Re:Cloning track puts new track in different Folder 8.5.1 - Got Response from Cakewalk
November 26, 09 4:30 PM
Another example of stubbornly stupid thinking.
It will take years to get this changed. Oh yeah, it has been years.
The default behavior should be as all have described. With the ability to change if wanted.
(I still say short words aloud when this happens, and other stuff too.)
The I am curious questions:
Who all thought this was a reasonable result of cloning in a folder?
Why did they think this?
Do they ever use the program?
How is it this behavior improves my ability to work quickly?
I figger it was a group/mob think decision. Reminds me of the Heinlein quote, "A committee is a life form with 6 or more legs and no brain."
Remember, it took 5 versions, and LOTS of complaining, to get a track view button. Which we were repeatedly told was not neccessary.