"Intel Management Engine"? That's only a remote management and provisioning utility for business desktops, and while it does allow remote setting of a PM profile and setting in which sleep states the system can be remotely woken and what system events are logged/reported, it has nothing to do with actual power management. I take it you are using it for remote support, but don't understand why you think it is relevant here.
You might want to update your reading on this subject. I would recommend that you start here with the link below. VPro was started as separate Intel technology that used the IME. The IME was not designed for VPro by itself.
Hi Eric, back now from paying some bills.
Ah, ok, I understand now to what you were referring regarding the "Intel Management Engine", in respect of the firmware embedded controller functionality in the PCH. IOW, I assume you were referring to activity of the "meci" driver (formerly the "heci") driver? I knew that Intel had expanded the capabilties/functionality of their embedded controller from its earlier southbridge incarnation in the newer PCHs.
I am at somewhat of a loss here, in that I am not using a current laptop running Windows 7 (for audio, a Macbook just works, gave up on the crappy crippled BIOSes in PC laptops years ago) and the SB/IB DAWs here are on Supermicro and Intel mobo's with discrete embedded controllers (Nuvoton chips) and not the IME/MECI, so maybe I missed seeing what you were referring to. I only checked out an HTPC desktop box in a shop, not a laptop or a fully loaded DAW, and only ran Latency Monitor, not any other diagnostics.
However, I did not see where IME/MECI was updating anything except for the telemetry on temp, fan speed, etc. although it may have also been originating PMEs/SMIs which I was not in a position to check for.
Look, I wasn't disputing what you were witnessing wrt what you said about seeing increased DPC latency and more frequent interrupts. But I am still seriously questioning whether that is down to the HPET (which when enabled does not in any way change the system interrupt interval, as may be confirmed with the timer utilities to which I had linked previously).
So lets get this straight. We should spend countless hours convincing different manufacturers to adjust their drivers that effect less than 5% of the IT industry versus disabling HPET which resolves the matter immediately without further time and expenditure?
No, what I am saying is that, were I in your position as a system vendor/integrator, I might look further into why the effects you are witnessing are occurring when HPET (which has been a Windows hardware logo/certification requirement for years now) is enabled, rather than simply disabling it and recommending that everyone else do so also.
Have you even bothered testing with the /useplatformclock switch, or do you still not understand why I had mentioned it earlier?
Have you run powercfg with the -energy parameter to investigate what was going on?
Have you tried stopping IME from loading, to see what happened?
Or maybe run xperf or process explorer? Or checked the BIOS out with biosbits?
I mean, I just build and use my own DAWs, but have long tested and troubleshot them with the tools I have available. Now, if I were in the PC biz and was seeing anomalous behavior as you have with HPET enabled, I think I'd investigate, and if I couldn't find out why, maybe send a system to MS and have them investigate why. I'm fairly certain MS do care enough about 5% of their market to find out why hardware they are requiring in all Windows systems is causing performance problems and do something to rectify the situation.
Further we should ignore all testing/observations that show the HPET having negative impact on asio devices and asio engine in general. Asio has the capability to interrupt at a far faster interval than the HPET with WDM drivers and was around well before the HPET was even designed. No offence but I would be out of a job and someone else would be posting here in my place if I followed that line of thinking. Scott is forgiving but I dont believe incompetance on my part will get me very far with him.
I think what you appear to be saying in regard to ASIO, which uses the legacy Windows MM Timer (now obsolete and deprecated), is that it does cause the system timer resolution to be increased to 1ms, having the effect of globally decreasing the system interrupt interval to 1ms (from the usual 10 or 15.6ms), causing all other interrupt/timer intervals to occur/expire faster and thus putting a greater load on the cpu and impacting overall system responsiveness. If so, yes, this has been well known for years.
[EDIT: Hmm, maybe that didn't come out the way I'd intended. I did not mean to knock ASIO per se (it was a real boon to PC-based audio back when and still remains so, and I doubt MS would have ever bothered to implement KS without Steinberg having shown the way with ASIO), but only meant to point out that ASIO has not been kept updated in line with developments in the PC platform and Windows kernel. As for why you are seeing deleterious effects manifested with ASIO when HPET is enabled, well that's a good question and one which I, were I in your position, would be asking of MS and Steinberg (and Intel as well as the interface makers whose Windows ASIO drivers are being affected).]
As for ASIO, the problem I (and many others) have is with MIDI syncing (or rather, not syncing) with audio and even with itself, due to timestamping respectively using different system clocks. Steinberg and Cakewalk (and RME and other s/w and h/w mfrs) are well aware of these problems, which have gone on for years without being resolved on the PC platform (and have probably accounted for a lot of MIDI musicians moving to Macs). ASIO 2.0 is still using TimeGetTime calls to the MM timer for timing and is rather low precision today, and hasn't really improved since the 95/98 days of ASIO 1.0. And MS haven't helped in this regard either, what with dropping/ screwing up support for MIDI in Vista and putting in worse performing emulation.
[EDIT: That didn't come out entirely right either. I meant to say that ASIO driver implementations (ok, certainly not all, but perhaps many) have not been
updated in line with platform/OS developments, and still carry legacy baggage in the way they are implemented. That is hardly all down to Steinberg, as there were some rather advanced and forward-looking implementation options (e.g. single buffering, event notification, prefetch, DMA, etc.) made available to ASIO developers in anticipation of pre-emptive multi-tasking on multiprocessor systems and asynchronous processing becoming the norm (and well before MS implemented its wavert driver model at that). But still, although timestamping with nanosecond resolution and timed buffer switch call interrupts are fine, referencing a system timer with a resolution of 1ms (and which timer impacts upon system performance) while it might have been of practical necessity back when should really imo have been updated in view of platform changes.]
HPET offers some significant advantages over the Win MM timer wrt reducing DPC latency and system loading if event-based notification routines are employed. Maybe ASIO 3.0...
post edited by Goddard - September 18, 12 11:07 PM