High quality AD/DA converter

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September 29, 07 4:15 PM (permalink)

High quality AD/DA converter

Does anyone know a High quality AD/DA converter. Just need a two channel model. I know there are some for $2500+ that are amazing, but I can't afford that premium price. I was looking for some that are $1000 or less. Does anyone have one or have experience with one? There aren't alot on the market that I can find.


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    RE: High quality AD/DA converter September 29, 07 5:03 PM (permalink)

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    RE: High quality AD/DA converter September 29, 07 5:57 PM (permalink)
    LynxTWO PCI card.

    A, B, or C model depending on your I/O needs.

    Absolutely fantastic top notch A/D-D/A converters, "Mastering" quality in my opinion.

    Outstanding low latency drivers and excellent tech support. And, should fit within your price range - LynxTWO-B $995 Retail.


    LynxTWO-B/UAD-2 DUO/UAD-1
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    2-WD Raptors(74/150),2-320GB(BFD2/VSTi)
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    RE: High quality AD/DA converter September 29, 07 7:04 PM (permalink)
    Check out the Apogee 2 channel box. Right in that price range. The Lynx is a no brainer that's what I am running. Watch ebay and you can pick up the Lynx A, B or C in the $500 range used. Normally $900+. Other boxes that are stellar are the Universal Audi0 and heck any used Apogee box might yield you more channels than 2 in that price range. Lot's of options.
    post edited by Middleman - September 29, 07 7:15 PM

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    RE: High quality AD/DA converter September 29, 07 8:19 PM (permalink)
    Unfortunately i have no PCI card slots left, so i'll have to get an external box with optical or RCA type plug on it.. or even the XLR looking ones that are digital.

    The Apogee 2 looks like a nice one as does the RME ADI-2 ! I'll consider both! Does any one have any others?
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    RE: High quality AD/DA converter September 29, 07 8:42 PM (permalink)
    Apogee sells a mic preamp/ad converter for about 1200.

    I think the benchmark sell a converter for about $1000. Supposed to be real good. Some people claim it is more natural sounding than the appogee while the appogees sound is more hyped.

    To me though the appogee sounds natural. I have a Rosetta.

    Some people on this forum are against using spidif. They'd rather use PCI, USB 2.0, or firewire. That said many interfaces for about $1000 sounds real good. You might just do better just swapping your existing interface for a better one with maybe more outputs and things.

    Motus, Lynxs, RMIs, and Firefaces are supposed to be the kings of great sound in the interface world. Emus interfaces claim to use the same converters as the Pro Tools HD systems, so you should check them out as well. And with an Emu you can get the interface to double as a sampler.
    post edited by jlgrimes - September 29, 07 8:56 PM
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    RE: High quality AD/DA converter September 29, 07 8:49 PM (permalink)
    Did any of you read the question?

    I'm not trying to be a wise ass or anything, but he asked for AD/DA converter, not sound card or mic pre recommendations.

    And I agree with jlgrimes, the Benchmark sounds better than the Appogee. The RME sounds more analytical, sterile actually, which I prefer. I like to get the sound at the mic and pre personally.

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    RE: High quality AD/DA converter September 29, 07 10:32 PM (permalink)
    Just a bit off the beaten path, you can use a Kurzweil Rumor going out the digital and the converters in this unit are pristine.

    The advantage is you also get a really decent outboard verb unit all for about $500.00

    If you currently have spdif in the digital path keeps the noise level down.

    The disadvantage is you can only use 44.1 or 48...but for $500 whatcha crying about?
    post edited by Psychobillybob - September 29, 07 10:43 PM

    I'm using SOnar Platinium on a 6 core Lynx Audio machine and a ton of vintage pre-amps/eq's/comps I build for fun and sometimes money, REDD.47/API/Neve I also use the UAD stuff, and also use a Macbook Logic 9 through Apogee...
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    RE: High quality AD/DA converter September 30, 07 11:56 AM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: jlgrimes

    Apogee sells a mic preamp/ad converter for about 1200.

    I think the benchmark sell a converter for about $1000. Supposed to be real good. Some people claim it is more natural sounding than the appogee while the appogees sound is more hyped.

    To me though the appogee sounds natural. I have a Rosetta.

    Some people on this forum are against using spidif. They'd rather use PCI, USB 2.0, or firewire. That said many interfaces for about $1000 sounds real good. You might just do better just swapping your existing interface for a better one with maybe more outputs and things.

    Motus, Lynxs, RMIs, and Firefaces are supposed to be the kings of great sound in the interface world. Emus interfaces claim to use the same converters as the Pro Tools HD systems, so you should check them out as well. And with an Emu you can get the interface to double as a sampler.


    I've narrowed it down to the Apogee Rosetta and Benchmark. The apogee is about $700 more expensive, which is a downside of course. What exactly is meant by hyped up? Like sounding more eq'ed? or something?


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