Re:Cheeating band member stories
2011/02/21 22:31:47
Very true words there JB. I have to be somewhat selective in the retelling of some of my sordid past. I have young adults for kids now, so I can let a few more out of the memory bank, but there are more than a few that will stay in the dark forever. About 10 years ago, one of my old bandmates was in town for a short visit, and after dinner we had a few drinks and started a little trip down memory lane. Fairly innocent stuff until he says "Remember that time in Chicago you kicked that woman in the crack of her ass when she tried to steal our cab?". The look on my wifes face as she tried to rush our kids out of the room, and both kids going "What? What?.....And my mate is going "Oh yeah, right down town, kicked her so hard her dress stuck in there and she came off the ground about a 2 feet high!"
Not one of my prouder moments.
The music biz is a cruel and shallow money trench,a plastic hallway where thieves & pimps run free and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side. Hunter S. Thompson