Issues with HS7 and Audio Interface
Hi Guys,
I'm using Home Studio 7 on my laptop which is running on XP Pro SP3. Instead of the standard soundcard I'm using a Tapco Link USB external soundcard. My problem is that whenever I set my inputs on audio tracks to this interface and then arm the track I get a lot of crackling. Its so bad it renders whatever I record inaudible. I tested my old USB mic (Samson CO1U) and this works fine with HS7.
The funny thing is that the Tapco audio interface works fine with Sony Acid Pro 7. I've also reinstalled HS7 on a number of different machines and each time the I have the same problem.
I borrowed a friends M Audio Fast Track and again I had the same problem. With the M Audio I changed the driver mode from MME to WDN and this worked a bit better but was still pretty bad. I tried the same with the Tapco with no improvement. Neither work with ASIO even though I downloaded and installed asio4all.
I should also add that HS7 has now crashed on my laptop and everytime I try to start it I get an error saying HS7 has encountered a serious problem and must shut down.
Currently, I am pulling my hair out while sitting in front of my laptop, audio interface and HS7 DVD and wondering which, if not all, I should throw out the window.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!