while working I hear a smale "crack" and the audio goes away

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September 30, 17 1:26 AM (permalink)

while working I hear a smale "crack" and the audio goes away

Hi! I own a copy of music creator since a couple of years, but only lately I decided to learn it for real. This to say: I am a noob :D

I have encountered a fairly annoying problem. 

Basically when I work on a song with midi tracks (I have 3 VST2 cakewalk sound centre synths on 3 diffirent midi tracks) at a certain point I hear this small crack in the sound and the audio stop working. So far the only way of fixing this I could find has been restarting music creator. 

This happens quite often, so it's almost impossible to work. Before this happens everything seems to work fine. Clear audio and no delay.

I am using music creator 7, win10 and I have a msi gs43vr laptop. In the device manager under audio I have "realtek high definition audio" and a "NVIDIA high definition audio" devices . Not sure what other specs in terms of audio devices or anything else could be useful, but if you let me know what other info you could use to help me solve the problem I will try to find them.

Thank you in advance for any help! 


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    Re: while working I hear a smale "crack" and the audio goes away September 30, 17 2:02 AM (permalink)
    What are your audio settings?  How much RAM does your laptop have?  Does your laptop have a 5400 rpm, 7200 rpm or 10,000 rpm hard drive or does the laptop use a solid state drive?  Are you using ASIO4ALL or another ASIO driver?  Are you using the Nividia or Realtek for your audio output?  Are you listening through the laptop speakers, headphone jack or are you using USB headphones?

    Jim F
    Cakewalk by Bandlab (CbB)
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    Re: while working I hear a smale "crack" and the audio goes away September 30, 17 7:06 AM (permalink)
    my laptop specs: 
    i7 7700hq, 32gb ram, M.2. samsung ssd and sata ssd for storage, nvidia gtx 1060.
    About drivers, to be honest I have no idea what asio drivers I have. I just installed the default audio drivers for my chip, that's it. How can I check this? 
    The audio is coming from my external monitor speakers. It's connected using HDMI to my laptop
    As for the settings, I took these screenshots:

    Hope this helps and thank you for your help! :)
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    Re: while working I hear a smale "crack" and the audio goes away September 30, 17 11:46 PM (permalink)
    Sorry, I don't own Music Creator, but if you change the Playback and Recording - Driver Mode to ASIO - does that have any effect? Of if you stay with MME but adjust the Mixing Latency - Buffer Size, maybe that will have an effect..
    Hopefully a few general Windows 10 audio issues will be fixed with the Windows 10 Fall Update this month.
    I'm pretty much a noob with audio production, so this is just something to try.
    Another thing to try, is to tell Windows not to automatically update or install other manufacturers' drivers - if you have your own which you'd like to stick with. Then reinstall your own drivers. Control Panel (Search) - System - Advanced System Settings - Hardware - Device Installation Settings - No  - Save.

    The Computer Mouse (web)
    Cakewalk by BandLab, Windows 10 Pro (64-bit), Focusrite 2i4 (Gen 1), i7-3770K, NH-D14, 32 Gigs, GTX 970, SSDs and HD, Sony MDR-7506, M-Audio Code 61. Easy-install guide
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    Re: while working I hear a smale "crack" and the audio goes away October 01, 17 0:07 PM (permalink)
    Thanks for your help! 

    I am starting to think that the source of the problem is simply the audio output getting changed on its own for some reason. I saw that if I go to the master mixer and manually change the audio output, the sound comes back. 
    This still doesn't make fully sense to me to be honest, but it is some kind of progress none the less.
    About ASIO drivers... I saw there's this ASIO4all file to download. What is that exactly? Since my system is working well with Music Creator except for this problem, would recommend me to install that, or is there some alternative download that you think is better? 
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    Re: while working I hear a smale "crack" and the audio goes away October 01, 17 3:27 AM (permalink)
    Did you try any of my ideas and then reboot, just to see if they work?

    The Computer Mouse (web)
    Cakewalk by BandLab, Windows 10 Pro (64-bit), Focusrite 2i4 (Gen 1), i7-3770K, NH-D14, 32 Gigs, GTX 970, SSDs and HD, Sony MDR-7506, M-Audio Code 61. Easy-install guide
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    Re: while working I hear a smale "crack" and the audio goes away October 01, 17 11:50 AM (permalink)
    I tried installing ASIO driver, but the program was crashing.
    I took them off and now is not doing it anymore... not sure why :D 
    Anyway, I still to understand quite a lot about audio drivers, let alone the program itself :D 
    If I will understand more precisely what is/was causing this I will let you know. Thanks for your help in the meantime! 
    NSE Gang
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    Re: while working I hear a smale "crack" and the audio goes away October 10, 17 6:33 PM (permalink)
    Wow finaly 
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