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Kontakt2 Rendering problems
Hi! I use Kontakt 2 with Sonar 8, and I have some serious trouble rendering everything right. Are you familiar with this? Should I expect it to be a Sonar-issue or a Kontakt-issue? I've tried freezing (Fast/Realtime), but had so much trouble with it that I tried other solutions. I tried bouncing to tracks (Fast), but so many hits where not playing right I tried Rendering the Master (Fast/Real-time), only to see that some tracks were rendered with wrong volume. My solution was to go back and forth between rendered master and project and compensate for volume-errors. Anyone?
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Re:Kontakt2 Rendering problems
December 06, 10 1:21 PM
Can you elaborate on what, specifically, is the "serious trouble"? Is it just volume problems? Is it overall volume, incorrect automation tracking, or individual notes too loud/soft? Have you always had this problem with Kontakt, or is it a recent issue?
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Re:Kontakt2 Rendering problems
December 06, 10 2:31 PM
Yes, it's: - Notes get muted in the middle
- Freezed outs contains right and wrong audio
- Freezed audio has is louder than it should be (could be a sort of doubling of the output as above)
- Some notes are really corrupted
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Re:Kontakt2 Rendering problems
December 06, 10 3:45 PM
Are you using 1 instance of Kontakt with more than 1 instrument at a time recieving midi from more than 1 track at a time? If you have volume/expression controllers(CC7, CC11) on the and are using omni instead of specific channels in Kontakt you can get it cross reading from 1 track to another and get peculiar behaviour, Also, if you have echo on still turned on it could be picking up controller messages from you controller/keyboard as well as what is currently on the individual midi tracks.
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Re:Kontakt2 Rendering problems
December 07, 10 9:02 AM
Thanks! It's - one instance of K2 - 2 instruments (Drums ch1, Rhodes ch2, no omni) - one of the instruments receive midi-data from 6 tracks (drums) - This instrument has 3 st. outs, one shared with the second instrument It's no cc7 or cc11, but the rhodes has cc64 (sustain-pedal) The echo is only auto, but I'll check that no midi-track is selected next time. I've sent the track to Mastering, so asking here is mostly to avoid such an issue later. I use Reaper most for new projects, so I'll see if this behavior is absent there.
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Re:Kontakt2 Rendering problems
December 07, 10 11:15 AM
A couple more ideas: There is a bug in SONAR that causes frozen soft synths to increase in volume by 3db if you're taking the synth's output from one side of a stereo pair. For example, you take a mono out for a kick drum from the left channel. After freezing, the kick will be 3db louder. When you say "notes get muted in the middle", do you mean they don't sound at all, or that they are cut off prematurely? You could be just running out of notes. Kontakt lets you specify the maximum polyphony for each instrument, and that setting may just be too low.
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Re:Kontakt2 Rendering problems
December 07, 10 1:36 PM
Thanks! bitflipper A couple more ideas: There is a bug in SONAR that causes frozen soft synths to increase in volume by 3db if you're taking the synth's output from one side of a stereo pair. For example, you take a mono out for a kick drum from the left channel. After freezing, the kick will be 3db louder. It's stereo out/in.. When you say "notes get muted in the middle", do you mean they don't sound at all, or that they are cut off prematurely? You could be just running out of notes. Kontakt lets you specify the maximum polyphony for each instrument, and that setting may just be too low. Cut of prematurly. Voices displays up to 10, with max set to 32
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Re:Kontakt2 Rendering problems
December 07, 10 3:12 PM
Make sure you're running the last version of K2, which AFAIK is 2.2.4. Click on the "NI" logo to see the About Box. A couple more thoughts: I'm looking at Kontakt3 right now, but I see there is also a "cpu overload protection" option that also limits the number of voices. I don't recall if that was in K2 or not. A lot of synths will do strange things if you send them the same note twice in quick succession. Go into the PRV and make sure you don't have stacked duplicate MIDI notes. Or that there isn't some kind of MIDI loop happening.
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Re:Kontakt2 Rendering problems
December 09, 10 4:41 AM
I had to rerender the project yesterday, and then I archived all muted midi-tracks, removed one of two tracks sending to same instrument/voice-group/group. Had no problem then, so maybe that cured it :) Hope so.. Yes, could be same note in quick succession.