2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record

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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/23 17:02:09 (permalink)


this is a music forum where political and religious discussions are prohibited.

why do people choose to ignore that?

And what does bacon and moobs have to do with music?

You can't have Rhythm & Blues music without moobs and bacon (or another suitably barbecued animal lipid).  How else could you have a song like "300 Pounds of Heavenly Joy?" 

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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/23 22:37:51 (permalink)
Climate change: Dogs of law are off the leash

By Richard Ingham (AFP)
PARIS — From being a marginal and even mocked issue, climate-change litigation is fast emerging as a new frontier of law where some believe hundreds of billions of dollars are at stake.
Compensation for losses inflicted by man-made global warming would be jaw-dropping, a payout that would make tobacco and asbestos damages look like pocket money.
Imagine: a country or an individual could get redress for a drought that destroyed farmland, for floods and storms that created an army of refugees, for rising seas that wiped a small island state off the map.
In the past three years, the number of climate-related lawsuits has ballooned, filling the void of political efforts in tackling greenhouse-gas emissions.
Eyeing the money-spinning potential, some major commercial law firms now place climate-change litigation in their Internet shop window.
Seminars on climate law are often thickly attended by corporations that could be in the firing line -- and by the companies that insure them.
But legal experts sound a note of caution, warning that this is a new and mist-shrouded area of justice.
Many obstacles lie ahead before a Western court awards a cent in climate damages and even more before the award is upheld on appeal.
"There's a large number of entrepreneurial lawyers and NGOs who are hunting around for a way to gain leverage on the climate problem," said David Victor, director of the Laboratory on International Law and Regulation at the University of California at San Diego.
"The number of suits filed has increased radically. But the number of suits claiming damages from climate change that have been successful remains zero."
Lawsuits in the United States related directly or indirectly almost tripled in 2010 over 2009, reaching 132 filings after 48 a year earlier, according to a Deutsche Bank report.
Elsewhere in the world, the total of lawsuits is far lower than in the US, but nearly doubled between 2008 and 2010, when 32 cases were filed, according to a tally compiled by AFP from specialist sites.
The majority of these cases touch on regulatory issues and access to information, which can have many repercussions for coal, gas and oil producers and big carbon-emitting industries such as steel and cement.
"In this area, the floodgates have opened," said Michael Gerrard, director of the recently-opened Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School in New York, who contributed to the Deutsche Bank report.
In the United States, many cases seek clarification on the right of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, while in Europe, the main issue has been emissions quotas allotted to companies in Europe's carbon market.
In some cases, courts have thrown out the suits, admitted part of them or declared themselves unfit to issue a ruling and booted the affair to a higher authority.
The legal fog is especially thick when it comes to so-called nuisance suits, which seek to determine blame, and thus open the way to damages.
"There are billions of potential plaintiffs and millions of potential defendants," said Gerrard. "The biggest problem, though, is causation."
Gerrard and others pointed out some of the dilemmas for establishing liability, starting with the fact that fossil fuels are used, by all of us, in complete legality.
And a molecule of CO2 is no respecter of national boundaries. Gas emitted by a car in Los Angeles or by a coal plant in China will help drive climate damage in South Asia, Europe, the North Pole -- anywhere.
Then there is the business of distinguishing between weather and climate. For instance, hurricanes, droughts and floods have always occurred in human history. Can one, or even several, of these be pinned to human meddling in the climate system?
And there's a further complication: rich nations were the first to plunder the coal, oil and gas that powered the industrial revolution, but they are now being overtaken by China and other fast-growing but still poor giants.
So who is to blame? And to what degree?
Some of the wrangling can be seen in a 2006 case in which California sued three US and three Japanese carmakers, arguing that emissions from their vehicles had caused among other things a melting of mountain snow pack on which the state depends for its water.
That case was dismissed by a district court in 2007, which ruled that the issues were "political questions" that should be tackled by the US president and Congress.
It also noted that the cars were sold legally, that the car emissions had not violated any current laws or regulations and climate change had many contributing factors.
Two other big cases touching on liability have gone to the Supreme Court to adjudicate on competence.
In the most eagerly-awaited case, whose ruling is expected by the end of June, the state of Connecticut is demanding an injunction against major power companies to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.
"That will definitely be the big one," said Gerrard. "Everyone is waiting to hear what the Supreme Court says."
Christoph Schwarte, a lawyer with a British charity called FIELD (Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development), said that even if today's lawsuits run into the sand, "some of these cases may be winnable in the future."
"Case law in the future might evolve, and scientists' claims to determine the percentage of human contribution to certain extreme weather events may be recognised in some way or another."
Today's lawsuits may also spur thinking about future liability risks among major emitters, Schwarte argued.
Many tobacco and asbestos lawsuits, for instance, hinged on arguments that firms knew their product was dangerous at the time, but concealed this evidence from the public.
"(The lawsuits) create awareness and thus also may have an impact on the actions of governments and corporations," said Schwarte.
"They also create caution" about what is said in internal documents and emails, he said. "In 15 years' time, you might not be able to turn around and say 'I didn't know anything about it at the time.'"

So ya' see, the real reason for the debate has nothing to do with pollution, clean air, carbon footprints, etc. The real reason for the debate, at least amongst the "Big Kids", is the assignment of blame, followed by establishment of legal precedent, followed by billion dollar settlements.



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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/24 16:03:09 (permalink)
Heads up - just started on BBC2 - HORIZON: Science Under Attack
Geneticist and biologist Paul Nurse examines the reasons why public trust in key scientific theories, including the cause of global warming, the safety of GM food and the link between HIV and Aids, seems to have been eroded. He travels to New York to interview scientists and campaigners from both sides of the climate change debate, and meets a man who has HIV but does not believe the virus is responsible for Aids

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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/24 18:26:12 (permalink)
i just want clean air to breathe

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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/24 18:59:42 (permalink)

Heads up - just started on BBC2 - HORIZON: Science Under Attack
Geneticist and biologist Paul Nurse examines the reasons why public trust in key scientific theories, including the cause of global warming, the safety of GM food and the link between HIV and Aids, seems to have been eroded. He travels to New York to interview scientists and campaigners from both sides of the climate change debate, and meets a man who has HIV but does not believe the virus is responsible for Aids

And how did Aids get drawn into the climate debate? Is he blaming climatic change or global warming for the mutation of the virus?

Craig DuBuc
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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/24 20:05:01 (permalink)
2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record

On record. Just a rhetorical question, but which record? It doesn't matter because most of the massive "climatic" changes and movements of the earths crust are outside recorded history. We as a civilization in this age have a much better chance of recording and preserving the events associated with a cataclismic world event than in any other time due to mass media. Being tied for the warmest year ever on record is pertinant only to the record. The whole cycle of changes is an ever changing thing since we are moving through space both linear and intrinsic to our own center. We are a system of ourselves yet move through the universe beyond. Much of unrecorded history is lost in the personal remembrances of individuals who survived.

Craig DuBuc
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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/24 20:08:45 (permalink)
Interesting that you bring that up.  I saw a few months ago that Russia due to have its coldest winter in 1000 years.  I'm showing my ignorance here I guess, but did they really keep records of temperature 1000 years ago?  If so, wow! 
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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/24 21:12:11 (permalink)

Interesting that you bring that up.  I saw a few months ago that Russia due to have its coldest winter in 1000 years.  I'm showing my ignorance here I guess, but did they really keep records of temperature 1000 years ago?  If so, wow! 

I'm not saying they didn't keep records of the temperatures then...I'm just wondering how.  I believe the first thermometer was invented in the 1500's.

Mark Wessels

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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/24 22:52:36 (permalink)
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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/24 23:05:51 (permalink)


Interesting that you bring that up.  I saw a few months ago that Russia due to have its coldest winter in 1000 years.  I'm showing my ignorance here I guess, but did they really keep records of temperature 1000 years ago?  If so, wow! 

I'm not saying they didn't keep records of the temperatures then...I'm just wondering how.  I believe the first thermometer was invented in the 1500's.

oral or the other kind? 

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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/24 23:13:22 (permalink)



Interesting that you bring that up.  I saw a few months ago that Russia due to have its coldest winter in 1000 years.  I'm showing my ignorance here I guess, but did they really keep records of temperature 1000 years ago?  If so, wow! 

I'm not saying they didn't keep records of the temperatures then...I'm just wondering how.  I believe the first thermometer was invented in the 1500's.

oral or the other kind? 

They used one for everything...eewwww.

Mark Wessels

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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 01:23:57 (permalink)
 DATELINE 1/24/11......... BULLETIN from Algore University:  Scientific observation by Environmental Professor Chic N. Little......"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!...........It hit me on the head!"
post edited by savageopera - 2011/01/25 20:41:30

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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 10:20:01 (permalink)
please folks, enlighten yourselves!


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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 10:21:16 (permalink)
it's simple science, really, kinda like carbon dating the shroud of turin.

only this science is more cutting edge.
kinda cool, eh?

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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 16:06:05 (permalink)
Actually, as a source of information, or even a confirmation of know information, wikipedia is NOT acceptable. There are so many reasons, but the total lack of control, the user editing, make it so unreliable that if I, or any of the college teachers/professors I have been dealing with recently see "wiki" referenced, the paper or information is thrown out without further waste of time.

I know what ice cores are and how they are used, but I could not force myself to read that link...

Previously you made reference to "just wanting clean air", an admirable goal. But take into consideration, the air and water today are cleaner than they were just thirty years ago. Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with global warming, co2, AlGore, or re-distribution on billions of dollars from "richer" to "poorer" nations.



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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 16:25:22 (permalink)


Heads up - just started on BBC2 - HORIZON: Science Under Attack
Geneticist and biologist Paul Nurse examines the reasons why public trust in key scientific theories, including the cause of global warming, the safety of GM food and the link between HIV and Aids, seems to have been eroded. He travels to New York to interview scientists and campaigners from both sides of the climate change debate, and meets a man who has HIV but does not believe the virus is responsible for Aids

And how did Aids get drawn into the climate debate? Is he blaming climatic change or global warming for the mutation of the virus?

Craig, the programme was about various ongoing scientific debates and why the public are sceptical about what they're being told.

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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 16:40:54 (permalink)
Mod Bod

Well, I'm freezing my butt off in Florida.

I'll trust the info when I can find someone who isn't making money off of it one way or the other.


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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 17:03:29 (permalink)
.. apologies..
post edited by SteveStrummerUK - 2011/01/25 17:36:38

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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 18:04:54 (permalink)
Accepted.  :-) 
post edited by Janet - 2011/01/26 07:13:31
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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 18:22:14 (permalink)

.. apologies..

Thank you Steve.  You are a true and honorable man.

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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 18:41:24 (permalink)
Actually, as a source of information, or even a confirmation of know information, wikipedia is NOT acceptable.

anyone that knows better, knows that you find the links provided at the bottom of the wiki page, and you do research on your own.

i believe that most people understand this.

dismissing the information because it is compiled at wiki, is surely sticking one's head into the sand at the worst, silly at the best.

do your own homework always.
that's the best way.

information about ice core science, is everywhere.


if you are really interested in knowledge, then it is easy to attain.

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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 18:51:08 (permalink)
Craig, the programme was about various ongoing scientific debates and why the public are sceptical about what they're being told.

Ohh, I thought you were saying they were saying that global warming was being caused by GM food mutating the Aids virus by means of a common vector being the green pods the grey aliens are leaving in our basements to take over our bodies as we sleep.

Craig DuBuc
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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 19:11:09 (permalink)
Please be aware that we as a planet and we as a solar system are both moving through space at a fast clip. We are not just parked in the vacumn going round and round and round. Many of the climatic and world encompassing events we have encountered over time are due to new encounters along the path of our  movement through space as a solar system, not as a planet moving around the sun. History does repeat itself climaticly on a smaller local level, but there are world and solar system wide occurences of climatic change that occur due to what we run into while the entire solar system moves through space.

Craig DuBuc
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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 19:11:14 (permalink)
 I think the data is flawed, I have just proved that 2010 was an overall average year by the only REAL scientific method to measure these sort of things, by examining the entrails of an owl

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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 19:45:43 (permalink)

 I think the data is flawed, I have just proved that 2010 was an overall average year by the only REAL scientific method to measure these sort of things, by examining the entrails of an owl

It's official then, it's tuesday in Vegas, just as it should be.

Craig DuBuc
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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 19:54:11 (permalink)


 I think the data is flawed, I have just proved that 2010 was an overall average year by the only REAL scientific method to measure these sort of things, by examining the entrails of an owl

It's official then, it's tuesday in Vegas, just as it should be.

I'll have to pick up some more owls

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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 20:29:38 (permalink)



I think the data is flawed, I have just proved that 2010 was an overall average year by the only REAL scientific method to measure these sort of things, by examining the entrails of an owl

It's official then, it's tuesday in Vegas, just as it should be.

I'll have to pick up some more owls

Polished or unbuffed

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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 20:34:38 (permalink)




I think the data is flawed, I have just proved that 2010 was an overall average year by the only REAL scientific method to measure these sort of things, by examining the entrails of an owl

It's official then, it's tuesday in Vegas, just as it should be.

I'll have to pick up some more owls

Polished or unbuffed


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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 20:57:03 (permalink)

Please be aware that we as a planet and we as a solar system are both moving through space at a fast clip. We are not just parked in the vacumn going round and round and round. Many of the climatic and world encompassing events we have encountered over time are due to new encounters along the path of our  movement through space as a solar system, not as a planet moving around the sun. History does repeat itself climaticly on a smaller local level, but there are world and solar system wide occurences of climatic change that occur due to what we run into while the entire solar system moves through space.

 I respectfully suggest that this is complete bunkum Craig.
I believe that the old 'passing star' theories of the origins of the planetary system we inhabit have pretty much been dropped by the astronomical community.
And any other extra-solar system objects large enough and close enough to be capable of having any serious effect on planet earth are extremely statistically unlikely.
Objects considered part of our solar system (i.e. bound by the gravitational attraction of the sun) such as those in the Kuiper Belt and the even more distant Oort Cloud, as well as the various asteroids and debris moving about in our general orbital locality, are definitely, given the right circumstances, much more likely to have a direct effect on our planet.
These encounters would more likely be catastrophic instead of gradual, and the effects on climate much more likely than some influence from beyond our system - the much theorised meteorite impact that presaged the decline of the dinosaurs would be a good example.
Truth is, for the whole history of planet earth, the sun has in some way been responsible for most of the climate and changes therein. The changes in the atmosphere following the evolution of plants containing chlorophyll were truly enormous, but obviously directly resultant on these plants 'selecting' for the wavelengths of light favourable to allow photosynthesis to begin, and the resulting increase of oxygen in the atmosphere.
I'm afraid that anyone who doubts that mankind is having an effect on our atmosphere and that this is linked to global climate change is sadly misguided.
Probably the same people who thought atomic power was the 'clean' answer to our future fuel needs once fossil fuels run out. Although a non-sequitor, surely nobody would argue that if a few thousand thermo-nuclear devices were detonated tomorrow it would have no effect on our climate.
Sorry to be so boring

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Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/25 21:03:37 (permalink)
 Talk like that could get you elected into office over here real quick, just warning you.

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