Upgrade from Sonar 5 to Sonar 7?
Alright guys having a hard time deciding on whether or not to upgrade Sonar 5 Studio to Sonar 7 Studio Edition. My main reason for going to Sonar 7 instead of 8 is that I don't think at this time it would be needed until i upgrade my audio interface and get a few other upgrades to my setup. However, I feel that in some ways Sonar 5 is holding me back on features and User ease. Though I will give you all the specs of what I am using and let you all decide.
Computer Specs:
Windows xp
2.4 Q6600 Quad
4G of memory I think is Kingston...Cannot remember the rest
Main Hard Drive SATA 7200 rpm 250GB
Second Hard Drive SATA 7200 Rpm 750GB
Evga 7800 512 PCI Express Card
Mbox 2
Mainly using SM57's
Additonal Programs, other instruments:
Native Intstruments: Battery 3, Absynth 3 and 4, Reaktor, Massive, FM8
BFD and a couple of the Expansions
Using a Motif es6 for all other sounds
Mainly hoping to benefit from the upgrades in the MIDI portion of Sonar 7 as I am using BFD for my drums, Native instruments for my everything else and Sonar 5 can be a pain in the ass when editing the MIDI. Also, hoping that Sonar 7 will be a step up in taking advantage of my computers power better than Sonar 5 is.
Well I know that was alot of information and possible did not give enough fine details on my current setup, but any feedback on my question about the upgrade would be helpful.