RE: .wov Files
2007/09/26 11:11:25
It takes time to generate the waveforms you see in the track view. Doing it in real time would drastically slow performance, but since the waveform picture only changes when you alter the track, the image can be generated once and stashed on disk for quick retrieval later. That's the whole idea of the picture cache, it's a performance feature.
The pictures themselves can be - and frequently are - regenerated as needed, which is why you can safely delete the files. They'll just be recreated the next time you open the project. But for that reason, there is also no benefit to deleting them in order to save clutter in your folder - they're just going to keep coming back.
And no, you can't turn them off, nor would you want to.
The best way to deal with this is to designate a separate folder for the picture cache files. Then they're out of sight, out of mind. The path to the picture cache folder is specified in the aud.ini file, a text file you can edit with Notepad. The location of this file depends on the version of SONAR you're running. Look in c:\documents and settings\your name\application data\cakewalk\your sonar version.
All else is in doubt, so this is the truth I cling to.
My Stuff