RE: Newbie Latency and Buffer Question...
August 10, 04 10:59 AM
Even though I have a very fast computer and a great setting, I often find that I have to play with the latency and the buffer sizes. The reason for this is that the more complex the algorythms (memory equations), the more processing time is needed. So, when you use several synths with several effects, the computer needs extra time processing. As the song advances, if the buffer is smaller than the amount of time needed for processing, then the computer starts making little pauses, causing a stuttering effect. If the intensive process doesn't reduce, the audio is dropped to avoid a crash.
By increasing the buffer size, one increases the amount of processing power. But this increases latency.
Other things that can be done to improve the buffer / latency relationship are: increasing RAM and making sure that the sound card does not share IRQs with other ports. This is specially immportant if your sound card is a USB card and if you have an added video card.
The last solution is to record your MIDI before you add the effects and the complex instruments to the tracks. I record the MIDI using the Edirol bank and add the other instruments, as well as buffer size afterwards.