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2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
Am I the only music maker on these forums that is ridiculously entangled in the contemplation of something better for the world, feeling that the world is just not what it should be, is about to change, hoping Im on par with all of that, and just checking out info on the internet almost daily regarding this stuff? links: Videos: youtube these: esoteric agenda Kymatica 2012 enigma 2012 event horizon 2012 the online movie etc.
Asus P8Z77-V LE PLUS Motherboard i7 3770k CPU 32 gigs RAM Presonus AudioBox iTwo Windows 10 64 bit, SONAR PLATINUM 64 bit Lots of plugins and softsynths and one shot samples, loops Gauge ECM-87, MCA SP-1, Alesis AM51 Presonus Eureka Mackie HR824's and matching subwoofer
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 14, 10 1:00 PM
Hi, It's hard being honest about all that today. In the end, the Internet is great and a massive tool for everyone, with one important problem ... with the good, comes the bad, and there is just as much hogwash out there. You can believe in something, and then tomorrow the sun is hidden and your opinion changes or you don't feel as strongly about it. Or a child is born and you are too busy working to give a darn about the Falklands! Or that Spain won the World Cup! I think it is fine to believe in things, I am not sure that it is justified to go out and change the wrold with it. Some folks don't feel the same way, and in essence you would be forcing your opinion on others. I do my fight with art. The rest is too much talk! Without your soul, no opinion has any weight at all ... just hot air!
As a wise Guy once stated from his holy chapala ... none of the hits, none of the time ... prevents you from becoming just another turkey in the middle of all the other turkeys!
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 14, 10 1:13 PM
Lanceindastudio Am I the only music maker on these forums that is ridiculously entangled in the contemplation of something better for the world, feeling that the world is just not what it should be, is about to change, hoping Im on par with all of that, and just checking out info on the internet almost daily regarding this stuff? links: Videos: youtube these: esoteric agenda Kymatica 2012 enigma 2012 event horizon 2012 the online movie etc. well one thing all that will bring politics and religion into and people around here tend to stay away from that - they usually just shut the thread down because it gets too heated and people start bashing each other then bapu emails threats and shows up at your door step and then you sue him but that being said - I follow trends journalist Gerald Celente on a daily basis - and what he's forecasting is pretty grim basically a rough and long depression and a world war the thing is ... I can't control it - Control only what you can -- do the best you can - be spirtual with what ever your spirtual outlet is and that's all you can do -- no matter what the situation is You can't control most things - just worry about what you can control and do good with that's all we can do in rough and good times
From Now On Call Me Conquistador! Donate to the cure Bapu Foundation Email: for more info
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 14, 10 2:44 PM
then bapu emails threats and shows up at your door step and then you sue him Mooch, you've got it all wrong. I showed up at your door step and Sue said you had a threat for me. BTW, was that the boy named Sue?
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 15, 10 7:00 AM
control - that word seems so grim
Asus P8Z77-V LE PLUS Motherboard i7 3770k CPU 32 gigs RAM Presonus AudioBox iTwo Windows 10 64 bit, SONAR PLATINUM 64 bit Lots of plugins and softsynths and one shot samples, loops Gauge ECM-87, MCA SP-1, Alesis AM51 Presonus Eureka Mackie HR824's and matching subwoofer
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 15, 10 7:04 AM
^^^^^^Lance - yes. it's just you. :-)
post edited by mgh - July 15, 10 7:06 AM
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 15, 10 7:21 AM
"We can't do anything to change the world until capitalism crumbles. In the meantime we should all go shopping to console ourselves" - Banksy
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 15, 10 7:33 AM
2012...end of the world? I wouldn't run out and sell all my worldly possessions just yet. Remember when they predicted this for 2000... the computers were gonna crash and shut down civilization as we know it? It didn't happen..... I'm pretty sure this won't pan out either....although there is a big election just a few weeks before the predicted day.
My website & music: MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface BMI/NSAI "Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer "
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 15, 10 9:35 AM
Guitarhacker 2012...end of the world? I wouldn't run out and sell all my worldly possessions just yet. Remember when they predicted this for 2000... the computers were gonna crash and shut down civilization as we know it? It didn't happen..... I'm pretty sure this won't pan out either....although there is a big election just a few weeks before the predicted day. ...or did it? Maybe we rebooted and just don't remember the crash. Where's my tinfoil?
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 15, 10 10:12 AM
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 15, 10 10:52 AM
Reece, have you been spying on me again?
"We can't do anything to change the world until capitalism crumbles. In the meantime we should all go shopping to console ourselves" - Banksy
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 15, 10 12:37 AM
If I were then your helment isn't working correctly, now is it?
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 15, 10 12:49 AM
Beagle I see you've got your Bapsi sheild on. You forgot the ear flaps though.
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 15, 10 7:25 PM
Lanceindastudio Am I the only music maker on these forums that is ridiculously entangled in the contemplation of something better for the world, feeling that the world is just not what it should be, is about to change, hoping Im on par with all of that, and just checking out info on the internet almost daily regarding this stuff? links: Videos: youtube these: esoteric agenda Kymatica 2012 enigma 2012 event horizon 2012 the online movie etc. No, you're not alone. a lot of it is misdirected bunk. The 2012 event is so full of almost correct dogma and miscalculation the the real event has been obscured. Have you noticed there is no official Space Administration-Nasa- etc. information on it?
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 15, 10 7:32 PM
In your thinking that you are the only one, yes, you are the only one. And that's because no one else can think for you.
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 15, 10 10:17 PM
Crg Have you noticed there is no official Space Administration-Nasa- etc. information on it? I think they do science.
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 15, 10 10:59 PM
I don't know anything about the 2012 stuff. I don't watch or read enough news I guess. But I will agree this old world is not what it should be. But it will be someday.
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 15, 10 11:00 PM
Lanceindastudio control - that word seems so grim Firstly, peace be with you brother... Ultimately, there's not much we are truly in control of, outside of ourselves. And even that's a hard row to hoe some days! I've given up on worrying about the end of the world. I don't have the info on when or how it will occur, and there's nothing I can do to change the course of events which lead to it. Worrying only fills my days and nights with unease. So, I'm resolved to take the gift of life I've been given and spend my days being as faithful as possible to the teachings of my faith. More or less, seek to avoid evil in whatever form it presents itself, do all the good I can, and attending to the ordinances of my Creator. If anything else, it helps me find purpose and ride the waves as life carries me along. Any more than that would be involving religion, so I hope this is of help to you. I accept PM's if you want to kick this around in more detail. Russ
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 16, 10 2:29 AM
If we are not all enlightened, then we must be enchanted.
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 16, 10 2:32 AM
Yep, just a year and a half 'til the big hand in the sky hits the giant flush handle........KER-SPLOOSH!!!!
post edited by savageopera - July 16, 10 2:34 AM
Sonar Artist, HP Laptop, AMD A8700 , 1T+250g, M-Audio Fast Track Ultra ,Roland 88 Hammer action, Roland AX-1, M-audio 88es, Arturia minilabII......When I was young I wanted to become a mad scientist. I achieved everything except the "scientist" part....
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 16, 10 9:35 AM
Russell.Whaley Lanceindastudio control - that word seems so grim Firstly, peace be with you brother... Ultimately, there's not much we are truly in control of, outside of ourselves. And even that's a hard row to hoe some days! I've given up on worrying about the end of the world. I don't have the info on when or how it will occur, and there's nothing I can do to change the course of events which lead to it. Worrying only fills my days and nights with unease. So, I'm resolved to take the gift of life I've been given and spend my days being as faithful as possible to the teachings of my faith. More or less, seek to avoid evil in whatever form it presents itself, do all the good I can, and attending to the ordinances of my Creator. If anything else, it helps me find purpose and ride the waves as life carries me along. Any more than that would be involving religion, so I hope this is of help to you. I accept PM's if you want to kick this around in more detail. Russ Well said Russell. Nearly my philosophy to a T.
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 16, 10 10:40 AM
NoKey If we are not all enlightened, then we must be enchanted. We are all enlightened. We just deluded ourselves that we ain't in order to make things more interesting.
"We can't do anything to change the world until capitalism crumbles. In the meantime we should all go shopping to console ourselves" - Banksy
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 16, 10 12:11 AM
What is tihs delusion you speak of and how can I get more of it?
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 16, 10 6:12 PM
bapu What is tihs delusion you speak of and how can I get more of it? Of this we can only get more when we already have it.
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 16, 10 6:30 PM
Russell.Whaley I've given up on worrying about the end of the world. I don't have the info on when or how it will occur, and there's nothing I can do to change the course of events which lead to it. Very interesting point Russell... Without straying outside the TOS of this forum, how do you define " the end of the world"? And how do you define " the world" - I've seen the phrase used in various media to mean "the (planet) earth", "the universe as (currently) known to man", "the universe" as a whole, and the (current state of) 'creation'.
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 16, 10 7:40 PM
SteveStrummerUK Russell.Whaley I've given up on worrying about the end of the world. I don't have the info on when or how it will occur, and there's nothing I can do to change the course of events which lead to it. Very interesting point Russell... Without straying outside the TOS of this forum, how do you define "the end of the world"? And how do you define "the world" - I've seen the phrase used in various media to mean "the (planet) earth", "the universe as (currently) known to man", "the universe" as a whole, and the (current state of) 'creation'. Thanks - glad to respond. (Warning to all reading: I'm committing philosophy in the next few paragraphs)... In this context, "the world" is, expressed in the verbiage of metaphysics, the reality in which we live and function. This "world" can include both the physical (our planet and its universe, the bodies we inhabit, &c) and those realms which are often referred to as "spiritual." All things (with the exception of a few TOS-violating items  ) have a beginning and an end. When an ending occurs, everything changes. For example, if the planet we live on is destroyed by a bunch of Mayan mathematicians from Gryzlyrg, my world (and the world of many others) ends in a very real, physical way. I am certain that I would not physically survive such an event; were I to continue to exist in a non-corporeal mode, I will most definitely be in a different world. Changing from one way of life to another - say, from being a single person to a married person with children takes you down a different road of reality. Perhaps there are similarities between realities, but you're not the same as you were before the change. Enough for the moment... did I answer you questions, or make things worse? Cheers, Russ
post edited by Russell.Whaley - July 16, 10 7:42 PM
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 16, 10 8:21 PM
57Gregy Crg Have you noticed there is no official Space Administration-Nasa- etc. information on it? I think they do science. I heard that NASA is now in the PR business.... not so much rocket science anymore... they have a new mission.
My website & music: MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface BMI/NSAI "Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer "
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 16, 10 8:23 PM
If I may interrupt here for a second. Steve...good question. I think I'd have to simply say 'the end of the world as we know it.' (meaning, the earth and the heavens around us.) From what I hear, there will be a new heaven and earth--renewed, if you will...returned to its former glory.
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 16, 10 8:26 PM
Janet If I may interrupt here for a second. Steve...good question. I think I'd have to simply say 'the end of the world as we know it.' (meaning, the earth and the heavens around us.) From what I hear, there will be a new heaven and earth--renewed, if you will...returned to its former glory. I'm 100% with you on renewed as opposed to the more common but erroneous destroyed completely and made again.
My website & music: MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface BMI/NSAI "Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer "
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Re:2012, conspiracy theories, enlightenment, etc.
July 17, 10 1:57 AM
Gentle people, the l9nks I posted might clue you in to my thoughts on 2012. I am very excited for the world to move on. I grew up feeling like woh, umm, something is wrong here... the world aint right. I think something positive is happening soon though. I think things are about to get much better for those that want them to be. Those that seek the truth, fight the fight of love, and dont loose hope for a better tomorrow. Any hoooo, I am impressed by how many people have posted on this thread. Thank you! And, I have been really busy so I do apologize for not coming back to this sooner!
post edited by Lanceindastudio - July 17, 10 3:50 AM
Asus P8Z77-V LE PLUS Motherboard i7 3770k CPU 32 gigs RAM Presonus AudioBox iTwo Windows 10 64 bit, SONAR PLATINUM 64 bit Lots of plugins and softsynths and one shot samples, loops Gauge ECM-87, MCA SP-1, Alesis AM51 Presonus Eureka Mackie HR824's and matching subwoofer