Sonar 9

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September 16, 10 6:02 PM (permalink)

Sonar 9

It has been a long time since I have upgraded but I will be doing a system overhaul soon. I have been seeing the Sonar 8.X mailers for a loooong time now. After 20 years in the software industry I know it is unwise to buy a stale version of software. How about some sort of announcement Cakewalk? The only thing that would get me to upgade to version 8.5 would be an offer for a free upgrade to 9. Is there anything along those lines available?

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    Re:Sonar 9 September 16, 10 6:03 PM (permalink)
    No doubt that is coming, it is usually the offer they make when they are about to release the next version/update, if history means anything.


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    Re:Sonar 9 September 16, 10 6:57 PM (permalink)
    Yeh, I did this from 8 to 8.5 (next payed update for free)
    I I only was able to show 8 about 4 weeks of love before 8.5 came out.
    Not sure how all this will shake out this go round.
    The annual fall release cycle could be over, but cake says "stay tuned", so will have to wait and see.
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    Re:Sonar 9 September 16, 10 8:46 PM (permalink)
    I see the footprints of those who 'know' among us and you can be sure they are giggling and fretting at the guesses and double guesses of what it will be called, the features it will have and all that.
    The silence from Cake employees is the loudest. Deafening in fact.

    Nobody from Sonar Towers is chipping in to correct any missaprehensions. One thing that you can be sure of, is that the featureset was set a long time ago and has been toiled over for many, many months. It's now way too late to try and get anything added and changed and I'm sure a few have been shelved as 'too much to do in too little time'.
    The new 'look' will have been set and you will either like it or not (unless its skinnable of course). 

    Personally, I don't fully appreciate why all this has to be quite so secretive. The needs of the many should really dictate the future state and that really is not secret that needs or should be kept. Groundbreaking new features not even dreamed of by your competitors maybe should, but to be honest its a bit late in DAW evolution for many of those to exist.

    Nope, this is a waiting game. We will know when we are told and they are ready to release details.
    It is irritating to not know when to jump but there you go.

    You can be sure that they know we are waiting and that the new version already exists and is being toiled over praised and cursed at, in many studios right at this very moment. It will be here when it done. Hopefullly not before.

    post edited by creynolds - September 16, 10 8:48 PM

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    Re:Sonar 9 September 17, 10 0:45 PM (permalink)
    Barricade (as mentioned) is really good as is W1. GClip is a very nice clipper as well (hard and soft).

    Personally I use T-Racks3 Brickwall and Clipper as well as Crysonics Spectraphy LE (it's part of a no brainer deal at right now) and like them all a lot. Have demoed Voxengo Elephant and it seems amazing but will have to wait until I have more money

    Sadly very reduced studio equipment as it is... ASUS G750J, 8 gb RAM, Win8, Roland Quad Capture.
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    Re:Sonar 9 September 17, 10 1:49 AM (permalink)
    Personally, I don't fully appreciate why all this has to be quite so secretive.
    I agree. We're not the enemy after all, we're the user base and purchasers. I can understand a lot of it having to do with flame-starting wackos on the forum... but sheesh man it almost feels like we're being punished. I doubt Cake changes their release schedule so often that they can't say "yup, we're hoping to have the new version out in x days." Or even dropping bits of what to expect. 

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    Re:Sonar 9 September 17, 10 2:16 AM (permalink)

    Personally, I don't fully appreciate why all this has to be quite so secretive.
    I agree. We're not the enemy after all, we're the user base and purchasers. I can understand a lot of it having to do with flame-starting wackos on the forum... but sheesh man it almost feels like we're being punished. I doubt Cake changes their release schedule so often that they can't say "yup, we're hoping to have the new version out in x days." Or even dropping bits of what to expect. 
    I don't appreciate this either.
    But I think it's due to that next Sonar is not arriving this year even. That's pretty clear to me when not using Roland's worldwide announcements Sept 1st to get the good news out, or at least something.
    All Sonar users expect stuff this time of year, and sales is stalling due to everybody is not knowing what is going on. The only thing announced was Roland's new policy moving all hardware away from Cake bringing more uncertainty.
    What I reserved for upgrading even to Producer this time is now used for other stuff. I'm not waiting and really lost my appetite to upgrade at all. V-Vocal seems to need serious overlook, Audiosnap as well, and a number of plugins are not yet x64 , so I invest in Melodyne and other vendor plugins instead and skipping Sonar upgrade.
    post edited by lfm - September 17, 10 2:22 AM
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    Re:Sonar 9 September 17, 10 5:11 AM (permalink)


    Personally, I don't fully appreciate why all this has to be quite so secretive.
    I agree. We're not the enemy after all, we're the user base and purchasers. I can understand a lot of it having to do with flame-starting wackos on the forum... but sheesh man it almost feels like we're being punished. I doubt Cake changes their release schedule so often that they can't say "yup, we're hoping to have the new version out in x days." Or even dropping bits of what to expect. 
    I don't appreciate this either.
    But I think it's due to that next Sonar is not arriving this year even. That's pretty clear to me when not using Roland's worldwide announcements Sept 1st to get the good news out, or at least something.
    All Sonar users expect stuff this time of year, and sales is stalling due to everybody is not knowing what is going on. The only thing announced was Roland's new policy moving all hardware away from Cake bringing more uncertainty.
    What I reserved for upgrading even to Producer this time is now used for other stuff. I'm not waiting and really lost my appetite to upgrade at all. V-Vocal seems to need serious overlook, Audiosnap as well, and a number of plugins are not yet x64 , so I invest in Melodyne and other vendor plugins instead and skipping Sonar upgrade.

    The Roland announcement that Cakewalk was now the source of 'software only' was a worrying one. It actually suggested to me that the Cakewalk hardware foray, that puzzled so many of us, had been a failure. I always felt that the Cakewalk badge was a negative when stuck on hardware as it sort of suggested 'not built for your DAW, Cubase incompatible, not ProTools ready'.  I liked the look of the Stienberg CI2 but would it work with Sonar? The fact that all that Cakewalk hardware was black also threw a bummer on it for me. It felt like a beloved pet should be buried in it. Joyless.

    I really hope that they have addressed the dreadful V-Vocal crashing bugs and integrated it properly or replaced it with a functioning routine.
    Pitch correction is now a absolute essential for any DAW and it should be part of the core feature set not an add on.  Hopefully the overcomplex and confusing audiosnap has been fully revisited, the operation of which still largley evades me. But my hopes are merely that. This was all decided a long time ago. We cannot turn this baby, its way too late. We can only hope.

    Meanwhile, there are a large number of irritated people out there with some hard earned savings in their possession, desperate to hear a crumb so they can commit to an upgrade or an alternative before that cash is claimed by Christmas and the hard times hovering round the bend.

    I remain hopeful that in retrospect, we can all say. 'Ahh that's why they kept quiet. They wanted to keep the XXXXXXX a secret until the day of release. That makes sense. Silly me.' Honestly, why not give us some respect by announcing that the normal schedule will be adhered to or not.

    Rain Recording Nimbus. Sandybridge 2600k, 16gb Ram. Quadro FX 580, Roland Quad Capture. Avid Artist Mix and Transport. Loads of other cool stuff.
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    Re:Sonar 9 September 17, 10 7:40 AM (permalink)
    I think Roland wnat to take on Protools

    My prediction, the V700 USB soundcard is way underrated, probably got overshadowed by the Console. However its the only USB interface on the market currently that allows 16 simultaneous inputs.

    I reckon hardware wise they are working on a new rack mount interface USB 3, 24 input. This will be killer given that Firewire is dying even on MACs. In that it will mean finally a solution that can be swapped effortlessly between Laptops and Desktops.

    Final prediction, i reckon they are coding for MAC's. Sonar is by far the best DAW on PC, the only thing holding them back is compatability. Lots of guys like using MAC's in the industry, lots of people like using PC, if you want to collaborate cross platform, you choose Protools or Cubase.

    So if Cake could offer high input high spec hardware with cross platform software, with unlimted tracks no ADC and kick arse plugs and effects, what do you think would happen.

    The reason for there quietness is that they no a lot of people on this forum would go ape if they found out they were coding for MAC, see it as a betrayal of improving or fixing stuff for PC.

    Personally i used to think a bit like that. However i really enjoy using sonar, and would love it if it was taken more seriously and used by more people so collaboration would become easier. Going for cross platform is realistically the last step to achieve taht.

    I think they will probably re-brand it as well to make what is a paradigm shift.

    Just my 2 cents.

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