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3D Animation
I know this isn't the norm and I usually won't post something that's not audio related BUT, since Sonar is capable of video as well AND, many of you are very creative..... CheckThisOut This is a 3D Animation software that's going for $10 or the Pro version for $40 (regular price at $499 & $1195 respectively)......the best part of the deal is that if they don't meet their goal, they'll refund the money!!! I'm thinking the possibility of making my own music video!! From the website: "We're doing an unprecedented viral test marketing campaign where your success in sharing this offer will allow you and others to get our amazing award winning animation and rendering software ( messiahStudio5 ) for the unheard of price of just $10 (regularly $499) or choose the Pro version for just $40 (regularly $1195). When this experiment ends, the prices will return to normal."
post edited by Mesh - February 08, 11 12:08 AM
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Re:3D Animation
February 08, 11 3:29 PM
Looks interesting. What sort of copy protection do they use? I'd rather not order if it's going to be a challenge-response hassle.
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Re:3D Animation
February 08, 11 4:28 PM
I'm not sure about the copy may want to check their website on that. However, my understanding is there is a dongle for can buy upto 4. There's an interesting thread at the KVR forum regarding this and being a newbie on animation, I found the info worth reading. ...and more at their own FORUM.
post edited by Mesh - February 08, 11 4:40 PM
Platinum Gaming DAW: AsRock Z77 Overclock FormulaI7 3770k @ 4.5GHz : 16GB RAM G.Skill Ripjaws X 250GB OS SSD : 3TB HDD : 1TB Sample HDDWin 10 Pro x 64 : NH-D14 CPU Cooler HIS IceQ 2GB HD 7870Focusrite Scarlett 2i4The_Forum_Monkeys
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Re:3D Animation
February 08, 11 4:49 PM
I've been considering something like this for a long time, but capable software was always a bit spendy. If they are willing to do something this crazy with the pricing, I'm in. Back in the day, I used to do animations on the edges of book pages. Hundreds of hand drawn images, but you could get several minutes out of a good size novel. I suspect the learning curve on this makes Sonar look like a cakewalk Thanks for the heads up, Mesh. I hope they(we) reach the goal. btw, there is a downloadable demo on the main page.
post edited by RobertB - February 08, 11 4:51 PM
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Re:3D Animation
February 08, 11 6:10 PM
You can use Blender for free. I have a feeling Messiah may leverage open source technologies into their own package. It's an interesting price structure opportunity but they didn't show any screen shots of their software so I couldn't see which pieces they may have borrowed from open source projects. Just an FYI.
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Re:3D Animation
February 08, 11 7:00 PM
I have used Blender for quite a while now and from looking at the documentation of this product I would be 99.999 % sure this is a recoding of the blender source code which is freely available to anyone to use and yes even to make money on it like these people are doing. The only stipulation is that they have to say that it is the Blender source code used under the GPL liscence (I believe is what it's called). Save your money and just download Blender. I will warn you that probably this program and definately Blender do have a bit of a learning curve to them. Blender is not a point and click and see it walk around type of software but it is a very powerful piece of software once you get a handle on it. Blender has very good forums and I would say with reasonable certainty millions of users worldwide. I use it and I love it. It is very fun and enjoyable once you get the hang of it but be advised that it will eat into your music making time if you find it is something you enjoy doing because it can be very addictive especially after you've created your first 3d masterpiece. What you feel is a masterpiece anyway. edit: I should add that blender is in a fluid state of development (very actively developed) and on the verge of a major version update but don't let that discourage you, it is very stable. I also have 3dsmax but we won't talk about how much that cost. Blender is definately a great program and there are very few programs of any kind that offers the features it does for free. Look at some of the open source movies that have been made by the Blender Foundation to get a feel for what can be accomplished with it. The latest is Sintel which you might can find on the internet to watch for free. The one before that was Big Buck Bunny, really I'm not joking that is the name of it. You should be able to find it pretty easily since it's been out a while. Dee
post edited by DeeS - February 08, 11 7:12 PM
Vista Business x64 Service pack 2 - Intel Xeon X5472 @ 3.0 GHz processors (2) Quad Core - 8.0 GB ram - Creative SB X-Fi - Nvidia Quadro 5600 - Sonar 8.5 & X1a Producer The problem with perfection is that it has no limits. Normally, once you obtain perfection, you realize how it could be better. David Gibson - The Art of Mixing
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Re:3D Animation
February 08, 11 7:48 PM
+ 1 for Blender Especially now that the GUI is more user friendly in the beta version IMHO.
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Re:3D Animation
February 08, 11 8:12 PM
Keebo + 1 for Blender Especially now that the GUI is more user friendly in the beta version IMHO. I completely agree but I don't want people to think that this beta is like most other software beta's. Blender has been around for quite a while and is very stable. The beta is in regard to the new 2.6 version that is being developed. After more looking around on the Messiah site even the character sillouhette on the about page is a character created in Blender. I do not see the Blender GPL listed in the license but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is not Blender with a different GUI. Thanks Mesh for bringing this topic up. I'm not trying to slam your recommendation. Others may indeed want to try the software you listed and that is fine. My only intent is to point out that Blender is probably all that this program is if not more and it costs nothing and has a large user base that will help out if or when you get stuck with an issue or something you don't understand.
post edited by DeeS - February 08, 11 8:58 PM
Vista Business x64 Service pack 2 - Intel Xeon X5472 @ 3.0 GHz processors (2) Quad Core - 8.0 GB ram - Creative SB X-Fi - Nvidia Quadro 5600 - Sonar 8.5 & X1a Producer The problem with perfection is that it has no limits. Normally, once you obtain perfection, you realize how it could be better. David Gibson - The Art of Mixing
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Re:3D Animation
February 08, 11 9:01 PM
DeeS I will warn you that probably this program and definately Blender do have a bit of a learning curve to them. Blender is not a point and click and see it walk It is very fun and enjoyable once you get the hang of it but be advised that it will eat into your music making time if you find it is something you enjoy doing because it can be very addictive especially after you've created your first 3d masterpiece. I totally agree, DeeS. I use Sonar, Pinnacle(Avid) Studio and Photoshop, all of which are deep programs, and have some steep learning curves. All of them have basic qualities, which can be quickly learned, but the meaty stuff takes a while. I tend to get into modes where I will focus on one for a period of maybe months at a time. Especially with Pinnacle and Sonar, as a project can get quite involved. I see the same thing happening with animation, possibly to a higher degree. Nonetheless, it's something I've been wanting to sink my teeth into for years. I just spent the past few hours playing with the Messiah demo. Very cool stuff. The interface is incredibly complex, and makes Sonar look pretty easy. I think Blender is much like Reaper in some ways. It appears very competent, and poses a potential threat to big buck software. I doubt that Messiah is based on Blender code, though. Messiah has been around since 2000, and Blender looks to have arrived around 2005. The interfaces are radically different. Nonetheless, I am probably going to compound the learning curve, but I am downloading Blender, and plonking down my $40 for Messiah Pro. Either way, I see it as a win, win situation. Edit: For Blender, will I need the installer as well as the zip archive file? The site is not clear on that, but they would appear to be two distinctly different files, based on the size.
post edited by RobertB - February 08, 11 9:08 PM
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Re:3D Animation
February 08, 11 9:35 PM
RobertB, No you only need one. That is another beauty of Blender you can unzip the file to a folder and click the blender.exe file and your off to the world of 3D. It makes no changes to the registry. If you don't like it just delete the folder. The installer does the same thing except that the process is automated for you with an installer. I actually think the zip file is a more elegant solution for installing. The installer doesn't necessarily put everything in the same folder which is okay if your pretty good working with folders and know where all your stuff is. If your not "folder and directory literate" you may not understand what the installer is asking. I always go zip. Another advantage is they update pretty regular and being able to delete the folders contents and just unzip the new version is just too easy (as in a good way) to maintain. Actually Blender was developed by Ton Roosendaal in 1995 while he was co-owner of the Dutch animation studio NeoGeo. I have the history of it in a Blender book I got a few years ago. Messiah does appear to be unrelated to Blender. I am tempted to go for the $40 pro version but I'm not to keen on giving them my money and hope they reach their goal of whatever that number is and if they don't I wonder how long it will take to get your money back. Looks like a way for them to gather an email list of potential customers if they don't meet the unknown goal. But hey, to each his on. It looks like an interesting program. RobertB, If you have any more questions about Blender I'll be glad to help if I can. Dee edit: spelling
post edited by DeeS - February 14, 11 2:36 PM
Vista Business x64 Service pack 2 - Intel Xeon X5472 @ 3.0 GHz processors (2) Quad Core - 8.0 GB ram - Creative SB X-Fi - Nvidia Quadro 5600 - Sonar 8.5 & X1a Producer The problem with perfection is that it has no limits. Normally, once you obtain perfection, you realize how it could be better. David Gibson - The Art of Mixing
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Re:3D Animation
February 09, 11 11:06 AM
DeeS RobertB, No you only need one. That is another beauty of Blender you can unzip the file to a folder and click the blender.exe file and your off to the world of 3D. It makes no changes to the registry. If you don't like it just delete the folder. The installer does the same thing except that the process is automated for you with an installer. I actually think the zip file is a more elegant solution for installing. The installer doesn't necessarily put everything in the same folder which is okay if your pretty good working with folders and know where all your stuff is. If your not "folder and directory literate" you may not understand what the installer is asking. I always go zip. Another advantage is they undate pretty regular and being able to delete the folders contents and just unzip the new version is just too easy (as in a good way) to maintain. Actually Blender was developed by Ton Roosendaal in 1995 while he was co-owner of the Dutch animation studio NeoGeo. I have the history of it in a Blender book I got a few years ago. Messiah does appear to be unrelated to Blender. I am tempted to go for the $40 pro version but I'm not to keen on giving them my money and hope they reach their goal of whatever that number is and if they don't I wonder how long it will take to get your money back. Looks like a way for them to gather an email list of potential customers if they don't meet the unknown goal. But hey, to each his on. It looks like an interesting program. RobertB, If you have any more questions about Blender I'll be glad to help if I can. Dee Dee, I'm glad that you commented on this as I've never got into 3D Animation (although I thought it was quite interesting) and don't really have any clue on what's good, bad, or ugly about the available softwares for this. I just jumped on the hype of this "deal" thinking that I can do some 3D Animation videos with my music to put on Youtube. However, from the little I've read, it seems I'll need another software to do the modelling in which I can then render it with this correct? Do you think it would be useful/practical software for a newbie (like myself) to invest in this (considering the learning curve)? Would it be worthwhile getting it now and keeping it for my children to mess around with in a few years? Or is it better to just use Blender (to get my feet wet) and save my $40 to use it for a VSTi? I'm on the fence here as I don't know if I'll be missing out not getting
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Re:3D Animation
February 09, 11 5:46 PM
Mesh, I don't know any details about Messiah other than what I have seen on their web site. I did notice an absence of Modeling being one of the features listed but I'm not sure if it has modeling capabities of not. What you might want to keep in mind is that if your starting out in 3D it is a huge benefit to have a community that can help you out along the learning experience. The first 3D program I ever learned was Blender. In the beginning I read many opinons online ranging from it's the greatest program ever to it's just too hard and complicated to try to learn. While it is a very feature rich program, like any program this does create complexity. That's where the Blender community is an invaluable "free" resource to get you over the learning humps so to speak. There are many many very knowledgable users on their forums and tons of free tutorials on the internet. The only downside right now is the interface is a little different than what you will find in the older tutorials but the basic principles still apply just the same. The Blender GUI of today is much more user friendly than it was when I first learned it which is a good thing for everyone. As far as getting Messiah as opposed to Blender or getting both, that is somewhat of a personal decision that only you can make. I personally don't like the fact that they want the money now and if they don't reach their goal then you get your money back. I would feel more comfortable if it was handled like some of the group buys around here (the music industry) where your card isn't charged until the group buy is over. Looks to me like they needed some quick cash to keep the lights on. Of course thats just speculation but at any rate it doesn't set very well with me. One of those too good to be true kind of deals. Regardless of what you decide about messiah, as someone who has gone through learning Blender, I would suggest that you get Blender for a few of reasons. * The biggest is its free and has been for years and more than likely will be for some time to come, although I have no crystal ball so who knows what the future holds in that regard. * It is very heavily developed by many developers around the world. So I think it will be around for a while longer. * With the fact that Blender costs you nothing if you decide that 3d just isn't what you want to spend your time on you've lost no money only the time you've invested learning the program but with that time you have gained knowledge of a Craft and Art that a price can't be placed on many times. Once you've learned Blender, going to another 3D program will be much easier because most of the principles are the same with the exception of some specific features in the different 3D packages. My suggestion also would be to choose one or the other and concentrate on it in the beginning. Moving from one program to the other especially while learning can get overwhelming and frustrating because while the priciples are the same rarely are the programs GUI laid out the same. One thing that I found several times in learning Blender was to try to get it out of your mind that the process is going to always be complicated. I found myself at times trying to make the procedure more complicated than it actually was because I was looking for a solution that I felt was probably going to be complex and convoluted when in fact it was so easy I had overlooked the solution. Of course this isn't always the case but it bit me more than once when I first began trying to learn Blender. The thing you will need first and foremost is a conviction and genuine desire, even love or passion, whatever you want to call it to want to learn how to make things in 3D. This was something that for some reason I have always wanted to do so the many hours I spent learning Blender and then 3dsMax was not a chore for me it was enjoyable and extremely satisfying especially once you reach a point of being able to create things in 3D space and make them move around and do almost anything the mind can imagine. Keep in mind that these programs are not only used for creating 3D animations but also a 3D scene where nothing is animated. It is just a scene that has been created in 3D space that you have the ability to move the camera around in, anywhere you want to put it, and render out an image file like a .jpg or .tiff and other formats. My avatar is one of these 3D scenes. My point is there will be many hours of learning involved before a beginner is ready to jump into a very involved animation. Sure you can make 3D spheres bounce around pretty easy but a walking character is a whole different ball game. But before long you will be able to make a 3D scene, albeit simple at first, but that is where the bug (desire) will hit you or it wont. If you have created a scene of something that came purely from your mind, something you imagined, and you see it on the monitor and print it out and you look at it and say "That's the coolest shet I've ever seen" then you have the bug. It can be a very gratifying experience all the way around and it will make you have a whole new respect for the people who do make the great 3D animated movies in this time that we live in. I have got to shut up. I could talk about this stuff for hours. I hope I've helped or at least given you a few points to think about. If you have anymore questions let me know. I'll try to scale down the answers next time. Dee edit: spelling
post edited by DeeS - February 10, 11 10:06 AM
Vista Business x64 Service pack 2 - Intel Xeon X5472 @ 3.0 GHz processors (2) Quad Core - 8.0 GB ram - Creative SB X-Fi - Nvidia Quadro 5600 - Sonar 8.5 & X1a Producer The problem with perfection is that it has no limits. Normally, once you obtain perfection, you realize how it could be better. David Gibson - The Art of Mixing
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Re:3D Animation
February 09, 11 11:29 PM
I started my 3D journey on Turbo Silver running on an Amiga 500. Upgraded to Imagine 3D (I think that was the name - hey it has been a while ago). I still have my Amiga 1200 so perhaps I should check in and remininsce. Back then, in my small world, animations had to be rendered as still frames and recorded to video tape for any possibility of being smooth animations. Single still frame renders took me several days to compute according to how detailed they were. Those were the days. Speaking of GUIs, I remember when Imagine 3D offered the first (for me) user customized function buttons. That was a huge turning point for workflow. Anyhoo, I too am not trying to downplay Messiah. I haven't looked at it and perhaps it will do you well. I have to agree with DeeS in that Blender has a long, knowledgeable, and helpful user group and that is very important with software that tries to emulate such complex things as 3D. Good luck in whatever you choose.
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Re:3D Animation
February 10, 11 3:17 PM
Thanks Dee for the indepth's appreciated!!! Some folks over at the KVR site suggested to get Blender (for modelling etc..) & Messiah to render... Here's a quote from there: " IIRs wrote: Any chance of a simple explanation (for an animation noob) of exactly what this can do? Sure. In 3D Animation, you have several steps: Besides coming up with the idea and planning to begin with, you do the following: Step 1 - create the models necessary for your animation, such as a car, storefront, city, character, etc. Think of the real world - think of a street corner next to a park. Now think of all the objects, people and creatures that make up that park, such as roads, stores, signs, birds, walkways, chairs, benches, lights, etc. The more you put in there, the more like real life it becomes. You need a MODELLER for this - or you can buy/download them from existing services and websites. Some 3D animation programs (Maya, 3D Studio, Carrara Pro, Lightwave 3D, Cinema 4D) have modelling facilities built in. Step 2 - bring them into a 3D animation program to begin (if not using an all-in-one program). If you have characters, such as people, dogs, cats, boxes that walk around, etc. you need to RIG them - that is, define their bones - so that they can walk, talk, move, etc. Step 3 - Setup your camera and lights. Like video recording, you need a camera (or two or more for 3D Stereoscopic) to record the video and lighting to see what you are recording. Also set up your scene with backdrops, props, etc. Step 4 - Animate your objects in the scene. This is done by a wide variety of tools in your 3D animation software. Step 5 - Render your scene. This is the mathematical part and can take a VERY long time for complex renders. Your results will vary with how good you are and how much you have learned. Programs like Carrara make rendering really easy since you can bring in objects and render them and get instant feedback because Carrara includes cameras and lights automatically. All these steps will be needed to go over many times before have a completed project. Project Messiah does all of the above except for modelling. However, the HARDEST thing there is in 3D animation is animating characters. If you ever watched a 3D animated movie (Monsters vs. Aliens, etc), then you have seen characters being animated and looking like real people - almost. Even recent movies like Tron 2 uses 3D Animation for almost everything - evil Flynn was not real - he was a digital actor using old footage of jeff bridges mapped onto the 3D object and then animated. Project Messiah is one of the BEST programs on the planet for animating characters - it was made to do exactly and only that. It can now do so much more, but at its heart is animating 3D characters. Anyone familiar with Animation:Master will LOVE Messiah, not because of splines, but because of ease of use specifically for character animation. However, unlike A:M, Messiah is WAY more powerful and was actually created to work alongside Lightwave 3D - and is even a plugin that CAN work inside Maya, 3D Studio, Lightwave and Cinema 4D. It is also a stand alone application and very powerful in its own right. For this price, it is a STUPID EASY decision for anyone that has ever wanted to dabble in 3D, character animation, making your own videos, etc. Mike" Of course when it's put like this, it makes everything sound quite easy.....
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Re:3D Animation
February 10, 11 4:30 PM
Thanks Mesh, That is some useful info there. Like anything else the job can be made much easier with the right tools. I might have to look into messiah myself if it makes animation an easier process because as the person from KVR said, animation is arguably one of the most complex things of 3D to have to do and do well. I will have to try and find out how well models from Blender and 3dsMax can be imported into messiah to have the animation done on them. Some programs can do this better than others. I'm all for anything that can make the animation process go smoother and quicker. The 3D program he was talking about, 3D Studio, is now called 3dsMax. That is one of the programs that I have. Let me know if you decide to bite the bullet and get Messiah. By the way Blender would be a good front end to do your modeling and texturing then import your model into messiah, if you decide to get it, to do your animating and scene setup in. Dee
Vista Business x64 Service pack 2 - Intel Xeon X5472 @ 3.0 GHz processors (2) Quad Core - 8.0 GB ram - Creative SB X-Fi - Nvidia Quadro 5600 - Sonar 8.5 & X1a Producer The problem with perfection is that it has no limits. Normally, once you obtain perfection, you realize how it could be better. David Gibson - The Art of Mixing
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Re:3D Animation
February 11, 11 1:17 PM
DeeS Let me know if you decide to bite the bullet and get Messiah. By the way Blender would be a good front end to do your modeling and texturing then import your model into messiah, if you decide to get it, to do your animating and scene setup in. Dee Hi Dee, I went ahead and bit the bullet on Messiah. I know there's going to be a serious learning curve and I hope I can tap into your knowledge/expertise when I need some help?  (I'm planning on getting Blender to do the modelling) From what I've read at the KVR site, it looks like this deal will be over in a day or you may want to get it soon.
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Re:3D Animation
February 11, 11 6:18 PM
Hello Mesh, Well for 40 bucks what the heck. I went ahead and got in on it too. I'm downloading the manual to start looking over how things work. Thanks for pointing this deal out. Dee edit: We'll I guess I won't download the manual, it's online. That's better than nothing.
post edited by DeeS - February 11, 11 6:22 PM
Vista Business x64 Service pack 2 - Intel Xeon X5472 @ 3.0 GHz processors (2) Quad Core - 8.0 GB ram - Creative SB X-Fi - Nvidia Quadro 5600 - Sonar 8.5 & X1a Producer The problem with perfection is that it has no limits. Normally, once you obtain perfection, you realize how it could be better. David Gibson - The Art of Mixing
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Re:3D Animation
February 12, 11 11:06 AM
DeeS Hello Mesh, Well for 40 bucks what the heck. I went ahead and got in on it too. I'm downloading the manual to start looking over how things work. Thanks for pointing this deal out. Dee edit: We'll I guess I won't download the manual, it's online. That's better than nothing. I said the same thing.....for $40 bucks to get an expensive software.....what the heck....(I'd spend $40 on food without thinking twice...LOL)  I hope they reach their goal soon (the bar is somewhere around 80%) so we can get our licenses.
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Re:3D Animation
February 13, 11 1:48 PM
Looks like we're getting very close to the end of the group buy. After spending some time looking over the manual I'm excited to give messiah a spin. The fact that you can use messiah inside of 3dsMax as a plug-in is even better. Someone needs to write a plug-in that allows the same thing in Blender. Edit: They have almost hit their goal. If we don't get this after being so close to their goal I'm gonna be on mad muther.
post edited by DeeS - February 14, 11 1:37 AM
Vista Business x64 Service pack 2 - Intel Xeon X5472 @ 3.0 GHz processors (2) Quad Core - 8.0 GB ram - Creative SB X-Fi - Nvidia Quadro 5600 - Sonar 8.5 & X1a Producer The problem with perfection is that it has no limits. Normally, once you obtain perfection, you realize how it could be better. David Gibson - The Art of Mixing
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Re:3D Animation
February 14, 11 12:45 AM
I can't imagine them not reaching their goal with almost at 100%......even if they don't reach the 100% mark, it's still a success as far as advertising the product goes...... If they go through with this deal, just the word of mouth will advertise their product and they'll have a lot more to gain........if it doesn't go through, they'll probably have a lot more to loose as all these potential customers won't possibly go for the full price and certainly will feel let down. If you haven't done this yet, it might be a good idea to download the installers before their server gets an onslaught when we all get the official GO!!
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Re:3D Animation
February 14, 11 2:33 PM
Yea, I downloaded everything I could get my hands on having the very same thought. One thing I liked also about the program is that it was a very small file size relative to something like 3dsMax. I read some of the posts on KVR and I agree with some of the guys over there, this will be a great combination with Blender. I'm just sitting on the edge of my seat waiting on the goal to be reached and the serial number hitting my Inbox. I feel like a kid at christmas waiting on this thing. Reminds me of the song "Anticipation". I'm curious if there are any other musicians or audio engineers on the forums here who have taken advantage of this offer besides the ones of us who have posted so far? Just wondering. Dee
Vista Business x64 Service pack 2 - Intel Xeon X5472 @ 3.0 GHz processors (2) Quad Core - 8.0 GB ram - Creative SB X-Fi - Nvidia Quadro 5600 - Sonar 8.5 & X1a Producer The problem with perfection is that it has no limits. Normally, once you obtain perfection, you realize how it could be better. David Gibson - The Art of Mixing
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Re:3D Animation
February 14, 11 3:45 PM
Hi Dee, Would this HP Laptop be enough to handle Blender & Messiah? These are the specs: AMD Athlon II Dual-Core Processor for Notebook PCs P340 (2.20GHz, 1MB L2 Cache); 3GB DDR3 SDRAM memory (1 x 2GB & 1 x 1GB) (expandable to 8GB); 320GB (5400 RPM) Serial ATA hard drive; Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit15.6 Inch diagonal High-Definition HP BrightView LED Display (1366 x 768), ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 Graphics with up to 1405MB total graphics memoryExternal Ports: 5-in-1 memory card reader; 3 USB 2.0; 1 HDMI; 1 VGA (15-pin); 1 RJ -45 (LAN); 1 Headphone-out; 1 Microphone-in
Platinum Gaming DAW: AsRock Z77 Overclock FormulaI7 3770k @ 4.5GHz : 16GB RAM G.Skill Ripjaws X 250GB OS SSD : 3TB HDD : 1TB Sample HDDWin 10 Pro x 64 : NH-D14 CPU Cooler HIS IceQ 2GB HD 7870Focusrite Scarlett 2i4The_Forum_Monkeys
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Re:3D Animation
February 14, 11 9:52 PM
I'm probably not the best one to give advise on whether a system would be good for Blender. But I will say that Blender itself doesn't require an extremely powerful machine to run. I just don't want to tell you that something will work and then you run into problems with some aspect of it. I hope you understand where I'm coming from. Here is a link to the Blender site that lists systems that some of the Developers use. Also found this on the blender system requirements and I'm surprised to see that Windows 7 isn't listed as a supported platform, which doesn't necessarily mean it won't run on it, their just not currently developing for it yet and fielding bug reports for it yet. It could also be that this sys. req. page just needs to be updated. You should probably inquire about this on some of the blender forums for a more definitive answer from people running similar computer specs as what your considering using. The deal with 3D is that it will use all the Ram and CPU you can throw at it, provided your on Vista or 7 that doesn't have the 3GB ram limit. That doesn't mean that it won't run well on XP but, the more ram and cpu, the faster it renders. I personnally haven't had any experience with ATI video cards so I can't say if the one you listed would be a good one but I see that some of the developers do use ATI cards so that is a good sign I guess. Also like the cpu and ram, the more memory a video card has the better performance you'll have in the 3d viewports. This usually becomes more of an issue when a scene becomes rather large, ie. many 3d objects in the scene. One main point is whether the video card supports openGL. I would suggest you post over at the Blender forum but the Blender Artist site is currently down due to a trojan virus of some sort that got to their servers.  Normally there are many knowledgable users there who could chime in if they have experienced any issues with those particular system specs. It should be back up shortly according to the administrator who is handing to torch of admin off to someone else at the moment. I would imagine the masses are jonesing for that site to be back up.  It's to Blender users what the Calkwalk forum is to us Sonar users. Another site is the Blender forums on CGTalk at the CGSociety web site. CGSociety is an invaluable resource for all things 3D. Here is a link to that site and a few more useful sites I like. - CGSociety - Blender User Community sites - Blender Wiki - Blender Main Page, you probably already have this one but here it is just in case. - I try to check this one out each day. - Very good tutorials, many free ones too Hope this helps some. As far as messiah goes all I know about it is what I've read on their web site. By the time you read this we should be messiah studio 5 owners. It is about to hit the goal.     Dee
Vista Business x64 Service pack 2 - Intel Xeon X5472 @ 3.0 GHz processors (2) Quad Core - 8.0 GB ram - Creative SB X-Fi - Nvidia Quadro 5600 - Sonar 8.5 & X1a Producer The problem with perfection is that it has no limits. Normally, once you obtain perfection, you realize how it could be better. David Gibson - The Art of Mixing
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Re:3D Animation
February 14, 11 10:46 PM
DeeS One main point is whether the video card supports openGL. There's an ATI/OpenGL-specific issue plaguing blender fro many years. It has to do with how blender implements point selection or something like that... the particular method utilizes an OGL feature not well supported by ATI. The end result is that over time the blender GUI gets slower and slower until it's just unusable. NVIDIA cards do not experience the issue... well, because NVIDIA provides proper OpenGL support, and ATI doesn't. Then again, one thing I've read from some engineer type was something to the effect of "why is blender doing selection that way? it's not the right way to do it". It may have even been an ATI engineer, comparing blender to other modelling apps that don't exhibit the same issue. Anyhoo... that was the state of the state as of a year or two ago. Has the issue been fixes in blender? Don't know. Has ATI's support for OpenGL improved? Don't know. You could always just dowload and run blender with your ATI whosiwhatsit, let it run for an hour or so, and if you start to notice the UI getting sluggish... and I mean reeaalllly sluggish... then there you have it... Also, if you google "ATI blender" or similar you'll see a bunch of suggestions to rename atioglxx.dll, or even (gack!) to replace it with some nvidia driver, and crazy crap like that... wouldn't it be nice if computers were that simple? All that's doing is causing the driver to not load properly, effectively disabling hardware acceleration, at least on the opengl side. Again, a proper fix requires either a.) an explicit implementation change in blender, or b.) an explicit fix in the ATI OpenGL driver.
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Re:3D Animation
February 14, 11 11:18 PM
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Re:3D Animation
February 15, 11 1:45 AM
Hey Mesh, Well messiah 5 is now ours. But, we won't get our license until saturday or maybe before is what they say.
Vista Business x64 Service pack 2 - Intel Xeon X5472 @ 3.0 GHz processors (2) Quad Core - 8.0 GB ram - Creative SB X-Fi - Nvidia Quadro 5600 - Sonar 8.5 & X1a Producer The problem with perfection is that it has no limits. Normally, once you obtain perfection, you realize how it could be better. David Gibson - The Art of Mixing
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Re:3D Animation
February 20, 11 11:43 PM
Damn. I got distracted and didn't jump in. I knew that would happen. I really liked playing with the demo. If anybody decides it's just not your cup of tea, and the license is transferable, shoot me a PM. In the meantime, I'll give Blender a shot.
My Soundclick Page SONAR Professional, X3eStudio,W7 64bit, AMD Athlon IIx4 2.8Ghz, 4GB RAM, 64bit, AKAI EIE Pro, Nektar Impact LX61,Alesis DM6,Alesis ControlPad,Yamaha MG10/2,Alesis M1Mk2 monitors,Samson Servo300,assorted guitars,Lava Lamp Shimozu-Kushiari or Bob
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Re:3D Animation
February 21, 11 0:24 PM
RobertB Damn. I got distracted and didn't jump in. I knew that would happen. I really liked playing with the demo. If anybody decides it's just not your cup of tea, and the license is transferable, shoot me a PM. In the meantime, I'll give Blender a shot. I just noticed that the site still accepted my payment even though the page says it is over. I paid my $40.00 and I can't help but theink they will honor it since they did process my payment. I figured it was worth a shot. I got a receipt in email but that's all so far.
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Re:3D Animation
February 21, 11 1:20 AM
When it was first over they said they were going to give everyone 24 more hours to purchase because some people had problems getting their transactions to go through. I don't imagine that after the chunk of money they made on this deal that they would refuse a few more orders at the group buy price but of course that is pure speculation on my part. Good Luck, I hope you get in on the deal. It looks like a nice program for animation. I got in on it but have yet to receive my registration email. Their upgrading their servers to process the registrations faster is what the website said. Dee
Vista Business x64 Service pack 2 - Intel Xeon X5472 @ 3.0 GHz processors (2) Quad Core - 8.0 GB ram - Creative SB X-Fi - Nvidia Quadro 5600 - Sonar 8.5 & X1a Producer The problem with perfection is that it has no limits. Normally, once you obtain perfection, you realize how it could be better. David Gibson - The Art of Mixing
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Re:3D Animation
February 21, 11 2:02 AM
Sure enough. I went ahead and tried it. We'll see how it goes.
My Soundclick Page SONAR Professional, X3eStudio,W7 64bit, AMD Athlon IIx4 2.8Ghz, 4GB RAM, 64bit, AKAI EIE Pro, Nektar Impact LX61,Alesis DM6,Alesis ControlPad,Yamaha MG10/2,Alesis M1Mk2 monitors,Samson Servo300,assorted guitars,Lava Lamp Shimozu-Kushiari or Bob