Blessings--thanks everyone! I'm taking this one down now.

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2011/12/03 23:03:52 (permalink)

Blessings--thanks everyone! I'm taking this one down now.

Josh & Taylor were in my studio again today and recorded this beautiful song.  As you all know, I can't mix anything really well, but I have so little experience with vocals, I need even MORE help with them.  Any advice would be appreciated.  I know there's mic noise (or something!), but I don't know how to get rid of it.  But anything else you want to chime in on, I'd be much obliged.  Thanks.  

Lead vocals:  Taylor (voice major)
bgv & piano:  Josh ('her' Josh, not mine)  :)

2nd mix:  Tried to fix the vocal problems mostly.  See post farther down.

post edited by Janet - 2011/12/07 20:49:45

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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/03 23:16:14 (permalink)
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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/03 23:17:40 (permalink)
    The apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it?
    I can hear the buzzing sound, but it's intermittent. Possibly a bad connection on the mic? Is it handheld or mounted on a stand?

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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/03 23:21:11 (permalink)
    Thanks, both of you.

    Thanks BD.  :) 

    Bob, no relation of mine and they're so far ahead of me in musical skills I'll never catch up in this life.  Wonderful young people that I'm very blessed to know though...even though they make me sick!  lol (j/k)  The mic is on a stand.  I'll check the connections.  I don't remember it being that bad before.  Thanks for the idea and thanks for listening!  
    post edited by Janet - 2011/12/03 23:22:33
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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/03 23:21:14 (permalink)
    Hey Janet,
    WOW . . . what a performance. I'm listening on computer speakers so I'm not going to be much help. GREAT job you have done. On my end the only thing I think you need to do is pull the vocals back in the mix. I can't hear the piano that well when they start singing.  I'll leave the rest to the forum experts.  What a WONDERFUL song. THANKS for the listen.


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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/03 23:23:18 (permalink)
    what -- OK +1  sorry for him if he looks like me
    post edited by BIABDude - 2011/12/03 23:33:52
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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/03 23:23:28 (permalink)
    Thanks Kev.  I'll pull those vocals back.  I wondered about that.  I did pull the piano up a bit when they both came in, but obviously not enough.  Thanks again! 
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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/03 23:25:29 (permalink)
    Sorry BD.  That was the weirdest thing ever.  Kev's reply came into my email inbox with your name on it.  I got on here and only saw +1 and figured you must have edited it really quickly, which is cool.  THEN I got Kev's reply via email.  Weird.  Anyway, sorry 'bout that! 
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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 04:40:09 (permalink)
    Hi Janet...this is great! I would probably pull the vocal back just a bit...maybe put a slight verb on it...low pass like 12k a little bit so it's not as breathy. You may also want to watch for "plosives" and invest in a pop filte/wind-screen as we have a few hard p's and b's hitting at times..but other than that, this is really well done. To stop this without having to redo the track, split the clip at the plosive and fade it in so it takes the hard blast out of it. So you'll have a fade on the plosive and the actual word will come through without that going on. For example...

    Say I sing the word "people" and the p sound comes out as "puh" really hard. I need to grab a fade in on that p sound so that the "puh" is less apparent and it just sounds like "people" without such a hard p sound...understand? You just use the fade in on the start of that. If it's inside a clip, you split the clip at that point then do your fade in there. Hope this helps a bit....really enjoyed this though...and give yourself a little're doing great at this mixing stuff. Compare what you were doing years ago (which in my opinion STILL wasn't bad) and then listen to you now. You're making gains each just enjoy it. :)


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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 06:09:57 (permalink)
    The vox, especially harmony vox should come down and they are begging for reverb and possibly a slight amount of delay. Danny has some good ideas above too.

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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 08:07:39 (permalink)
    +1 on verb for the voice, also try and get a bit more body into the piano. great tune.

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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 08:15:33 (permalink)
    I think cleaning up the vocal tracks would help you alot here Janet. It's a little tedious, but critical for a song like this with a bare arrangement. Here's how I do mine. Solo a vocal track, and listen close for mouth noises such as clicks and pops. Start drawing volume envelopes so that between words you can bring those parts down in volume, and bring them up gradually just before the next word. This can also reduce breath noises. I don't like breath noises eliminated completely, as it doesn't sound natural in a sparse arrrangement, but having them a little quieter on close mic'd like these will sound better.

    When the male harmony part comes in, I think it should be "just under" hers. Reverb is your friend here. Remember that with reverb, dial it up until you can hear it, then take it down a bit.

    Beautiful performances Janet. This is close to being great. Keep at it.


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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 08:17:45 (permalink)
    Thanks Danny!  I've got a pop filter on the mic.  I'll see if the compressor is doing that.  Otherwise, I'll start editing them out.  Fun...

    Thanks for that, Scott.  Hopefully that won't be hard to remedy.  :)

    Thanks Mark.  All right already...I'll add more 'verb!!!  LOL.  But can you explain what you mean by more body into the piano?  I don't have it 100% wide like I usually that what you're hearing?  Hm...also didn't give it my typical 'darker' eq bump.  Maybe that's it.  Thanks again for stopping by.  I really appreciate it!  
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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 08:22:44 (permalink)
    Thanks for that, Randy.  I admit I was in a bit of a hurry last night while mixing this.  I sent it to her and she also said to bring him down some cause he doesn't like his voice.  Thanks for the tips on editing it too.  I'm sad that the pop filter isn't working any better.  Maybe she needs to learn better mic technique?  Although I'd think they would have taught her that in college.  Everything she does vocally seems to come with no effort...  (and she's cute and nice, to boot!)  :)  Thanks again!  
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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 08:41:20 (permalink)
    Janet....sometimes even with a pop filter...some words come out as plosives. It can be the mic...or it can be the delivery in which the singer's always different. You know how anal I am about stuff like this and I even get this on my end no matter how hard I try. You just have to edit it when you hear it. Even with the best mic and techniques...sometimes these things find a way of squeaking through. The only way to totally get rid of it besides editing is to go further away from the mic...but then you sometimes get a sound that is a bit distant. The one thing I liked about what you have here was the up close and personal sound. This comes from being close to the mic when singing. The further away you go, the less the plosives can do their dirty work...but you also can get more of a "room sound" which can be a little distant and less up close and personal. It depends on what you're going for really as well as how good the mic is.

    I'm not a fan of my U-87 on my voice. For some great as that mic is, it only works for me when I sing in the key of G. LOL! But, it's so sensitive, I can be further away from it and it will still give me that up close and personal sound without plosives. With other mics I have, sometimes being right on them is what makes them sound good...but then you have the plosives possibility. You just edit it out when it shows up if you can. If you can't, you just recut that part of the track and try to have the singer hit it a bit less hard. This stuff happens and is tough to totally stop because so much factors in. It's actually good you experienced this so you can learn how to edit it. Editing is just as important as the mix each little thing you experience is a good thing and then you can learn how to fix or deal with it. Good luck. :)


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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 09:59:35 (permalink)
    I notice that u receive some good advice here allready, Janet. I havent much to add, but saying i agree with the hints u got. Go with them.

    The song is beautiful. Very nice vocal performance. :)

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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 10:46:08 (permalink)
    I'm listening on my laptop speakers, so I can't really comment mix wise? But she's too hot, seems like way to hot? And too dry. I would moisten her up and cool her off a bit. 

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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 13:33:42 (permalink)
    Well, you're already in good hands here, so take the advice you've already been given and you'll be golden. She has a nice voice for sure. Piano's none too shabby either - looks like you've got some competition at last ;)

    Is that a page turning around 0:33 ? Might wanna do a little edit on that too.
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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 14:56:12 (permalink)
    What a beautiful song. 
    Advice from someone who dosen't know what he's talking about...  The background vocals come in too loud.  I think they need to be cut by quite a bit, and possibly panned more to the right so that they are softer but not lost.  possibly a little fade in/out so he dosen't seem to jump out of nowhere?
    It is probably blasphemy to use a pad on such a clean clear sound, but I think a little bass pad from about 1:30 till about 4:15 to fill some lower frequency would sound good.  Kind of swelling up then fading off toward the end.  Probably not what you were trying to achieve though.
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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 16:27:55 (permalink)
    Thanks everyone...I hope to be able to get to this later today.  At least tomorrow evening.  So thankful for all your help so far!  

    Paulo, I'm pretty sure he's not my only competition.  And yes, he's got more talent in his little finger than I've got altogether.  He plays numerous instruments well, plays several sports quite well and on top of that is just a very nice guy.  Stinker....  

    Everyone else...I'll be back...and I'll try real hard to do what you all said.  Thanks again!
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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 16:38:16 (permalink)
    Re; the pop filter: try placing the filter at a 45 degree angle from the mic and singer's mouth. That tends to cut down on the pops a lot.

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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 22:09:37 (permalink)
    Vallhagen:  Thanks so much.  I agree it's quite a beautiful of my new favorites.  I should mention above that it's by Laura Story. 

    Robby, any better?

    Mark, thanks for the advice.  I widened the piano.  I hope that helps.  

    Paulo, I didn't notice that at :33 till you mentioned it.  I can't figure out how in the world to get rid of it.  :(  

    Thank you, Glen.  I pulled back the bgv...he didn't like them that loud either.  :)  I think a bass pad would be nice too, but I'm just the mixer.  :) 

    Thank you, Scott.  That's a big help.  I'll remember that next time.  Not sure they have time to redo this song...she's doing a couple songs for her mom for Christmas and is going home soon.  But, I'll fix that for next time.  

    Everyone,,,. I definitely hear those plosives now.  I don't know if my doctoring up helped or hindered them, but I can't seem to get rid of them completely.  I think she'll be happy enough with it time I'll try to have her record them better.  Anyway, I added more verb and a little delay and pulled down the bgv a bit too.  Thanks again so much.  I'm still open for more thoughts...
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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 22:41:01 (permalink)

    Wow this tune took my breath away Janet , sounded really nice to me .
    As always your piano playing is perfection , good job in all areas . Vocals were superb , enjoyed listening to this song !


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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 22:51:55 (permalink)
    I head it earlier before the remix, the vocals seem to sit much better in the new mix. Great job Janet

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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 22:53:57 (permalink)
    Thanks James.  It's not me playing....I did have to move 3 whole notes of his, so he's not totally perfect.  lol

    Thanks Grant, I appreciate it.  They did one more song yesterday so hopefully I can get the first mix better than this one was after all the great advice from here.  :) 
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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 23:03:31 (permalink)
    I'm listening on my notebook speaks (not good)

    But the mix sounds better? :-)

    Based on what I'm hearing, I would still say it needs to be "louder" overall. And that's some good limiting? You have Ozone? Use the volume maximizer. If I could listen on the phones I could add more opinion? But It could definitely be louder.  Push it... 
    post edited by bandontherun19 - 2011/12/04 23:05:02

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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 23:09:05 (permalink)
    Thanks Robby.  On the first mix, I increased the volume in Audacity, but wasn't sure if that was a good idea or not.  So this one is lower...I wasn't sure if I should push it with Ozone or not.  I guess you just confirmed it.  Thanks! 
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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 23:16:12 (permalink)
    The song and the performance won't let me listen critically.  I just keep being consumed by the whole presentation.  Great job Janet (and your vocalists)..
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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/04 23:37:16 (permalink)
    Hi Janet. This is a really pretty song. Josh plays a wonderful piano and the song is well written. Plenty of advice on the vox above and my opinion is Taylor has a beautiful voice and sings well so any minor tweaks to this can only enhance an already great performance. The piano sounds great 99 percent of the time but I noticed that when chords are raked fast like at :33 there is a very slight harshness to it. It's really strange because it only happens with that particular technique in the song. Very enjoyable listen.
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    Re:'Blessings'---Need help with vocal mix 2011/12/05 18:28:08 (permalink)
    Nice song there. That's really enjoyable.

    Echoing the above. I always clone my vocal tracks first and work on the clone while archiving the original so you can always go back if you have to. Sylabants are a tough thing to get out. Sometimes you can zoom in really close and split the clip. Then slip edit the sylabant out and drag the little fade in things on the end of the clip slightly so you don't hear a click. A lot of times you won't even notice. A little reverb covers it up. You'll know if itls not working and as Rhandy said, draw a clip envelope.

    Nice job on the mix!

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