just a time-unchanging picture of Amin7(b5) and a D7 built mostly around an Ab7 chord (that's the altered-tritone substitution) and sound--no conscious thought involved. it's moved from being procedural knowledge (which is very flexible, but slow) to declarative knowledge. it's just sorta there in one piece, like the color blue. and it's something every single first year student at berklee or north texas can do far faster than i can, which is humbling for me. i still have a lot to learn about those minor modes. i can't truck through inversions at a brisk tempo and create that constant flow of interesting chord voicings that you hear from the heavy hitting jazz cats.
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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/05 12:28:14 (permalink)

    i thought that was probably the point of that sort of repetition

    Nashville Number System

    it's just using the number system instead of the actual chords to capture the relationships and make it easy to switch keys
    gets a little fun when they start notating something V of V -- which they do
    just thought the shift of numbers when working in a minor key would throw that system off, but it could be it's immune to that


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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/05 12:46:41 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: wrench45us
    speaking of strange, I have some sort of mental block and get very lost when i get about 2/3 through the cycle and chords repeat -- ex. D# whoa looks a lot like E flat, but no it's with sharps
    and this working with minor modes is also a bit akimbo VI becomes I, so what was I is now III -- how's that work in your Nashville notation?

    Sorry Gourd, here I go hijacking again...


    With all due respect to the city of Nashville, throw that crap out. If you wanna learn theory, learn theory.

    Here's a term you've heard that we're gonna use here: Diatonic. When I talk about playing something "diatonically", it means play within the given key signature and do not change any of the notes outside of the rules of the key signature. OK??

    You're theory books probably cover this, but try to start thinking of this:

    Start here: Upper case and lower case Roman Numerals --- OK?

    Upper case Roman = major, lower case Roman = minor. So, if you were to play diatonic triads in ANY MAJOR KEY, it looks like this:

    I, ii, iii, IV, V, vi, vii(o)

    -> -> -> the "o" is for the "degree" symbol, meaning diminished, and since the vii chord diatonically is diminished, it is
    neither major nor minor, thus the lower case.

    So, in your book when you said the "VI becomes I", it's because you've now gone from the Major key to its relative Minor key.
    In other words, you're happily playing along in C major, then all of a sudden it's A minor. Well, look at those Roman numerals
    written above. Once again, in C major if you count, you'll see that the vi chord is actually Aminor, right??? And it's properly
    notated with a small Roman numeral. So what is actually happening is instead of being in C major with the Cmaj chord being I,
    now you're in the key of A minor with the Amin chord being "i" (small Roman=minor, right??). And, to further confuse the issue, diatonically in a MINOR key, the III chord actually IS major (in this example, C major). Make sense??

    The reason things are, as your wrote, D# instead of Eb is diatonically there are some rules you must follow. If you're in the key of Ab, and you're diatonically playing the triads just like the Roman numerals say above, the ii chord, for instance, is going to be: Bb, Db, F. OK, now if for some reason every bone in your body is screaming at that you would rather have the Db be a C# I can understand. But it breaks the rules, ya see?? In this example the key of Ab calls for that note to be a Db, not a C#, so no matter how much you wish you could call that note a C#, it just IS NOT, according to traditional theory rules.

    Remember "Furled" when I told you the Dbminor chord was Db, Ab, Fb??? Well, that's why, within the constraints of the key you can't call the Fb an "E", even though it looks like, smells like and tastes like an "E". See? Rules you must follow.

    Enough, probably confused the crap out of you already.

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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/05 14:00:41 (permalink)

    sure a more explicit roman upper/lower case number system is less ambiguous
    but what about my dream of playing a pedal steel preset using Absynth 3 at a Nashville session ?


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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/05 14:13:08 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: wrench45us
    but what about my dream of playing a pedal steel preset using Absynth 3 at a Nashville session ?

    Then you're on your own there my friend.

    Say hi to Edgar Meyer when you're in Nashville, OK??


    EDIT: Sorry Gourd, this is serious hijacking. But hey, at least we keep bumping your piece!
    post edited by wgcabp - 2005/12/05 14:15:49
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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/05 16:08:45 (permalink)
    yeah, i'd really be one to complain about someone hijacking my posts. i've done it to wrench so many times i'm surprised he doesn't have me searched by homeland security before i board one of his threads. as far as i'm concerned, a bump is a bump is a bump!
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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/09 19:22:39 (permalink)
    I finally got a chance to look at this. IT's AMAZING!

    Great job.

    post edited by triscuit - 2005/12/09 19:23:19
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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/11 14:41:52 (permalink)
    great piece, liked it a lot.
    It reminded me of an old CD of autechre I listened to...

    keep up the great work
    Digital Aura
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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/11 15:16:45 (permalink)
    Care to know what I think, Gourd?

    I'm dumbfounded. This isnt IDM.

    IS IT?

    Its a bit random but really doesnt have that "play whatever happens" thing that bugs me about most IDM. This is mood music. This is ambient trance!!
    Good stuff! REALLY LOVE THE WORK AT 3:00.
    Man thats just good bit crushin!

    Reminds me of something I heard on the Passengers CD (you know, Eno and U2).

    Yeah...more like this, Gourd! More like this!! You really got the tension and release going on this. A real technohypnotic soundscape!
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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/11 16:03:03 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Digital Aura
    This is ambient trance!!

    What are you crazy??????

    I'll give you the ambient part but not the trance.
    Digital Aura
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    RE: [track] idm suite from wasabi 2005/12/11 16:08:10 (permalink)
    why not Triscuit?
    Trance is anything characterized by hypnotic and melodic qualities, and typically involves repeating rhythmic patterns added over an appropriate length of time as a track progressed, thus creating an effect of hypnotic trance.
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