does anyone use the Audix fusion drum mic pack?

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February 02, 10 7:23 PM (permalink)

does anyone use the Audix fusion drum mic pack?

i recently bought an audix drum mic six pack and i tried them out for the first time.  before this i have used the session drummer feature in sonar7 pe. i wanted to know from those who use these mics how close you set them from the drum head and at what kind of angle.  the reason i am asking is because they are recording very hot but the volume when i hear it is not loud at all.  the meters are clipping but the sound i hear is not loud.  any more information needed please let me know. thanks

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    Re:does anyone use the Audix fusion drum mic pack? February 03, 10 6:46 AM (permalink)
    It's subjective, of course....but....

    Typically, you'd start with your tom and snare mics about 4 inches or so from the head, pointed toward the middle of the drum...basically at the point of stick contact.  This will help you to get more of the SMACK.

    If you want less smack, and more BOOM, point it more toward the edge of the drum.

    The further away from the drum, the more realistic it will sound.  Keep in mind that close mics don't always sound great solo'd.  MORE of your REAL drum sound will come from your overhead mics.  You'll use your close mics as a way of supporting or adding to the overhead sound, and as good feeds to reverbs and whatnot.

    It takes lots of time and experimentation to get the right balance.  Your kit and it's tuning, the player, the room....they all drastically effect the sounds you're going to get.  Don't underestimate the role of room mics on the situation.....they are crucial.

    All that said, I've used Audix mics before on drum kits, and there's really nothing wrong with least, I  love the tom mics and the kick mics they offer.

    If you're getting really hot signal, but no sound, you could be having a huge phase problem.  Be sure you flip phase on your toms, snare, kick mics against the OH mics.  You'll notice that one way will sound bigger than the other....the one that sounds BIGGER is more in phase than the other.  Most of us choose that one.  You can also play with the distance of your OH mics to help dial in some of the phase....but multiple mics on a drum kit will always leave you dealing with phase in one way or the other....

    Good luck....keep trying.  AND...sound clips posted here would be a good idea if you have specific questions as well.  Much easier to help diagnose if we could hear your problem.

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    Re:does anyone use the Audix fusion drum mic pack? February 03, 10 6:48 AM (permalink)
    BTW....don't clip your meters.  Stay well below 0.  And if your toms, snare and kick aren't loud enough....your overheads are probably simply too loud.

    HOOK:  / Darwins God Album

    "Without a doubt I would have far greater listening and aural skills than most of the forum members here. Not all but many I am sure....I have done more listening than most people." - Jeff Evans on how awesome Jeff Evans is.
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