using Superior Drummer

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2014/01/29 10:24:48 (permalink)

using Superior Drummer

i did a tune recently, one i programmed back when i first bought EZDrummer...
i know a lot of folks here use it..
anyway, i wrote and recorded a tune, using the mixer and playing the drum tracks straight from the toontracks mixer....
my typical M.O. is to leave it in midi until the final mix, then freeze the track to audio, and do the bounce from there.
since then, i've used the superior kits almost exclusively, tho i still like the old ezdrummer default kit.

i've always mixed THRU the SD mixer, which of course, is loaded with every option any DAW would have per channel..
it's kinda like a mini daw inside my DAW (sonar)

so, i took a new approach....

i changed my kit, from the original EZDrummer kit i started with,
to the new york avatar kit.
i believe this particular kit i built uses a Black Beauty snare piece....

i took the raw drum samples at 24 bit, PRE SD mixer...
bouncing off line from samples to audio wav files...

and output them all to individual audio tracks, as if i had recorded the samples myself straight to audio.

this includes all close mics, and a plethora of stereo room mics, near, mid, distant, room mics, and overheads...

it's 24 tracks of drums and mics!

(if you don't know about this program, it's really worth a look just to see how they captured the performances that became the samples)

anyway, to my ears, simply 'faders up' and no EQ except kick and snare, it sounds better and more natural than routing thru the small internal mixer.

man, did that open it up.

i have a lot to learn about the ways of outputting the drums and mics, but as it is, right now, the way i chose the bounce routings, there is bleed on every channel, of varying degrees, like natural bleed would occur without using gates and whatnot..

and i could almost mix the kit just using the room mics.

as it is, i have a good balance between the close mics, and the room mics, and the kit sounds wonderful to me.

i put a limiter across my drum bus, just to catch the hardest collective peaks...
i put all the toms into a 'toms bus', and put a limiter across that, much the same fashion...

but nothing on the kick, nothing on the snares, nothing on the overheads, and i really like the sound of it.

it is GLUE, as you mixers say.

no reverbs or delays, just natural room decay with the room mics.

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    Danny Danzi
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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/01/29 12:42:34 (permalink)
    bats, I'm just curious why you feel the need to export the audio like that? Did you know you could route Superior right into Sonar's tracks (without physical audio, yet it would show up like audio was there and you could engage waveform preview and see waves) and treat it exactly the way you are with the wave files?
    If by chance you'd like me to explain it in depth with pics or a quick vid, I have no problem putting it together for you as it would take me like 5 minutes. If I'm reading you correctly, you're basically setting up your kit, then exporting each piece and then importing the wave files back in to where it looks like you recorded each track, correct?
    If I'm right, the only reason you'd do that would be if your pc is super slow. You can do all of that in real time in Sonar's mixer. You don't have to use Superior's mixer or their effects if you don't want to. We can virtually hook up each kit piece to a track in Sonar in real time and you could process it any way you like. The only thing that would be missing would be the wave file it wouldn't be needed unless you have a specific need for that.
    When running Superior "virtually" it is the exact same thing you're doing minus wave files. So we'd take the mixer outs of each drum in the Superior mixer (This is the only time you will have to mess with the Superior little mixer.) and set them for an individual out. You know how they all come in at like channel 1 in the Superior mixer? We'd bring Superior in using synth rack and then change the mixer outs in Superior to read a different channel other than all reading "channel 1". So for example....
    kick on 1
    snare top on 2
    snare bottom on 2 (or 3 if you want)
    hats on 4 etc...
    Once you're all done, when Sonar brought Superior in through synth rack, it also created virtual tracks all down the side. So you have all these blank tracks that were created. You'd take the inputs of those tracks and point them to the correct Superior outs you created in the Superior mixing board. For example...
    We did kick on one. So you'd go to the blank kick drum track that was created and set the input for 1. When you press the kick drum in Superior, you'll see signal coming out of the virtual track that Sonar created. When you get done setting up all the rest of the in's, when your midi plays into Superior, all the drum sounds will come out of each Sonar track that was created just like what you're doing with all those wave files only no wave files will be present because you don't really need them, understand?
    We can do everything you've done in seconds instead of exporting and importing like you're doing now. The only drawback to what I'm talking about would be if you had a slow cpu. I run all my drum modules the way I told you above. The thing that sucks is setting up the ins and outs for the first time. But all you have to do is do that once and save it as a template and you will never have to do it again. So the first time you do it (if I do a vid for it and show you, you'll get it in seconds) it may take 20 minutes. Once you do it and save it, you're looking at the time it takes to load what you saved and you're good to go.
    Let me know if you're interested and I'll make something for you. Honest when I tell ya man, if I'm understanding you correctly, we can do everything you're doing in real time without exporting your current kit and then importing your wave files. You can process in the Sonar tracks just like you recorded the drums....just the wave files will not be there because they are not needed. Let me know, ok?
    If I've totally misunderstood you, please disregard this and forgive me.

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/01/29 12:48:03 (permalink)
    bats, I'm just curious why you feel the need to export the audio like that? Did you know you could route Superior right into Sonar's tracks (without physical audio, yet it would show up like audio was there and you could engage waveform preview and see waves) and treat it exactly the way you are with the wave files?
    i have too little ram.
    i'm running into issues with having the active midi triggering the audio samples, and found that bouncing the samples directly to audio seemed to sound so much better.

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/01/29 12:50:56 (permalink)
    some more reply:
    if i update my machine, i'll move back to doing it exactly as you suggest.
    but i do believe, that the 24 bit samples, sound better as wav files, than running thru the SD's mixer.
    and routing them (the individual drum tracks) to their individual channels, and routing them inside sonar's layout instead of the SD's mixer, is much more intuitive to me anyway.

    Bats Brew music Streaming
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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/01/29 13:21:00 (permalink)
    Ah I understand. Ok, so you did know about the way I was talking about. Yeah, if you're having issues, the way you're doing it is the only way to go. Your stuff sounds amazing, so it doesn't matter how you end up getting there. LOL! I was just hoping to save you some time. :)
    It's funny man, I'm on the fence with the whole 24 bit wave files thing with these drum modules. I think I got pretty decent ears, but honest when I tell ya, I sure can't tell a difference that makes a REAL difference. I work for FxPansion and one of the things we all seem to do is set BFD 2 or 3 to 16 bit to take the wave load off of it. When we do leave it at 24 bit, I can't hear a difference. The same when I've worked with Superior. But hey, I believe you if you say you hear it....I just wish I could. I can usually hear two gnats screwing in the next room over these drum programs don't seem to lash out at me like "wow, now that's a HUGE difference!" Hahaha!
    Just curious, when you say "problems triggering the samples" are you getting random samples dropping out? If so, it could just be your midi buffer needs to be set to a larger number. I had a problem with samples dropping on me...but they were always random.
    Like one time a kick would be I would rewind to that spot and play it again, and bang, the kick was there...then 20 seconds later, a hat would be gone....rewind and play in that spot, the hat is there. Man, it drove me nuts! I posted a message on here years ago and this guy (I always refer to him as my Sonar angel lol) who always seems to come around and bail my sorry butt out, comes out of nowhere and says "adjust your midi playback buffers to 800. If that fails, try 1000, 1500, 2000."
    That totally fixed me and most of my machines are set to 800 or 1000. I got one set for 2000...and no more dropped notes. So if that's the sort of thing you may be experiencing, try the midi playback buffer. I think it defaults to like 250 or 500. Try 800 or 1000 and see if it still does it.
    If you know for sure it's a RAM problem, the above probably won't make a difference. But honest when I tell ya, even on my slower boxes and my test machines, I don't have any problems. One of my main dinosaur boxes is a pent 900 mHz cpu with 1 gig of RAM. I can't run loads of stuff on it but it always seems to work with things in moderation. I could probably shoot that thing and it wouldn't die. It has Sonar 5 and 6 on it currently.

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/01/29 13:55:05 (permalink)
    what I hear... between 16 bit and 24 bit...
    it's hard to describe....
    but it's more "3-D"
    i hear more......depth.
    maybe it doesn't translate to everybody.
    and lord knows, my ears are partially shot, and i have tinitus pretty bad...
    but i still can hear an obvious difference in the quality of the sound.
    it's almost like i can hear the  room dimensions in the 24 bit files, and lose some of that depth going to 16 bit.
    or i'm nuts.

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/01/29 13:57:17 (permalink)
    i will actually get fatal errors, and the program will shut down.
    i need an update, i'm still on my original build, winxp SP3, with only 4 gb of ram, only 3.2 of that is seen, and using about 1.7gb of samples!
    LOL again...
    but my system is stable and sounds good, until i pile on superior tracks/superior mixer, AND a bunch of waves limiter plugins on individual tracks!!

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/01/29 14:30:58 (permalink)
    3-D does make sense actually. I'm going to try and listen for that now that you told me what to listen for. Maybe that's where I was missing the boat. I definitely don't think you're nuts. There has to be a reason the drum program manufacturers gave us 16 and 24 bit samples and they must make some sort of difference in sound.
    I guess I was thinking I'd hear the difference between 16 bit and 24 bit like I do when I record at those bit rates. I notice that 24 bit is a bit bigger in sound size to my ears and of course is a bit clearer. Like if you were to record a mono guitar at 16/44 and pan the guitar all the way to the left and listen to it, then do the same thing at 24/48....the 24/48 seems to have more sound size to me on my stuff...if that makes any sense? I don't know if that's due to 24 bit or 48k sample rate to be honest....but something literally makes the size of the sound a little bigger. I guess I was hoping to hear that kind of difference in the drum modules, but they sound the same to me at 16 as they do 24.
    I'm starting to wonder if all of it isn't hype anymore, bats. LOL! If we got decent ears, decent gear and get good sounds and deliver good material, nothing else matters really. I remember talking to a guy (I think it was bitflipper) years ago about dithering and he told me that he doesn't worry about it and doesn't notice a difference. He would even down sample without using any dither.
    I happened to try it in a Sonar project that was recorded at 24/48. I set the export options to 16/44 without using dither...and honest, I couldn't hear anything that sounded wrong to me. When people ask me why I dither, I try to be honest and say "I do it because I've been taught to." When I am BRUTALLY honest with them and get asked that question, I simply say "I really don't know and hear no audible difference in spite of what the math may tell me." I'm not ashamed of being clueless or not being able to hear math. :)

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/01/29 14:33:32 (permalink)
    That is how I do it too, as of about 3 months ago when I ran across this Toontrack Video below.   Previously I was using the Multi-Channel output method to individual channels in Sonar for treatment.....and only bouncing at mixdown.
    However, I like bypassing the Superior Mixer altogether and going with completely dry and direct mike outputs - without bleed.   When using the Superior Drummer mixer, you are given various levels of bleed through the different channels.  You can alter the bleed levels or turn bleed off in the mixer but I  like the flexibility of adding in the type of bleed I want later.     After bouncing I typically use the OH Bleed, Ambient Room and Comp Room, blending to taste.       I use the "Split Direct from Bleeding Option" and turn the "All Bleed Option" off.   This option will still give you some nice bleed outputs in separate Wave files, Stereo and Mono......
    This Toontrack video does a nice job outlining the different bounce options.
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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/01/29 14:48:55 (permalink)
    yea, dither is another mind tweak.
    yep, i saw that vid very early on, and didn't pay enough attention to it!
    i've got two projects i'm experimenting on now...
    the TABRIZ song (in song forum) and another, similar setup...
    so, i'm doing the bounce with bleed on on one of them, and the bleed off on the other..
    i'll play with both mixes, and eventually decide which one makes more sense for me, and use that as my template for future projects.
    this is the vid i watched to learn how to do it most recently...

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/01/29 14:58:48 (permalink)
    Bat, I have been using SD2 for a good while now.  I work on the song thru the mix.  Drums are running through each channel in X3 or S1 all driven by midi.  Then I convert the individual tracks to wave files using SD2's export.  I am doing that just to make sure I have the wave files if I return to the song someday. 
    After reading your thread, I my start working with them before I mix to see the difference. 


    Sonar Platinum 64 (Lifer), Studio One V3.5, Notion 6, Steinberg UR44, Zoom R24, Purrrfect Audio Pro Studio DAW (Case: Silent Mid Tower, Power Supply: 600w quiet, Haswell CPU: i7 4790k @ 4.4GHz (8 threads), RAM: 16GB DDR3/1600 
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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/01/29 14:58:57 (permalink)
    I meant to mention before bats....ARC is pretty killer isn't it? I know we have to be careful talking about it as people seem to want to fight all the time. LOL! I'm just glad you picked it up and it's working for you. Though it's not the be all end all it sure does help immensely on my end and makes things that took days/weeks a few hours now with no second guessing or throwing CDR's out the window. LOL! You did great stuff without it...but if it allows you to do more at a faster pace, that means more music for you to share with us more I say it's a win/win! Hahaha! :)

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/01/29 15:26:56 (permalink)
    i do the same, i leave the midi info alone, and don't mix the drums at all basically, while i'm tracking and working on arrangments..
    but before i start final mixes, i now do the bounce, then import the saved 24 bit wav files back into sonar, line them up, send them where they belong, and basically COMMIT to the arrangement and drum writing.
    it DOES take a lot more hardrive space, but that's why we have external hard drives for backup, right?!???
    i need to backup...
    the arc is working well for me.
    the more i use it, the more i understand what's going on, and i can dial in my mixes better.
    there's nothing magic about it....
    but i can't trap my room enough, to give me flat bass response, and the arc helps me there a lot.
    it's funny, but i can do a frequency analysis on my mixes with, and without...
    and the difference in my mixes without, somewhat match the EQ curve of the arc
    in other words, if you know what FLAT really sounds like, and you know you want boosted this or cut that, it's a lot easier when your translation is closer to flat, than your room will provide.

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/01/30 11:44:50 (permalink)
    new mix
    Road to Tabriz- New Mix_1-30-14
    you can download the full bandwidth wav file if you want.
    the wav file sounds so much better than the streaming..........

    another approach, using a new drum kit, really mostly aesthetic changes,
    but if anyone wants to compare to the original, here's the link:

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/01/30 17:11:29 (permalink)
    Great stuff Bat.  The drums sound excellent on this.  I have never really thought about this approach with the drums before.  I have been working the way Danny described above, routing the drums right into Sonars tracks.  I like to have the control in Sonar rather than using the drum software's mixer.  My biggest issue in using the method that you are doing here by importing the separate wav.'s; would be that I am constantly changing up the fills and patterns until the end.  I may have to try this sometime; the 3 dimensional sound and bleed you are achieving is fantastic.
    Danny originally showed me how to import drums into separate tracks in Sonar through an EZ Drummer video he did for me.  That was an eye opener.  Since then, I do that process with SSD4 and AD drums as well.  AD has been my least favorite on how it imports the tracks.  I seem to have less control of the cymbals with AD.  The whole Overheads, Buses, Mains thing they do is confusing to me.  EZ Drummer has always been my favorite in ease of building a quick song.  I may have to do the Superior Drum upgrade one of these days if it's midi patterns are organized similar to EZD.  

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/01/31 11:40:54 (permalink)
    My biggest issue in using the method that you are doing here by importing the separate wav.'s; would be that I am constantly changing up the fills and patterns until the end.  

    yes, i wouldn't do the 'bounce' to separate audio until i am ready to mix.
    i do not mix, until i am thru tracking, and thru with arrangment changes, and writing the drum parts.
    but at that point, my issue is currently ram, and i don't have all my plugins working and all the stuff that really taxes the program....
    so i'm cool routing to individual tracks still at that point...
    but having the SD mixer do all the work early on, still seems less taxing on my system, than routing the tracks to their individual channels and relying on the midi to keep up.
    it is cleaner to commit the audio tracks and mix off those, IMO

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/01/31 19:58:03 (permalink)
    I think any soft synth sounds better rendered to wave. 
    my 2 cents.

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/02/01 00:18:24 (permalink)
    well, these are not soft synths.
    but i understand what you mean...
    i do use those as well, just not very often

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/02/09 00:43:39 (permalink)
    Hey Bat, 
    I am remixing a blues song of mine and I bounced all the SD2 tracks and did not use "thru the mixer" and I turned all bleed off just for fun.  I brought it all back in and hardly had to do anything but add some highs to the top snare mic, rolloff some 120hz on the toms and cleanup the hihat a taste.  I sent them to a buss and compressed the bus.  It worked great and the kit now sounds more real and live than it being played through midi notes though SD2's mixer.  
    Fun stuff.


    Sonar Platinum 64 (Lifer), Studio One V3.5, Notion 6, Steinberg UR44, Zoom R24, Purrrfect Audio Pro Studio DAW (Case: Silent Mid Tower, Power Supply: 600w quiet, Haswell CPU: i7 4790k @ 4.4GHz (8 threads), RAM: 16GB DDR3/1600 
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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/02/09 00:43:44 (permalink)
    Hey Bat, 
    I am remixing a blues song of mine and I bounced all the SD2 tracks and did not use "thru the mixer" and I turned all bleed off just for fun.  I brought it all back in and hardly had to do anything but add some highs to the top snare mic, rolloff some 120hz on the toms and cleanup the hihat a taste.  I sent them to a buss and compressed the bus.  It worked great and the kit now sounds more real and live than it being played through midi notes though SD2's mixer.  
    Fun stuff.


    Sonar Platinum 64 (Lifer), Studio One V3.5, Notion 6, Steinberg UR44, Zoom R24, Purrrfect Audio Pro Studio DAW (Case: Silent Mid Tower, Power Supply: 600w quiet, Haswell CPU: i7 4790k @ 4.4GHz (8 threads), RAM: 16GB DDR3/1600 
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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/02/09 19:17:04 (permalink)
    I wonder if you can do this with EZ Drummer? I have not seen a way to do this with Addictive Drums yet.

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/02/09 22:24:46 (permalink)
    EZ Drummer does not have the bounce function.


    Sonar Platinum 64 (Lifer), Studio One V3.5, Notion 6, Steinberg UR44, Zoom R24, Purrrfect Audio Pro Studio DAW (Case: Silent Mid Tower, Power Supply: 600w quiet, Haswell CPU: i7 4790k @ 4.4GHz (8 threads), RAM: 16GB DDR3/1600 
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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/02/10 14:33:03 (permalink)
    Bat while I think you're onto something with the more direct approach I think it is also possible to mix with the mixer in some drum programs...or do both.
    I use BFD and recently jumped off to try Addictive and Studio Drummer. I think the mixer in BFD is better. I set it up like a chain with sends to my channels in Sonar. In my thinking it's the best of both worlds. I experiment with dry tracks from BFD and sometimes I use the stuff in BFD or I might use whats available in Sonar. In any given project I might freeze and unfreeze multiple times to test different results. I like the flexibility of both and I don't think it affects the sound, at least with my software of choice.
    What I hear you say is that it removes undesired coloration from the tracks. Maybe this is true in some cases but from my experiences it doesn't seem to make a big difference in sound quality. I can't say with Superior drummer. Maybe it's different. Now I am running my samples in 24 bit which might make a difference. Heck, between all of the send channels and the different ways you can set everything up in BFD I feel the only limitation is me.
    I read some other comments about the drums on your tracks from others.  Armchair critics...that's all I'll say. That's pretty much what I am too, but I think the drums you have there are pretty darned good. I think you would be hard pressed to find a real drummer that can play like that in your area and if you could he would be expensive.

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/02/11 09:03:04 (permalink)
    Hey Starise, 
    After following Bat's example, I do hear a difference between what comes out of the drum mixer and the wave files created after bounce.  I think that is what Bat is saying.  There seems to be much more of a direct sound to them and all mics can be separated on different tracks.  This then makes your mixer look like the channel setup used when they recorded the original kit.
    I never thought there would be a difference but know that I can hear it first hand, I believe going through drum VST mixers may dilute the sound in some way.  It actually makes sense since a new layer in the path is added.


    Sonar Platinum 64 (Lifer), Studio One V3.5, Notion 6, Steinberg UR44, Zoom R24, Purrrfect Audio Pro Studio DAW (Case: Silent Mid Tower, Power Supply: 600w quiet, Haswell CPU: i7 4790k @ 4.4GHz (8 threads), RAM: 16GB DDR3/1600 
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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/02/11 12:07:53 (permalink)
    what you experienced, is similar to my own....
    i still like to hard EQ the snare and kick, but for the most part, i thought the sonics of the 24 bit capture in the triggered samples sounded so good, they needed no eq, or limiting, or compression.

    good argument for upgrading to superior. 
    that's what i did, started with EZ, but once i got superior, i quit using ez altogether.

    none of the other drum programs that i've used (acid, bfd, studio) work or sound like superior.
    so it's really not a good comparison.....

    the idea of mixing thru 'program-specific' internal mixers, is a good one on paper...
    but to my ears, cutting to the chase, getting the 'raw' samples at 24 bit provided in superior (with their exceptional captures), seems to free the sonics up quite a bit...
    and it is more intuitive for me to mix them that way.
    there is additional 'math' that is going on to run drum samples thru internal mixers, and then on to the 'main' sonar mixer.....
    oh yea, as far as comments on my drum tracks, i mean, obviously purists, and myself included, would always rather use live drums......
    but you are right, my tracks are pretty kicking, and some folks would argue the case just for the sport of it.
    that's ok.
    i know very few drummers that can play up to the standard i want, so i'll deal with programming the best drums i can.

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/02/11 12:35:40 (permalink)
    I am now curious as to if this is only a thing that happens with Superior Drummer. When I take the dry drums from my drum mixer I get good clean tight drums. 
    What I hear you saying Bat is that  it was necessary to take some other measures because of limitations on your machine and that this resulted in you finding an even better solution. The drums do sound good! 
    I think these internal drum mixers are all a little different...obviously, but I didn't think they were that different sound wise. FWIW I can route each of my mic channels from my BFD mixer into Sonar X3, so I can go dry or mix the mics in. I could  use a stereo channel for the mics but I usually feed it in mono. Tails can be controlled if that is wanted. Snare in, snare out, Kick inside,kick outside,Toms, rides,cymbals,percussion and then my three mic channels.My main is eliminated in the drum mixer as all channels are sent out and routed through the Main in Sonar.
    The way I see these drum mixers is that for someone just starting out or someone who needs an uncomplicated mix it is possible to simply build an entire drum track from only the drum mixer and send it to a stereo channel in your DAW. Really a pretty ingenious approach to drum mixing and for someone who is trying to save cpu it can be a lifesaver. I notice a very small amount of noise on some inert plug-ins. I can almost swear that I hear a little something when I turn on the eq in pro channel with no adjustments to eq. I think it all adds a very small amount of something to the signal but it seems so small I can't really notice it in any big way.
    I'm thinking that adding any kind of gain stage might add a little something I usually don't notice unless I specifically listen for it.

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/02/12 00:56:24 (permalink)
    what I hear... between 16 bit and 24 bit...
    it's hard to describe....
    but it's more "3-D"
    i hear more......depth.

    Whenever I listen to a 16-bit sample by itself in isolation, it usually sounds ok.  But I find that several different 16-bit sounds blended together never sound as good as 24-bit.

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    Re: using Superior Drummer 2014/02/12 11:02:50 (permalink)
    those bits DO matter!

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