New Rock Song New Mix 6/18

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RE: New Rock Song / Opinions Welcome 2008/06/11 21:45:39 (permalink)
Great tune! and I agree that it's very "radio ready" I would love to here it in a high quality file. Could you give some production notes on the acoustic sound? you really nailed that queensryche anybody listening - skid row quicksand jesus-ish sound. KILLER!!!
Love the vocals too! I'm getting a The Cult vibe mabey mixed with some Christopher Cross?? YOU SHOULD SING MORE TUNES! You have a voice I only wish I had. $#@#%%^&%%$!! Lol!!! Great job , cant wait till your next post.
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RE: New Rock Song / Opinions Welcome 2008/06/11 22:09:49 (permalink)
I don't know..I listened over and over. I remember being younger and that feeling of anticipation and excitement right after the needle popped...
the first couple of bars. Listening to the new release of....and not a let down, they did it again!
Been awhile since I got that "pulled in". When the song, the performance...the's personal, not everyone feels that way. I feel that way.

What a trip. Thanks and hope it happens again.
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RE: New Rock Song / Opinions Welcome 2008/06/12 14:00:03 (permalink)
Hi Michael:

That's about the nicest thing I could hope anybody would say. I really appreciate it. This song and the emotion behind it really did come from the heart. It was difficult and intensely personal to expose myself like that. Ironic how something in life so negative could result in something so positive. I guess in many ways things really do happen for a reason.

I am very glad you liked it. I think this has made me realize that in order to really connect with people as an artist you need to expose yourself and just put it out there.

I listened to some of your songs as well. I really enjoyed and are impressed with not only your skill as a guitarist, but the compositions, feel, melody and phrasing .
are great. I will return to your page and listen more. Really enjoyed it. Very well recorded and mixed as well.

Thank You again.

Lawrence Ellington,
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RE: New Rock Song / Opinions Welcome 2008/06/13 14:11:05 (permalink)
Thanks, Much appreciated,

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RE: New Rock Song / Opinions Welcome 2008/06/14 07:58:32 (permalink)
Hi Rocky??

Thanks for the kind words about the song. I hope it's Radio ready as well. Have a Publisher interested but not gonna hold my breath. As Far as the Acoustic goes I used a Rode NT1A into a Roland SI-24 control surface w M Audio RPC-1 PCI Connected Sound Cards. I Mike pretty close about6-7 inches from the guitar about where the neck meets the bridge making sure my pre-amp signal is just kissing the red. I physically doubled the track and panned 63%. I used the Sonar 7PE Plug in "Vintage Channel Strip pre-set for acoustic guitar and rolled off the attack just a touch. Used Old Sonar 2xl EQ Plug-In Pre-set for acoustic Guitar and rolled up on the low end a tad. used the old Sonar 2 xl Chorus Pre-Set Chorus w Chorus Slight Flange and rolled off effect till effect is barely there. That's about it.

This post has convinced me to Sing More, LOL

thanks Again,

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RE: New Rock Song / Opinions Welcome 2008/06/14 09:17:24 (permalink)
Hello Lawrence,

Thanks for listening and the kind words.

I was listening again, while drinking my wakeup beans, and soundclick is screwed. Had some very loud "love ya" message that would randomly blast. I was going to recommend that you put the shortcut in your signature but after that I think you should get on imusicscene. You can upload 192kbps MP3's there and add that to your sig.

If that publisher has a cell of gray matter they'll nab you. And when they do you be sure to come back here and touch base.

If I may go out on a limb and with no intention of insulting myself or anybody else- the desire to create a beautiful recording in this relative "new" aquired ability (affordable home studios) is a wonderful thing, no doubt. Doing so is not assuring one of music marketing success. The gift one has in making music with style and emotion can be captured with the cheapest of recorders. History has proven that. The "gift" is "great" by musical statements that appeal to the masses in a unique, natural way. I don't think Donovan could sing and his music was far from "tight" but he reached inside and grabbed, demanding attention with his unique style, writting skill and ability to express it.

One of the greatest things on this site is I get to hear that "unfiltered" quality of musicianship shared by all here. It's not contaminated with success or molded by marketing. It's pure and simply enjoyable for those that understand. Some shine brighter with that unique "light". It shines no less due to lack of recording skills...I believe you are shining brighter than you know.

Just felt like sharing this thought and I appoligize for the long winded opinion.

P.S. A point I always told my beginning guitar students- never be intimidated by other guitarist. Play the notes as you feel because nobody else can.
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RE: New Rock Song / Opinions Welcome 2008/06/14 11:33:12 (permalink)
great song. only criticism is the first section where the snare comes in, it sounds distant. the next time it chimes in, it's at a good level. also, the vocals in the verse stand out compared to the chorus. maybe you're compressing the chorus vocals too much. i'm some crappy speakers right now though so i can't say too much about the mix. very great work overall!
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RE: New Rock Song / Opinions Welcome 2008/06/14 11:58:39 (permalink)
As with everyone else, I agree, amazing song! Really really enjoyed it!!

The harmony voice at the left in the first verse I thought sounded a bit too much in the left and could have been brought into the centre a little, though it still did fit as it was.

I'm still undecided on the effect on the vocals. I think if you were to use it, go with it on all/many your songs that are similar to this one, gives you your own sound. I think I do like it, but it's the pumping that's really getting to me. It sounds really compressed with attack and release settings that don't fit the tempo. Pre-set? I would love to hear a version which is much lighter on the compression, I just find it gets hard to really listen to properly with the pumping going on, but the song is so good that I simply ignore that and keep on listening!

I would REALLY like to hear another verse/bridge or something put into this song. It's not long enough!

Really liked the intro/first verse. Taking a note from your book there. That synth in there is really what does it though. I was trying to hear it through my headphones and I couldn't, but I knew it was there! I love how there are so many things going on in that first verse, but it just sounds so easy to listen to. Great use of the subtleties of instruments to create an awesome sound.

Great stuff, I hope you can work out the pumping/phasing problems and get a cleaner master uploaded. I will be watching this thread!
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RE: New Rock Song / Opinions Welcome 2008/06/14 15:23:55 (permalink)
Great tune, Lawrence! Get those vocals up, they're too good to bury.

There is some strange pulsing going on at 00:40 and 1:00, I think it's compressor breathing. Maybe back off the compression a bit and lengthen the release time.

All else is in doubt, so this is the truth I cling to. 

My Stuff
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RE: New Rock Song / Opinions Welcome 2008/06/15 09:14:56 (permalink)
Just posted a re-master
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RE: New Rock Song / Opinions Welcome 2008/06/15 10:21:18 (permalink)
Sounding a lot better, much less pumping, but I still feel there is a bit too much in the chorus especially. How are you doing all your mastering on it? What are you doing? Could you post a completely un-mastered version to see if that is even the actual problem? It could be just too much compression in the mix and not so much the mastering? I am starting to think it may be that as well.

I did find it much easier to listen to than the previous version though (in terms of the compression artefacts).

Keep us updated!
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RE: New Rock Song / Opinions Welcome 2008/06/15 23:12:26 (permalink)
it`s funny how you wrote Opinions Welcome then I Won`t Wait For You after cause you shouldn`t wait to become a rockstar you already are that song kicks serious ASS , i have to say i loved it .
ORIGINAL: lellington954

Just finished preliminary Mix. I'm a one man band on this one. I wrote, performed and recorded / Produced all. Opinions Welcome.

I Won't Wait For You.



Whoa.... to you and sea...
for the devil sends the beast with wrath.....
because he knows the time is short.....
let him who hath understanding.....
reckon the number of the beast.....
for it is a human number...
it`s number is.....

So if JESUS rose from the DEAD
Does that mean he`s the ORIGINAL ZOMBIE?
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RE: New Rock Song / Opinions Welcome 2008/06/16 01:38:27 (permalink)
Yeah it's a good sounding tune!

The one thing that needs to be looked at mix wise is that the chorus is over compressed and the life is being sucked out of the guitar power chords. Just ease off on the overall compression it should allow for the guitars to breath and sound "bigger".

Anthony Pell. (APELL)
"Wild & Completely Unbridled Electronica" -
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RE: New Rock Song / Opinions Welcome 2008/06/18 16:36:49 (permalink)
Just did a remix.


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RE: New Rock Song / Opinions Welcome 2008/06/18 17:03:15 (permalink)
Hi, I just took a quick listen to the remix and the first thing that caught my ear was the first word "cast", seems to be burried a little volume wise. It almost sounds like the harmony (or lead vocal) part is missing on just that word. Other that that the compression pumping sounds alot better. and again .........Great tune!!

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RE: New Rock Song / Opinions Welcome 2008/06/18 22:00:55 (permalink)
Hi,...........Again, I had a second listen to the remix, and I think (IMO) the chorus may still be tad squashed, not pumping wise but dynamic wise. I think the chorus should open up and breathe a little more. I am convinced You have a hit on your hands here and you will probably go into the studio with a producer, engineer and all that good stuff to take care of all them details soon, But I thought I would give my honest 2 cents worth mix wise. again great song!!

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