New Feature Request for Sonar 7

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November 03, 07 5:42 PM (permalink)

New Feature Request for Sonar 7

Hey guys!

Today I wanted to do some editing to over 200 audio clips found in one track but I could not get the desired results. The clips are from Ethan Winer's Sonar Sine Wave Test Project in case you're wondering. But basically, I wanted to perform some fades to the clips in this project since they do not transition smoothly and make a disturbing poping sound when playing the project. So I selected all the clips in this track by clicking the track number. Then, I wanted to perform some fade ins and fade outs hoping it would apply equally to all the clips but it did not. For example, applying a FAST fade out to one inside clip would automatically execute a SLOW fade out to the others. As soon as I moved the triangular shaped handle (to apply fades) all other clips to the right of it would show this fade out that would instantly go all the way to the start of each clip.

This works correctly on single clips in multiple tracks though, but not when you want to edit multiple clips in one or more tracks. Also, it does not apply to ALL clips unless you alter the first or last clip, which I guess could be thought of as a feature. Maybe this could best be explained by following these steps:

1- Open a project with two audio tracks. You could also Import an audio file and clone it.

2- Press Shift+F to fit the whole project into your window.

3- With the Cut Tool (C), split both tracks into 4 pieces each.

4- Double click one of the tracks to select them both and perform a fade in/out to the first/last clips respectively. This works as expected. All the clips follow your movements as they should.

5- Now do a fade out to any of the inside clips and you'll see what I mean. The clip below/avobe the one you modify follows your movements but not the rest of them. They will have a complete fade out that can only be changed by moving the mouse all the way to the right.

This is nice if you wanted to perform a complete fade to all the clips at once but I think it's more effective to be able to select all the clips and apply the desired amount of fade to one clip with the rest following exactly what you did. Or am I missing something ovious? I wanted to post here just in case before summiting a feature request.


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    RE: New Feature Request for Sonar 7 November 03, 07 6:08 PM (permalink)
    Jose, if I read you correctly

    There is two ways to do this.

    Hold shift while dragging your fades, (I think this should be the default instead of the way it currently works)

    Or Process/ Fade selected clips. There are options in the Fade selected clips window. to alter existing fades or leave them alone.

    I hope this helps you out.

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    RE: New Feature Request for Sonar 7 November 03, 07 7:34 PM (permalink)

    Thanks a lot! This is exactly what I wanted to do and I agree it should be the default behavior. I can't believe I didn't try that though. I did try holding the Ctrl key while draging but that didn't work of course, and I also tried Process::"Fade Selected Clips..." but you have to change the fades in ms which is not very pratical for quick fades. I ususally use fades as I go and only apply it to multiple clips for the beginning and ends of projects but not like I described earlier. This was a good experience as I now know yet another cool feature of Sonar . Thanks again.

    Take care!
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    RE: New Feature Request for Sonar 7 November 03, 07 8:27 PM (permalink)
    Glad that worked out for you.
    Sonar really has great control if you remember about the Shift, Ctrl and Alt modifier keys.

    A little OT but The mouse wheel and Ctrl button is something I could not live without, I just discovered this about a year ago and can imagine not being able to do this function.

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    RE: New Feature Request for Sonar 7 November 03, 07 8:38 PM (permalink)
    Interesting thread. Ive never done fades on multiple clips in the same track before(other than layers, which does work correctly), in multiple tracks, hell ya. I agree it should be the default for clips one after another in a single track as well.

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    RE: New Feature Request for Sonar 7 November 03, 07 11:09 PM (permalink)
    Today I wanted to do some editing to over 200 audio clips found in one track but I could not get the desired results. The clips are from Ethan Winer's Sonar Sine Wave Test Project in case you're wondering. But basically, I wanted to perform some fades to the clips in this project since they do not transition smoothly and make a disturbing poping sound when playing the project.

    That's weird, I've used that file on several systems and never had pops.

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    RE: New Feature Request for Sonar 7 November 03, 07 11:13 PM (permalink)
    I thought I was the only one that weirdly enough did cross fades on all of Ethan’s clips!!! I hated those pops at the starts and ends of those things. I also took Wavelab and generated some frequencies to place on both sides of the clips Ethan made, expanding the range of the test. Just out of curiosity, did you do that too???

    Max Arwood
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    RE: New Feature Request for Sonar 7 November 04, 07 0:10 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: MArwood

    I thought I was the only one that weirdly enough did cross fades on all of Ethan’s clips!!! I hated those pops at the starts and ends of those things. I also took Wavelab and generated some frequencies to place on both sides of the clips Ethan made, expanding the range of the test. Just out of curiosity, did you do that too???

    Max Arwood

    Well, sorry to say you're not the only weirdo here . I haven't experimented with extending the range though so maybe I'm not that weird......J/K. I would like to use RoomEQWizard but it requires Java and I always try to avoid installing unnecesary things in my DAW. So Ethan's Sonar test is what I've been using so far. I just hate those damn pops between the clips, why didn't he take care of them? . Anywho, it's way better now thanks to Saintom.

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