"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) Mix 2 (Final?) 3-26-12

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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/10 14:13:13 (permalink)
Good one.   Solid perfornance/mix as always   Really like the nice BGV on the Chorus.  I am more of a fan of the hard stuff with a bit of Pop elements thrown in.    Really like that little interlude with the acousitc guitar too.  I think the lights and shades are what bring the magic to a good song.  This one definitely did that.
Bob Oister
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/12 21:59:15 (permalink)

Hi, Gary,

How are you, buddy?  It's really great to hear from you!

Thanks so much for checking out this song, and also for your very kind comments.  I really appreciate it, especially because your song posts are always fantastic with top quality mix and production work.

I greatly appreciate your input and friendship over the past few years here on the forum.  Have a great day, my friend!


Hey, James,

How's it going?  Hope you had a good weekend!

Thank you for giving this a listen and for your very encouraging words!  Your extremely generous time spent listening to my stuff and providing excellent detailed input, advice and tips in the past, has absolutely been a major factor in greatly improving my mixing and production skills.  That, combined with your amazing talent, versatility and production prowess, really makes me grateful to have you as a forum friend.

Thanks for all your support and input, James, have a good one!


Hey, Jimmy,

Thanks for checking in on this one for me, and for your kind words and good input and ideas.

You know, I originally did actually try modulating the final acoustic chorus, similar to your suggestion, but it sort of ended up making the song end on an anticipatory vibe, with a sort of tension, expecting another full chorus.  So, I reverted back to the way it is now because it sounded more natural for an ending.

Thanks again for stopping by on this and commenting, I greatly appreciate your input and comments!


Hey, Kev,

Thanks so much, buddy!  I truly appreciate your giving this one a listen and also your highly encouraging words.

I'm really grateful to you for stopping by and commenting, your input and observations really mean a great deal to me, and your stuff is always fantastic.

Have a great day, Kev!
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/12 22:08:45 (permalink)
Awesome, love it Bob. Very progressive, a bit like Queenryche

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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/12 22:32:57 (permalink)
Great work Bob.  I really like this one.

Mark Wessels

At CD Baby

At Soundclick
Bob Oister
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/13 05:01:58 (permalink)

Hey, Daryl,

How are you, buddy?  Doing great, I hope!

Thanks for checking in on this one for me, and for your very kind comments.  Your taking time to listen and offer input, ideas and observations really means a lot to me, and I greatly appreciate your words and support.  As per your request, I'll add the lyrics to the original song post up top, and they're already on the SoundClick Song page and the "Music" page on my www.BobOister.com website.

Thanks again, Daryl, I'm very grateful for your kind words, have a good one!

eric paul:

Hey, Eric,

Thank you very much for stopping by and giving this song a listen, and also for your very kind words!  I really appreciate you checking this out for me, and commenting.  That's a big part of what makes this forum such a great place.

Have a great day, Eric!


Hey, Tim,

How's it going, buddy!  Hope you're doing well!

Thanks for checking in on this one for me and for your kind words, good input and suggestions.  As per your suggestion, I did a little compressor tweaking and a few other little touchups to some of the drum fills, etc.  I should be able to post the new mix in the next day or two.

Actually, a lot of the newer style modern hard rock and alternative metal is much cleaner and tighter, production-wise, than metal from the 70's and 80's, with a more technical edge thrown in.  I think a lot of it has to do with the current modern recording techniques available.  Many of the nu-metal and alt-metal bands, like Sevendust, Disturbed, Papa Roach, Black Tide, Godsmack, etc., are very clean, technical bands that still have a lot of raw metal edge to the overall sound.  For my stuff, my goal has always been trying to sort of fuse the new modern metal with some of the 80's type melodic hair metal that I grew up with.  I'm not sure if I'm there yet, but I think I'm getting closer!

Thanks again, Tim, I always look forward to and greatly appreciate your input!

Freddy J:

Hey, Freddy,

How are you, my friend?  Hope you're doing great!

Thanks for stopping by on this one for me, and for your very encouraging words!  I really appreciate your input and support.

By the way, your new rockabilly song is absolute dynamite, Freddy, great stuff!

Thanks again and have a good one!


Hey, Frank,

Thank you kindly, sir!  I really appreciate you giving this one a listen, and really value your input and very kind words.

That really means a lot to me, because you're definitely one of the nicest guys around the forum, as well as a multi-talented musician, performer and producer.

By the way, your recent live video posts were outstanding, and your band is really fantastic, it looks like you guys really have a good time. 

Have a great night, Frank!
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/13 09:55:23 (permalink)
Hey Bob, 

 Sounds killer.

Your vocal style is very original and fits your style well.

My son likes this one as well.

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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/13 13:06:22 (permalink)
Wow Bob, this is just megatastic - that guitar tone is awesome
I love the harmonies and the harmonics too.

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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/13 13:40:02 (permalink)
Hey Bob, could you please stop mentioning how quickly you put your tunes together... it's intimidating

Seriously, this was yet another awesome Oister outting with all the stuff we've come to know and love about your music.  I really liked the lyrical references back to "Face the Fire."  Playing, singing, production were all spot on to my ears.  Gerat job!
Bob Oister
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/14 04:15:14 (permalink)

Hi, James,

How are you, my friend?  Doing great, I hope!

Thanks so much for checking in on this one for me, and also for your very encouraging words!  I really appreciate that coming from you, because you and Larry were always there to help me out with some great advice and input when I first joined here, and it really helped me out with trying to get a handle on mixing and production.  Also, you, Larry and Tim always do a phenomenal job on your SMB and Acrobat's Supper stuff, and are all around great musician's. 

Thanks again, James, I value your friendship very highly!


Hey, Cian,

How are you?  Hope you're having a great week!

Thanks for giving this a listen for me, and also for your extremely kind words!  Your comment truly means a lot to me because I've been trying really  hard over the last few months to get to the point where the flaws in my mixes wouldn't be a total distraction from the song itself.  So, I'm very grateful for your input.

Your latest song post "Under Your Command" was a terrific pop rock song with dynamite vocals, as always from you.  Fantastic stuff, my friend! 

Thanks again, Cian, I greatly appreciate your encouragement and support.


Hey, Ed,

How's it going, buddy?  Thanks for stopping by on this one and for your nice comments and good observations!  As per your mention and Tim's, I did a little compressor and level tweaking to touch up the choruses and solo, I should be able to post Mix 2 in the next day or two.

Hey, super job on your bass part in Jimmy's (Rimshot) latest song, that picture of your GK bass stack made me jealous!  I absolutely love Gallien-Kruger amps, I almost cried when they stopped making guitar and keyboard amps and went totally bass.  I still have an old GK 250-ML from the late 80's, and that little microwave sized monster with those Pyle Driver speakers can still blow somebody's hat off from 300 feet away!     I'll bet your Spacey bass sounds killer cranked through that stack.

Thanks again, Ed, I really appreciate your input and support.  Have a good one, buddy!


Hey, Tim,

How are things?  Hope you're doing great!

Thank you very much for stopping by on this one, and for your very kind words.  I greatly appreciate you giving it a listen and also your input and support.  Plus, it's always good to hear from a fellow Pennsylvanian! 

Have a great day, Tim!


Hey PG,

Sincere thanks for checking in on this song for me, and for your input and very positive comments!  As per your suggestion, I did a few minor touchups on a couple of the drum fills for the new mix, which I should have up by the weekend.

Thank you for stopping by and taking time to leave your comments and observations, your input means a lot to me, and that's what makes this forum so great!  

Have a good one, buddy!

Bob Oister
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/14 21:56:36 (permalink)

Hey, Rob,

Thanks, man, I really appreciate you stopping by to check in on this one for me, and also for your very encouraging comments and good observations!

I'm working on touching up the mix, and as per your suggestion, I'll definitely try dropping the vox a little bit to see if they blend in better.  I'm assuming you mean the vocals during the choruses.

Thanks again for the listen and comments, your input means a lot to me, especially because of the amazing pro quality of your posts.  You're an excellent player, singer and producer, my friend!

Have a good one, buddy!


Hey, Amateur,
Thanks very much for giving this one a listen, and for your very kind words!  I really appreciate you taking time to check it out and comment, and I'm very grateful that you like the song and mix. 

Thanks again, and have a good one!


Hey, Joshua,

How's it going?  It's great to see you back on the forum!

Thanks a lot for checking out this song for me, and also for your words of encouragement!  I'm grateful for your input and glad you like the song.

Have a good one, buddy!


Hi, Janet,

How a re you?  Hope you're having a great week!

Thanks so much for giving this one a listen, and for your very kind words of encouragement!  I always look forward to your input and appreciate your comments.
Your latest post, "midnight Minuet" with Scotty was really an excellent instrumental, very nice work as always from you! 

Thanks again and have a great night!
Bob Oister
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/16 03:13:34 (permalink)

Hey, Mark,

How's it going, buddy?  Hope your having a great week!

Thank you very much for checking this one out for me, and for your very very encouraging comments!

I really appreciate your comments, especially because that's also how I feel about this type of music.  I love heavy guitars and lots of power, but I prefer melodic vocals and harmonies, and different elements that take the edge off in places.  I'm kind of shooting for Judas Priest, Dokken, and Boston meeting Disturbed, Sevendust and Godsmack in an alley and fighting it out!  (If that makes any sense at all!)   Hopefully I'm starting to get closer to that type of fusion in what I'm doing.

Thanks again for your input and observations, I really appreciate it, Mark!


Hey, Grant, how are you, brother?  Doing great, I hope!

Thanks you for giving "Concrete Sky" a listen for me, and also for your input and very kind words!

I really did like a lot of the early Queensryche stuff like "Jet City Woman", and then the later phase, "Silent Lucidity" era. Lot's of good, interesting stuff!

Thanks again, Grant, for checking in on this one for me, and for your support and friendship, it means a lot to me. 

Have a good one!


Hey, Mark,

How's it going, buddy?  Hope you're having a great week!

Many thanks for stopping by on this one for me, and for your kind words of encouragement!  Your excellent guitar instrumentals and videos are always top notch, both playing and production-wise.  Speaking of your great videos, I'm almost ready to man up and post my first video, that I actually put together back in early November.  Hopefully in a couple weeks, when my CD is finished I'll post it here!

Thanks again, Mark,  I'm always grateful for your time and input, my friend! 
Bob Oister
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/16 19:29:41 (permalink)

Hey, Zungle,

How's it going, buddy?  Hope you're gearing up for a rockin' weekend!

Thanks so much for stopping by to check this one out for me, and for your input and encouraging comments!

I really appreciate your comments about the vocals because after decades of five or six nights a week of cloning all types and ranges of rock and metal vocalists in my cover bands, I got really frustrated trying to find my own voice for my original music.  I finally decided to not try to sound like anybody else, and just settle for whatever voice comes out for each particular song.  Hopefully, I'm starting to develop my own style that will hold the listeners' interest.

Thanks again for giving this a listen, and please tell your son I said thanks for checking it out.  I'm really happy that he liked it too, that's a good sign.  Plus, it's always good to hear from another Riot fan! 

Have a good weekend!


Hey, Steve,

My metal brother from another mother!  How are things, mate?  I hope you're treating good old "Ruby" very well! 

Thanks so much for checking in on this song for me, and for your very kind words.  I greatly appreciate your comments on the guitar tone.  A lot of your good suggestions, input, and advice in the past, have helped me to better understand how to shape the different sounds and elements in my mixes, and I' very grateful for your friendship and support.

Sincere thanks, Steve, and have a monster weekend!


Hey, Phil,

How are you, buddy?  Hope doing great out in Vegas!

Many thanks for popping in on this one for a listen, and also for your very encouraging comments and observations!  Yeah, LOL, because I usually work around 80 hours a week at my day job, I'm always in "guerilla recording mode", usually between 3 and 5 a.m., speed recording and mixing a couple of nights a week. It's like good ol' Larry the Cable Guy says, "Git 'er Done!!!"! 

But seriously, Phil, thanks very much for all of your input, observations and support, it really mean a lot to me.

Have a great weekend, my friend!


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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/18 20:49:00 (permalink)
I think your recent work is your best, Bob. Good songwriting. In this one, I like the contrast between the heavy riff and the lead guitar. Your vocal stand out nicely. Terrific drum track, and a solid mix. Great job

A few guitars, a couple of basses, a MIDI controller, a mandolin, a banjo, a mic, PodFarm2
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/19 11:20:28 (permalink)
really cool stuff Bob!  love it!  I agree with Tim & bapu about the drums, tho, they get lost except during the guitar solo(s) and they sound much better there.

vox are superb!  really great stuff from you as usual!

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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/19 13:15:19 (permalink)
Love your mixes and tones. Great Job. You have the tones Im looking to learn how to get out of my mixes


--Dell Studio XPS I7/870 2.93 Ghz, 8GB Mem, 2-2TB Barracuda HDs, 500 GB Ext.HDD, Win7/64
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Bob Oister
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/20 04:50:11 (permalink)

Hey, Mark,

How are you, buddy?  Hope you're doing great!

Thanks for stopping by to check this one out for me, and for your very kind words!  Yeah, I had just finished the fourth and final stage of my room treatment right before I recorded this song, and I think I finally have my room as good as I'm going to get it.  Each step seemed to make a noticeable difference, so I think I'm getting a better idea how things should translate on different systems, which seems to be making the mixing faster and easier.

Thanks again, Mark, I always look forward to and greatly appreciate your input and support.  Have a great day! 


Hi, Reece,

How are you, my friend?  Doing well, I hope!

Thanks very much for giving this a listen, and for your encouraging comments and good input!

I'm still putting the final tweaks on the mix and will be posting the new mix soon.  I just have a quick question about your drum observations.  Did you mean that you're having a hard time hearing the drums, "except" during the guitar solos, or did you mean actually "during" the solos?  I'm still touching up the drum automation and compression, so it would be helpful if you could clarify, if you happen to read this.

Thanks again for checking it out, and for your comments and observations, it really means a lot to me.  Have a great day, Reece! 


Hey, Mike,

How's it going?  Hope your having a great week!

Thank you very much for checking this song out for me, and for your very encouraging comments!  I truly appreciate you taking time to give it a listen and also your very kind words.  That's really what makes this forum such a great community. 

Thanks again, Mike, I've very grateful for your input.  have a great day, buddy!
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/20 06:35:22 (permalink)
Hey Bob,
I thought that the drums sounded a little louder during the solo.

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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/20 18:19:08 (permalink)
Heavy music.  Nicely produced.   I'd love to be in an audience close to the stage and see this done.  The ending was a surprise.  I thought it was going to blow up and it quit.  That's because the song went by so quickly.  That's always a good thing.  Good movies seem like they're way too short.  This song did the same thing.  

 Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. (GK Chesterton

Warren (Pug) Willingham
Bob Oister
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/21 19:59:07 (permalink)

Hey, Reece,

Thanks for getting back to me to clarify what you meant, it will definitely be helpful while I'm touching things up for the remix! 

Much appreciated, my friend!


Hi, Warren,

How are you, buddy?  From the sound of your new monster rocker that you just posted, it sure sounds like you're recovering well from your recent surgery.  Your new Pugtones new song is pure dynamite!

Thanks for stopping by to give this one a listen, and for your very kind words and observations.

You know, actually my original plan for this was to come back in after the acoustic break with a modulated chorus, but then, just as you mentioned, it just sort of sounded cool to leave it hanging at the very end of the acoustic section.  It sort of just felt right, as a "happy accident".

Thanks again, Warren, I always look forward to and greatly appreciate your input, and I'm very glad to hear that your feeling better! 

Bob Oister
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/26 21:00:54 (permalink)
3-26-12 Mix 2 (Final?)

Hey guys, I just uploaded Mix #2 after everybody's input, observations and suggestions.  I tightened up a few of the drum fills and did a few minor tweaks to EQ, compression and automation.   I also added the lyrics below, as per Daryl's request.
Many thanks to everybody who listened and commented, you guys are truly AWESOME! 

Best wishes!

Concrete Sky
©2012 Words and Music All Rights Reserved by Bob Oister
Verse #1:
The sun peeks over the horizon like an eye
Daylight breaks with people rising with a sigh
I never dreamed of fighting monsters for a lie
I wasn't born to die beneath a concrete sky
Chorus #1:
Don't want to live a lie
I'm not afraid to die
I'm gonna face the fire
Beneath the concrete sky
Verse #2:
Living like a soldier in a city gone awry
Wanting to grow older just trying to survive
I never dreamed of fighting here just to stay alive
I wasn't born to live and breathe beneath a concrete sky
Chorus #2:
Don't want to live a lie
I'm not afraid to die
I'm gonna face the fire
Beneath the concrete sky
Guitar Solo
Chorus #3:
Don't want to live a lie
I'm not afraid to die
I'm gonna face the fire
Beneath the concrete sky
post edited by Bob Oister - 2012/03/27 03:18:41
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/26 22:01:22 (permalink)
Hey Bob,

New mix is sounding excellent in my Sennheiser HD600s.

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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/26 22:09:02 (permalink)
You productions always sound killer,  This one is no exception, sounds great !
Love the guitar work................ Thumbs up !


Outback Remote Recording,  16 or 24 track mobile rig.
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/26 22:59:17 (permalink)

Hey Bob this is great stuff buddy ! You'll be playing on the big stage before to long if you keep this up , please don't forget us the little guys when you do make it buddy !

GREAT song !Radio

Bob Oister
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/27 18:21:52 (permalink)

Hey, Ed,

How's it going, me brutha from anutha mutha?  Hope you're having a rockin' week! 

Many thanks for giving this a second listen for me, I'm hoping that I've gotten all the little details ironed out on this one at this point.

Also, thanks for specifying what you listened to the remix on for reference, those cans are supposed to be spectacular and provide amazing detail and separation.  In your opinion, are they as great as everyone says?  One of these years, I'm going to have to invest in a really, really good set of headphones like those.  I'm currently using two older sets of Sony Digital Reference headphones that were around $100- $120, a $70 set of Koss phones, and two sets of Sony and Samsung decent quality earbuds.  I'll be honest, I usually only use actual headphones when I'm tracking vocals, and just to check on the low end in mixes.  When listening for recreational purposes with my MP3 player, I just use the earbuds.  Would you recommend the HD600s for my situation, or do you think they might be overkill for just mainly vocal tracking?  Let me know what you think if you happen to see this.

Thanks again, Ed, I really appreciate your input, and greatly respect your production work.  Have a good one, buddy!

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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/27 19:48:36 (permalink)
love this man!! Pro sounding mix

Core 2 Quad Q9650 3.0 ghz processor, 8 gig ram, 2.5Tb drives, Sonar Platinum, Lynx L22, FMR Audio RNP & RNC, Mackie HR824, Neumann tlm 103, Window 10 64

Bob Oister
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/28 17:51:01 (permalink)

Hey, Tim,

How are you, buddy?  Hope all is going well, it's really great to hear from you!

Thanks, man,  I really appreciate the listen and your kind comments.  I'm finally about ready to finish my CD after what seems like forever, another week or two and I'm finally calling it a wrap!

Thanks again, my friend, and have a rockin' week!
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/29 02:06:23 (permalink)
Ah, metal rock that I can bask my ears into !

As usual, I feel like I'm inside the mix


I totally love this resolute ride: Performances are astonishing! Lyrics, message, style, resolute vocals, mix, production, guitar symphonies, guitar effects, rhythm guitars, and your signature style!

(Isa 5:12 And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts: but they regard not the work of the LORD)

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Bob Oister
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/31 05:31:08 (permalink)

Hey, James,

Thanks, buddy, I really appreciate you coming back to check out the remix and your very kind words of encouragement!

Best wishes for a great weekend, my friend! 

Tom Riggs
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/31 08:36:43 (permalink)
Bob Great tune and the mix is really good. I do not listen to a lot of metal but this was very pleasing to my ear. I can just hear this on a Movie soundtrack, Something dark and urban with the hero in black leather LOL. Good work.

i7-3770k OC at 4.5Ghz, asus p8z77-m, 16g g.skill aries 1600 c9 ram, Noctua d-14 cooler, RME HDSPe Raydat, Motu FastLane, Nvidea GTX 980 ti 6G, windows 7 and 8.1 pro x64. Sonar Platinum and x3e currently installed

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Bob Oister
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  • Location: Scranton, Pennsylvania USA
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Re:"Concrete Sky" (Modern Rock) 2012/03/31 16:49:54 (permalink)

Hey, Tony, how are you, buddy?  Hope you're having a rockin' weekend!  It's really great to see you back around the forum.

Much thanks for taking time to give this a listen, and also your very kind words, it really means a lot to me, especially coming from a producer of your caliber.  Your new post "Precious Things" is one of the best songs/productions that I've heard on the forum, and is top-notch, pro quality all the way!

Thanks again, Tony, I really appreciate your input and and comments. Have a good one!

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