Anyone interested in trying Windows 7

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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 May 17, 09 2:07 AM (permalink)
Well. I've been using both my Vista 64 bit and my Win 7 64-bit back and forth. I have come to a conclusion.

I'm getting rid of my PC and buying a Mac. So long Sonar.. Unless you migrate to the Mac platform. I've had enough of the Wintel environment. Nothing against Microsoft, but when I really am honest about my goals with desktop musci production they center more of being a musician first..... I fix computers in my day job. I don't want to have to do it in my recording studio as well.

I will probably stick to the Sonar/PC combo on the production platform for the next few months - then switch to Record/Reason on a MacPro later in the Summer.
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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 May 17, 09 2:16 AM (permalink)
I'm getting rid of my PC and buying a Mac. So long Sonar.. Unless you migrate to the Mac platform. I've had enough of the Wintel environment. Nothing against Microsoft, but when I really am honest about my goals with desktop musci production they center more of being a musician first..... I fix computers in my day job. I don't want to have to do it in my recording studio as well.
Right, so you know how hard it is to get a great working PC. If you do fix computers and you think this way I don't think I will be asking you to ever fix any of mine. In a way you are the funniest poster I have so far read.

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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 May 17, 09 11:44 AM (permalink)
John. I think you missed my point......

Steve Gerick
VeeVeeVee Productions
Gateway AMD Phenomâ„¢ X-4 9550 64-bit Quad-Core w/6GB, WindowsXP-Pro, Sonar 8 Pro, MAudio Profire 2626, Roland GI-20 MIDI, Sure SM-57,SM-58, Rode NT2-A, Amplitude, Guitar Rig 3, Mellodyne, AVOX2, FD Alphatrack.
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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 May 17, 09 1:16 PM (permalink)
It seems your point is you can't handle a PC.

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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 May 17, 09 2:03 PM (permalink)
Win7 RC1 build 7127 has just leaked out. Supposedly fixes a few audio bugs and media center fixes.
This is turning out to be the best version of windows ever made.
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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 May 17, 09 2:40 PM (permalink)
Are you saying that Windows 7 is not finalized? LOL I think I pointed this out in an earlier post that was shot down. Mine is build 7100.

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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 May 17, 09 2:51 PM (permalink)
ORIGINAL: sgerick
I will probably stick to the Sonar/PC combo on the production platform for the next few months - then switch to Record/Reason on a MacPro later in the Summer.

say goodbye to any vst-i's and fx if your gonna use record. yep I'm a reason owner as well, but thats a deal breaker for many to switch, because they limit what you can use 3rd party it helps with stability.

Mac's.. I used to install / upgrade / fix for a 3rd party company. If you think mac's don't have their problems at times.. well thankfully it kept me in employment.

both have issues of some sort or another, I use both from time to time. Friend is more a mac head as I am a pc one.. but from trading info for work etc. we both got to know about the other format. He used to really slate pc's.. after a while he realised they weren't so bad.. as for me and mac's.. well I don't like being locked into them so much and the prices etc.. I'm not one for design as far as a computer looks and they can change the goal posts when it suits them. e.g. sorry.. gonna have to buy a new mac to run some of the stuff, not everything is universal binary although that's changing.

it's a box.. whatever the brand of it is, people can have issues.. but well sometimes a bit of problem solving / patience fixes that. if you eliminate / exhaust all avenues then you have the definitive answer. Been there , done that and the issue was the age of the sound card in my case.
post edited by Fog - May 17, 09 3:03 PM
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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 May 17, 09 4:26 PM (permalink)
ORIGINAL: sgerick

Well. I've been using both my Vista 64 bit and my Win 7 64-bit back and forth. I have come to a conclusion.

I'm getting rid of my PC and buying a Mac. So long Sonar.. Unless you migrate to the Mac platform. I've had enough of the Wintel environment. Nothing against Microsoft, but when I really am honest about my goals with desktop musci production they center more of being a musician first..... I fix computers in my day job. I don't want to have to do it in my recording studio as well.

I will probably stick to the Sonar/PC combo on the production platform for the next few months - then switch to Record/Reason on a MacPro later in the Summer.

I run Vista SP2 x64 with the latest video driver from nVidia in Aero mode. No stability problems. The cpu is a Q9450 2.66Ghz, 8GB of RAM and nVidia Quadro FX570 graphics adapter. I am running Sonar 8.3.1. I have the Roland V-Studio 700R. The latency is set at 2 ms using WDM/KS driver mode. I have been working with PC's since the first IBM pc came out.

I certainly know that Win 7 has fundamental performance tweaks. I have been going to the Microsoft pro developer conferences since 1992. Today Vista SP2 x64 is plenty fast and stable. You don't need to jump to Win 7 at this time.

Spend time investigating and solving your PC problems. No, it isn't always Microsoft's and Cakewalks fault. I know from 25 years of experience that sofware and computer hardware can have problems. If you make sure you have the right components and pay attention to a few details, you can definitely have a stable Sonar 8 system running on Vista x64. Software problems have also bugged me over the years. It can be frustrating, but I hang in there and get the problems sorted out.

1. stick with Sonar 8.3.1
2. stick with Vista x64 sp1
3. install sp2 which should be delivered by Windows Update fairly soon (it has already been released)
4. make sure you have the latest video driver installed - new nVidia drivers were just released
5. use Vista Aero graphics mode
6. use ASIO or WDM/KS audio driver mode

My opinion is that the current combination of Sonar 8.3.1, Vista x64, Intel quad core cpu, nVidia graphics, V-Studio, UAD-2 and sofware synths is pretty damn remarkable. Appreciate what you have already got instead of what you don't have. The grass is always greener on the ...

Oh yeah, there are still a few loose screws to tighten up in Sonar, but they aren't deal breakers.

post edited by cdickey - May 17, 09 6:42 PM
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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 May 17, 09 4:35 PM (permalink)
Well I spent 3 hours working on a project with Win 7 this AM. The best thing I can say is that after a while I kinda forgot that I wasn't using my XP partition. I'm using 8.3.1 Producer, have had no issues. Everything recorded fine, soft synths played fine. This was done on Q6600 with an Edirol UA 101 in ASIO mode. I also tried my M Audio 2496 (use the Vista SP1 drivers, and you'll have to create a special bat file to avoid a shutdown issue) and it worked fine at 1.5 ms of latency. The OS was Win 7 64 bit, but I used the 32 bit version of SONAR, as I have some dxi stuff that wont run with bit bridge. At this point for what I do, I'm happy with Win 7. I was also happy with VISTA SP2 Beta, but 7 seems a bit smoother.

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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 May 17, 09 7:40 PM (permalink)
Its not finalized yet. Probably not until RC2.
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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 May 18, 09 4:33 AM (permalink)
I installed Windows 7 on a partition using some spare HD space. It seems like a slightly lighter, faster version of Vista. The changes seem to be pretty minor. Some are for the better, some I'm not sure. It seems like they dialed back some of the graphics. Vista looks better IMO, but it could be that it's still incomplete. I won't be in a huge hurry to upgrade when it becomes final, since my DAW is working fine with Vista (32 bit).

The thing I'm waiting for is for all of the audio hardware/software companies to get their act together on 64 bit so I can switch over. It sucks being stuck on 32. Of all the businesses out there, audio ought to be on the leading edge of it, since it needs the horsepower.
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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 May 18, 09 8:55 AM (permalink)
The thing I'm waiting for is for all of the audio hardware/software companies to get their act together on 64 bit so I can switch over. It sucks being stuck on 32. Of all the businesses out there, audio ought to be on the leading edge of it, since it needs the horsepower.

AMEN to that!
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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 May 21, 09 1:27 PM (permalink)
Ok. I'm back and I came to my senses...... I have abandoned the Windows 7 for now for reasons just mentioned in the last post. I am also abandoning 64-bit Vista for the time being for the same Reason.

I do plan on looking closely at Record when it comes out - on the Windows platform. However, I need to keep using a product I am familiar with because I'm getting pretty close to signing a recording contract (not with a major label) and I can't be screwing around with software right now.

John, I did very much enjoy your Jack Nicholson impression.......

Steve Gerick
VeeVeeVee Productions
Gateway AMD Phenomâ„¢ X-4 9550 64-bit Quad-Core w/6GB, WindowsXP-Pro, Sonar 8 Pro, MAudio Profire 2626, Roland GI-20 MIDI, Sure SM-57,SM-58, Rode NT2-A, Amplitude, Guitar Rig 3, Mellodyne, AVOX2, FD Alphatrack.
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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 June 06, 09 7:27 AM (permalink)
Hi I installed Sonar 8 under Windows 7 32 bits. It works well...except when I save a project in BUN format to and try to open it, appears a message " Unexpected error code hr 2339296261, File: HRESULT: 3221225747" and do not open it. I try with Sonar 7 and the same problem.

Can anyone help me?

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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 June 06, 09 9:40 AM (permalink)
I experimented with the latest RC release a bit last week. Everything installed and ran OK except my Pace iLok drivers so I had to basically abandon it at that point since I need iLok installed and running. Otherwise everything else seemed OK but I didn't run any sessions with it or really excersize it that much. Looks promising though

Oh btw - I noticed when I tried to install Win7 on my D drive partition (I have a dual boot system) it changed to C drive. Is this normal? The later OS wants to take over C drive?
post edited by krizrox - June 06, 09 10:05 AM

Larry Kriz

Sonar PE 8.5, Samplitude Pro 11, Sonic Core Scope Professional/XTC, A16 Ultra AD/DA, Intel DG965RY MOBO, Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4GHz processor, XFX GeForce 7300 GT PCIe video card, Barracuda 750 & 320GB SATA drives, 4GB DDR Ram, Plextor DVD/CD-R burner.
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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 June 06, 09 1:18 PM (permalink)
I solve my problem. Open .cwp file, change audio format to 24, and save. Then save as .cwb (bundle) . The new .cwb open without problem
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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 June 07, 09 5:55 AM (permalink)

What did the batch file you used to remedy the 2496 shutdown issue do?
I'm about to play with Win7RC1 and the 2496 myself....

How to fly - throw yourself at the ground and miss
S8.5PE, i7-920 (XP), 6Gb RAM, Phonic Helix 12, Axiom 61 controller, JM VC3Q and mic, plus more...
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Re: RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 September 06, 09 2:00 AM (permalink)
AS a Tech guy, and a TechNet member I have tried the RTM of Win 7 (64 bit) with Sonar and it is great - but went back to Vista 64 because I'm waiting for Presonus drivers.
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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 September 06, 09 2:04 AM (permalink)

My experiences - nothing but pure joy! Windows 7 RC seems to handle multi thread CPUs a lot more efficiently (I have an Intel i7 920), and as a result everything is faster and snappier than it was under XP Pro SP3. I'm amazed actually - for me, the performance has been significantly ie. very noticeably increased. All plugins work flawlessly. I'm getting lower latency with my Firestudio. I'm a very happy man.

What did you do to get the FireStudio working? Are you using 32 bit or 64 bit? I have a FireBox and Win 7 (RTM) and I am anxious to use the new os.
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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 September 06, 09 2:26 AM (permalink)

Ok...that's one that I'm going to need explicit confirmation and clarification on...

I have a MOTU MIDI Express XT Parallel port interface that presently doesn't have driver support for XP x64 or any flavor of Vista. Are you implying (or saying explicitly) that I will be able to run this device under Windows 7? Do you have a link to some claim on a feature list to back this up?
I read several in depth posts on MOTU midi problems in the 64 bit environment on this forum recently.
Perhaps a search on the topic will reveal some useful data (???)
I don't use MOTU products so I didn't catalogue the information as I sometimes do when the discussions are technically oriented...

Some of my music is here:

SONAR X1a / PE 8.5.1
ASUS P5K-V Intel P33 Express
Intel Quad E6300
WD 7200 RPM 1 tbC Hitachi 7200 RPM 250gb F  
ATI Radeon HD 5400
NI Audio Kontrol 1 
Win7 64 bit 8 GB RAM 

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RE: Anyone interested in trying Windows 7 September 06, 09 2:46 AM (permalink)

I experimented with the latest RC release a bit last week. Everything installed and ran OK except my Pace iLok drivers so I had to basically abandon it at that point since I need iLok installed and running. Otherwise everything else seemed OK but I didn't run any sessions with it or really excersize it that much. Looks promising though

Oh btw - I noticed when I tried to install Win7 on my D drive partition (I have a dual boot system) it changed to C drive. Is this normal? The later OS wants to take over C drive?

Found these instructions:
Hi here is a work around.
1. Install the driversetup.exe and before you click the last install box goto 2. (Don't close this dialog box untill your done getting the files)
2. Go here C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\t1035.tmp. (Copy this folder to your desktop > goto here Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization to turn on hidden folders and files.)
3. Find this temp folder or click on the date tab and find the folder that was just created > Open the folder.
4. You should find 4 files three start with ilok.
5. Install Ilok Key after it fails to find the drivers goto Control Panel\Hardware and Sound Click>Device Manager
6. Find the yellow? on the ilok key Should be under (Dongles) in the device manager list.
7. Right Click the ilok icon and select update driver software and select browse my computer and goto the folder from step 2.
8. A dialog Box should come up that wants you to verify the ilok driver install select yes trust installer.
9. You might also notice, that if you plug your ilok key into another USB port (other than the original location) it will not install the drivers correctly and fail to work.
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