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Re:3D Animation
2011/02/22 10:10:35
I got my license on Sunday (20th).....I noticed the deal is still open (Tue 22nd). I'm going to get my (new) laptop ready for this (cleaning out all the unwanted software etc...) and possibly add a few Gigs of RAM. Robert, I'm glad you got in on this....(for $40)....especially for someone who's experienced in this type of work.....(I'm just a newbie jumping on the train...LOL)
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Re:3D Animation
2011/02/22 17:15:35
Sweet! I just got my license. They honored it. I was way late, so still holding my breath. I haven't had a chance to mess with animation at this level before, but have done some stuff with Pinnacle Studio. Mostly transitions and titles using keyframes and spatial references. Back in the day, I used to hand draw animations on the margins of book pages. A good size novel would yield a program that could play for several minutes. The decision now is which computer to lock it to. My XP PC(P4w/ nVidea card) Slower CPU, but superior hardware acceleration for graphics. Or, Vista laptop, w faster CPU, but standard graphics. I'm leaning toward the XP PC. She's been a real trooper, and probably the best machine I've built.
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Re:3D Animation
2011/02/22 18:29:45
Well, I just got my license key in the mail, so I'm good to go. This was an incredible find, so thanks to the OP for the heads-up. What are you guys using for creating models to import into Messiah? I have Carrara but I haven't even checked yet to see if I can export compatible meshes. This should be fun. It might induce me to finish a children's video I started a few years ago.
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Re:3D Animation
2011/02/22 20:36:32
RobertB The decision now is which computer to lock it to. You can lock it to a USB stick, external drive, etc.... or NIC card, internal harddrive, DVD drive, etc.... basically anything that can generate a device ID for their license generator. No need to lock it to a internal drive. My only predicament at the mo is deciding whether or not to use a flash stick, or alternatively drop the license on an external "project drive". The drive is bulkier, but ultimately more reliable I think. I own a total of two USB flash drives, one of which still works, the other of which lasted about 3 months before it crapped out... so as far as I'm concerned, USB flash drives have about a 50% failure rate...  As they say, your mileage may vary...
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Re:3D Animation
2011/02/22 21:01:20
Anyone here actually succeed in applying the license to something other than a flash usb drive? I would prefer to use one of my external harddrives but there seem to be a number of people getting 'invalid media' errors when trying to activate their licenses. If you use a USB drive and have a licensing problem - DO NOT reformat the USB drive! This will invalid the license code! Edit: I just found the license email. They sent it Sunday afternoon and somehow I missed it. No problems with activating the license with a USB drive.
post edited by TheSteven - 2011/02/23 04:58:26
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Re:3D Animation
2011/02/23 00:10:11
I linked it to my C drive on the XP system, just because it has been so stable. Open a blank .txt file, and paste the license text into that. It has to be in the root directory of the drive, not a folder. After doing that, it fired right up. I spent a few hours with it. No problems other than learning curve stuff. There are some excellent video tutorials available that have been a big help. Renders take a bit of time, but I expected that. Motion is silky smooth on my P4 w/nVidea 6600. The complete messiah folder w executable & content is relatively small, only 83 Mb.
post edited by RobertB - 2011/02/23 00:22:00
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Re:3D Animation
2011/02/23 01:25:03
Compguy Well, I just got my license key in the mail, so I'm good to go. This was an incredible find, so thanks to the OP for the heads-up. What are you guys using for creating models to import into Messiah? I have Carrara but I haven't even checked yet to see if I can export compatible meshes. This should be fun. It might induce me to finish a children's video I started a few years ago. From the little advice I got on the KVR forum (see page 1 of this thread), many recommended to use Blender for modelling and of course Messiah for rendering. One thing for sure is, I'm not compatible with most Mesh'
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Re:3D Animation
2011/02/23 12:39:14
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Re:3D Animation
2011/02/23 12:46:29
keith Check out Wings3D while you're at it... it's a free modeller, and it's been around for quite awhile: Some links to tutorials and docs here: I'm sure you can find a lot of other useful info via google "wings 3d tutorial", etc. Thanks Keith.... For someone who hasn't used either Blender nor Wings3D, how would you differentiate which is the better program? Does a bigger user group play into this as well?
Platinum Gaming DAW: AsRock Z77 Overclock FormulaI7 3770k @ 4.5GHz : 16GB RAM G.Skill Ripjaws X 250GB OS SSD : 3TB HDD : 1TB Sample HDDWin 10 Pro x 64 : NH-D14 CPU Cooler HIS IceQ 2GB HD 7870Focusrite Scarlett 2i4The_Forum_Monkeys
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Re:3D Animation
2011/02/24 11:05:31
Mesh keith Check out Wings3D while you're at it... it's a free modeller, and it's been around for quite awhile: Some links to tutorials and docs here: I'm sure you can find a lot of other useful info via google "wings 3d tutorial", etc. Thanks Keith.... For someone who hasn't used either Blender nor Wings3D, how would you differentiate which is the better program? Does a bigger user group play into this as well? To be honest, I haven't really used blender all that much, primarily due to the ATI issue I mentioned above, and the hardware available to me at the time. It seems those ATI issues have been resolved in the latest versions, so I might take another look at it... Wings3D is a subdivision modeller, where you would take basic volumes and subdivide them down, chop them up, combine them, tweak them, etc. into an overall shape that you refine. There's a good example of this type of process on the blender site, actually: Lots of those same operations and toolsets can be done in both apps, and what he did in that video could be done in wings just as easily. Blender goes further with boolean operations, nurbs surfaces, and probably other tool areas. Overall, blender proably has more modelling tools and methods than wings (at least wings sans plugins), but it is also a much larger app to wrap your head around. Wings is strictly a modeller, so I think that alone allows the UI to present itself upfront in a much simpler fashion. They're both free, so downloading them both and running through some basic modelling tutorials won't cost you anything.
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Re:3D Animation
2011/02/25 18:23:51
From the little advice I got on the KVR forum (see page 1 of this thread), many recommended to use Blender for modelling and of course Messiah for rendering. One thing for sure is, I'm not compatible with most Mesh' LOL, were you born with 4 sided poly's or triangles, Mesh? Anyway, since I can't import YOU into Messiah, I decided to try import a Carrara model, and lo and behold, it worked. For what it's worth, Carrara gives you GREAT bang for the buck and is an almost professional level program for an insanely reasonable price (for what you get). There is also a video series available by a guy named Mark Bremmer that will guide you through the program very easily. Mark is one of the best teachers out there. I have no affiliation; I just found it useful. I suspect that this thread is going to die off fast as everyone finds out how high the learning curve is on 3D animation, but I hope I'm wrong. This is a nice little daliance into another art form for us. Has anyone animated the dinosoar yet? It's in the quick start guide and not a bad tutorial at all.
post edited by Compguy - 2011/02/25 18:25:08
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Re:3D Animation
2011/03/05 08:12:06
Animation is part of a two-dimensional or three-dimensional model of the rapid sequence of works of art or image display, in order to create an illusion of movement. Movement because of its effect is the phenomenon of persistence of vision the illusion, you can create and demonstrate a variety of ways. Animation, the most common method is introduced as a film or video program, although there are other ways.
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Re:3D Animation
2011/03/05 21:46:40
Now we're getting blanket spammed by a bottom-feeder Dell salesman? Compguy, yes the curve is rather fierce. It's definitely not for the instant gratification crowd. It's still way easier than hand drawing individual frames. I haven't spent as much time with it as I would like, but I've got the T-Rex running and shaking his head. I still have to figure out how to keep him in the "render field" for lack of a better term. I have full motion, but lose the skin once he is outside of the grid. I've been reading the manual and checking tutorials, but have yet to find an answer for that.
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Re:3D Animation
2011/03/06 22:46:43
You'll need to change to perspective view or change the position of the camera if I understand correctly what your saying. Look into those terms in the help. Perspective view is achieved by pressing the P with the circle around it in the top left portion of the viewport the T-rex is in. As a matter of fact that is how you change to different views including getting back to the camera view if you've left it for another view such as top or left or perspective, etc.
Vista Business x64 Service pack 2 - Intel Xeon X5472 @ 3.0 GHz processors (2) Quad Core - 8.0 GB ram - Creative SB X-Fi - Nvidia Quadro 5600 - Sonar 8.5 & X1a Producer The problem with perfection is that it has no limits. Normally, once you obtain perfection, you realize how it could be better. David Gibson - The Art of Mixing
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Re:3D Animation
2011/03/25 23:17:09
3D animation is part of multimedia. Today it was growing field and for all animation it was widely used by movie maker. It was collection of image, audio, video and providing an illusion that they are fact. For 3D animation I know one software which was best that is MAYA.
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Re:3D Animation
2011/03/25 23:36:34
According to friends with many years of experience in professional TV/Film editing and production Maya is excellent, I would love to get the 'entertainment creation' suite, and of course 3ds Max suite would be awesome but from $4,995. Other contenders for low budget 3D Animations might be something like Vue, some of the landscapes, skies and such was used in the movie; Avatar, it also has nice particle and water effects that look quite natural, impressive.
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Re:3D Animation
2011/04/09 14:59:50
Just a quick update. I haven't has a lot of time to put into this, but I'm getting the hang of it. I hit a little snag on rendering, until I found out that you need a separate program to convert the rendered stills to video. I downloaded AnimPlayer, and am moving forward again. Compguy, I've been mostly playing around with the dinosaur. I've got him running and jumping in a sort of pursuit sequence, from the prey's point of view. Yeah, it's challenging, and I still don't understand most of it, but I see a huge range of control, and I see a lot of potential for this. I bought a membership in Setuptab, and there is a ton of support and tutorial material there. i won't be getting a job with Pixar anytime soon, but I am having fun with this.
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Re:3D Animation
2011/04/10 03:32:52
Hi Robert, That's great you're able to spend time and move forward with this.......I'm still learning X1 and haven't spent any time on Messiah. I'd like to see the video once you're done with T-Rex. :) Glad to see you're keeping the thread alive!!
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