[Cakewalk Products]

SONAR (11 visitors)
Discussion focused on the use of SONAR software
185945 Threads
1820326 Posts
11057 Threads
92284 Posts
Cakewalk Instruments (1 visitors)
Discussion focused on the use of Cakewalk Instruments such as Z3TA+, Dimension Pro, Rapture and Rapture Pro.
5240 Threads
33756 Posts
Discussion focused on the use of Cakewalk Hardware (V-Studio, A-PRO keyboards, Cakewalk interfaces, etc.)
3166 Threads
18543 Posts
The Archives (3 visitors)
Discussion focused around classic Cakewalk software such as pyro, Pro Audio, Kinetic, Project 5, etc.).
19213 Threads
162086 Posts

[Feedback Loop]

A place to vote and submit new ideas for current and future Cakewalk products.
1856 Threads
10077 Posts
A place to document verified problem reports regarding the use of Cakewalk products.
1690 Threads
8003 Posts
Re: Password Reset is broken..
2019/01/07 22:28:17
Discussion focused around any problems with the Cakewalk Store.
Moderators Cakewalk Staff
415 Threads
3105 Posts

[The Studio]

Hardware (2 visitors)
Discussion focused on non-Cakewalk music hardware.
13646 Threads
125154 Posts
Software (5 visitors)
Discussion focused on non-Cakewalk music software.
14755 Threads
152999 Posts
Re: Cheese Machine 2..
2019/01/16 02:19:33
Computers (3 visitors)
Discussion focused on computer hardware systems, components and DAW building.
3037 Threads
30423 Posts


Coffee House (2 visitors)
Discussion of off-topic music related subjects. No politics. No religion. Enjoy!
28755 Threads
533811 Posts
Songs (4 visitors)
Post links to your latest songs or projects.
24305 Threads
354339 Posts
Re: Love Is Alive..
2019/01/17 03:56:02
Discussion based around different techniques (production, engineering, scoring, songwriting, etc.).
7313 Threads
93494 Posts
What's going on?

Basic Forum Stats

1215546 registered users have made 3438400 posts in 14 forums. There are currently 320393 threads.

The last post, Re:How to easily change volume, was made by robert_e_bone 2021/11/21 14:52:48

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