Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG!

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September 08, 10 7:56 AM (permalink)

Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG!

Hey guys

Im having a bit of an issue. Basically my sound card is running at 24 bit, 48000hz. But in sonar, at the bottom of the window, it says 16 bit 48000hz. This is really annoying because in the options in sonar I clearly have it set to 24 bit as well. Also even on a new project it makes no difference. Also I have tried to reinitialise sonar (do you shift click to do that?) and it doesn't seem to have any effect. Is there something I'm missing or not doing. I should also add that all my audio settings do seem to work fine, I have no issues or anything so it all seems to be configured well enough. I just want to be running at the best quality I possibly can! Also though, will there be any difference in any situation between 16 bit and 24 bit? And which is telling the truth about what I'm running, the sonar audio control panel and my system panel, or the little box at the bottom of the project window? Thanks guys for your help once again


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    Re:Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG! September 08, 10 8:22 AM (permalink)
    There are 2 places to change the bit depth. One for playback bit depth and one for recording bit depth.

    For playback, its in options > Audio > General
    For Recording, its in options > global > audio data
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    Re:Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG! September 08, 10 8:24 AM (permalink)
    Note some SoundBlaster cards advertise 24-bit, but they can only playback at 24-bit and only record at 16-bit.

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    Re:Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG! September 08, 10 8:43 AM (permalink)
    very good point by dave.  some SB cards, especially the older ones, will only record and playback simultaneously at 16bit.
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    Re:Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG! September 08, 10 11:29 AM (permalink)
    Ah ok, thanks guys. I'm currently using my laptop which just has realtek build in sound. All that concerns me though right now, because i haven't done much recording, is that my midi tracks are laid down, played back, and subsequently exported, in the highest quality that is possible. So should I not worry too much right now, is this only going to be an issue when I start wanting to do more audio recording?
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    Re:Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG! September 08, 10 12:53 AM (permalink)
    your realtek will not record in 24bit, that's why SHS doesn't allow you to change it.  it knows the drivers for the realtek aren't capable of 24bit.

    when you get to a point where you can upgrade your soundcard, check my website (not the music town, the beaglesound site) for recommendations for starter soundcards.

    you will want to record at 24bit for audio when you can.  softsynths don't matter as much because the audio from the softsynths will be calculated in SHS at 32bit, but the samples are rarely higher than 16 bit themselves (there are a few minor exceptions).

    don't try to record higher than 48kHz, tho, you'll mostly be wasting hard drive space unless you are experienced at using higher sampling rates - you'll never hear the difference.

    when you mix down you want to mix down at 16bit/44100Hz because that's the CD/wave standard. recording at 24bit helps you with headroom for mixing, but when you mix down your final stereo output, change the output to 16bit/44100Hz.  that's required for conversion to mp3 as well.
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    Re:Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG! September 08, 10 2:08 PM (permalink)
    Cheers beagle. Very enlightening, especially about the mixing down to 44100hz

    And can I ask one more question which is totally beyond the scope of the original topic. Can I buy an external soundcard and hook it up to my laptop via usb or something, and use that as if it was a proper internal soundcard? And will it be just as good, latency and quality wise, as a decent internal soundcard?
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    Re:Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG! September 08, 10 4:05 PM (permalink)
    yes!  like I said above, check my Beagle Sound Productions website in my signature and there are soundcard recommendations.  there are USB and Firewire recommendations for those using laptops.

    the latency on externals can be better or worse depending on the hardware and the drivers, but they're all much much better than the onboard soundcard in the desktops and laptops!  and the quality is ALWAYS better!
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    Re:Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG! September 09, 10 8:47 AM (permalink)
    So I've been looking at your sound card advice. I got a bit worried about the whole windows 7 issue, and the Asio driver issues that so many cards seem to have, especially the USB ones. My finding were two fold.

    1. No matter how good m-audio speakers are, there usb products like the fast track pro and fast track ultra just seem to be so plagued by problems that they just aren't worth the stress. Constant issues with the drivers that have simply never been resolved seem to just infuriate all of their customers, and support seems lackluster.

    2. My second finding was that USB devices as a whole can be a bit hit and miss when it comes to stability and support. But there seems to be a marked difference between different manufacturers approaches to dealing with the problems.

    So after loads more research, until about 4am, I finally decided that maybe this is the way to go for me.

    The tascam us-1641. Maybe it's a bit on the expensive side, but it has plenty of room for me to expand in the future in my home studio environment. The quality seems to be good. The stability issues don't even seem to be nearly as bad as m audio. And from what I can see none of these products can guarantee total reliability. This thing also seems to have all the features that any of the other externals have. The only downside that I can see is that it's a bit on the expensive side.

    But then again, I'm just really worried by all of the horror stories I've been reading about other brands, and I don't want to go through loads of crap just to then have to return the card at the end of it. So what do you think?
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    Re:Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG! September 09, 10 11:28 AM (permalink)
    I've had an M-Audio Delta44 for many years without any problems. The biggest complaint people had with M-Audio was that it took them too long to come out with drivers for Windows Vista and Windows 7. They have drivers now for those products.

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    Re:Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG! September 09, 10 12:42 AM (permalink)
    I would disagree with a "large problem" with USB devices in general and with m-audio.  I, too used a Delta 44 for many years, but recently replaced it with a MOTU ultralite hybrid.  it works flawlessly in USB.

    m-audio did have problems with vista - they were slow to respond and when they did some of their drivers still didn't work great.  win7 hasn't been the case that i've witnessed on these forums.

    tascam, on the other hand, I have seen many people have problems with tascam devices.  I personally will not purchase tascam products.

    some people are able to get tascam to work just fine - the US1641 is used by some people in the sonar forum.  their drivers are "hit and miss" however for some people.
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    Re:Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG! September 09, 10 4:36 PM (permalink)
    FWIW, I've heard good things about the MOTU and the Delta products mentioned here. I haven't seen too many people complain about E-MU's external devices, either. The specs aren't quite as good as MOTU or Delta, of course. I'm with Beagle, though--you never know what Tascam's going to do. Their main focus is standalone recording gear.

    Every product will have some "growing pains" as long as Microsoft keeps screwing around with Windows. The change from XP to Vista to Windows 7 (the latter two also offering official 64-bit versions) and the changes in SONAR and other leading DAWs keep the limited R&D teams at these companies hopping! (And Apple's relatively recent changes in OS and processors puts more of a drain on the R&D teams.)

    And as Beagle notes, don't worry too much about 24-bit recording unless you have scads of disk to use or you're trying to impress someone with a numbers game. Get your feet wet with 16-bit, and when you get your new card, try 24-bit and do a critical listening test. If you can hear the difference (after you downsample it to 16-bit for CD-ROM), then stay with 24-bit.

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    Re:Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG! September 09, 10 6:06 PM (permalink)
    I completely agree with planetearth here with one exception:

    since your current soundcard only allows 16bit (probably) recording - then use 16bit, but if you get a card that will do 24bit use it.  24bit recording gives you more resolution for mixing than 16bit does.  yes, you'll have to mix down to 16bit for waves and mp3's but for mixing, the 24bit resolution helps a lot.

    the sample rate, however, I think is mostly a waste of time and harddrive space and CPU resources for anything above 48k for 99% of the users on these forums.

    I do especially agree with him about Tascam's main focus is standalone recorders.  that and maybe rack mount CD players for DJs.  other than that I don't trust them with my money.  they really ticked me off with the Gigastudio fiasco.
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    Re:Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG! September 09, 10 6:42 PM (permalink)
    Thankyou everyone for the very good insight into this whole thing. Maybe I got the wrong impression from my browsings so far. I was being hasty at saying that tascam looked good because I hadn't really been able to find much complaining. Also thinking about it now, maybe the people complaining about the m audio products only represent a tiny proportion of their customers anyway. But I am still worried about the idea of having to deal with bad drivers. But I suppose if they've gotten their act together now then I at least stand a chance. I just didn't want to get burned on my first time out so to speak. But is there anything better than the m audio fast track ultra for that price point? And has anyone here used that product already with windows 7 64bit and sonar with any success?
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    Re:Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG! September 09, 10 8:09 PM (permalink)
    But is there anything better than the m audio fast track ultra for that price point

    That's card is pretty good sound card. Its a mid grade sound card and you can produce professional mixes with it.
    Motu and Echo make great mid priced sound cards and they have great drivers for win7 64bit.
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    Re:Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG! September 11, 10 10:28 AM (permalink)
    Thanks CJ, I've been checking some of this stuff out. It all looks so good, I want all of it :)
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    Re:Audio stuck at 16 bit, but drivers are clearly running 24 bit. ARG! September 11, 10 10:12 PM (permalink)
    Your welcome :)  Yea, new stuff is always good!! - A Professional Worldwide Audio Mixing & Mastering Studio, Providing Online And Attended Sessions. We also do TV commercials, Radio spots & spoken word books
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